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Family Mottoes
by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services

This is a Free Motto resource center containing approx. 9,000 mottoes transcribed from Elvin’s Mottoes, with added mottoes from Armorial Gold’s own Library and from noted heraldic writers.

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Name Motto Translation


M.Pedro De Zulueto In spe erigi To be exalted in hope
M/Kenzie Insult me not Insult me not
M‘ Innes Post prœlia prœmia After battles honours
M‘Alister Fortiter Bravely
M‘Allum In ardua tendit He reaches towards things difficult of attainment
M‘Callem In ardua tendit He reaches towards things difficult of attainment
M‘Carlie In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
M‘Carthy Forti et fideli nihil difficile To the brave and faithful man nothing is difficult
M‘Carthy Shenichum (or Senachie) Erin The historian of Erin
M‘Clauchlan Fortis et fidus Brave and trusty
M‘Clellan Sapit qui reputat He is wise who reflects
M‘Clelland Sapit qui reputat He is wise who reflects
M‘Clintock Virtute et labore By valour and exertion
M‘Cormack Sine timore Without fear
M‘Cormick Sine timore Without fear
M‘Coul Vincere To conquer
M‘Crae Fortitudine With fortitude
M‘Cray Fortiter Bravely
M‘Cray Fortitudine With fortitude
M‘Culloch Sine macula Without spot
M‘Donagh Virtutis gloria merces Glory is the reward of valour
M‘Donegh Virtutis gloria merces Glory is the reward of valour
M‘Dougall Fortis in arduis Brave under difficulties
M‘Dougall Vincam vel moriar I will conquer or die
M‘Dowall Fortis in arduis Brave under difficulties
M‘Dowall Pro Deo, rege, et patriâ For God, my king, and my country
M‘Dowall Vincam vel moriar I will conquer or die
M‘Dowall Vincere vel mori To conquer or die
M‘Gill In Domino confido I trust in the Lord
M‘Gill Sine fine Without end
M‘Gougan Vincere vel mori To conquer or die
M‘Guarie Be true Be true
M‘Hado Vigilo I watch
M‘Intosh Prenez garde Take care
M‘Kenny Vincit veritas Truth conquers
M‘Kenzie Garde Watch
M‘Kenzie Sine labe nota Known to be without stain
M‘Kenzie Sine macula Without spot
M‘Kenzie Virtute et labore By valour and exertion
M‘Kenzie Virtute et valore By virtue and valour
M‘Kerlie In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
M‘Lachlan Fortis et fidus Brave and trusty
M‘Lachlan Fortiter Bravely
M‘Larty In te fido I trust in thee
M‘Lauchlan Fortis et fidus Brave and trusty
M‘Laurin Bi’se mac na slaurie Be thou the son of the crook
M‘Lean Fortiter et strenuè Boldly and earnestly
M‘Lean Virtue mine honour Virtue mine honour
M‘Lean Virtus durissima ferret Virtue will bear the greatest hardships
M‘Levrard I am ever prepared I am ever prepared
M‘Mahon Sic nos, sic sacra tuemur Thus we defend ourselves and sacred rights
M‘Moran Pro lusu et prœdâ For sport and prey
M‘Murray Virtute fideque By virtue and faith
M‘Naught Pro aris et focis For our altars and our homes
M‘Naughten I hope in God I hope in God
M‘Neil Vincere vel mori To conquer or die
M‘Nelly Vincere vel mori To conquer or die
M‘Peter Pour mon Dieu For my God
M’Adam Calm Calm
M’Adam Crux mihi grata quies The cross is my pleasing rest
M’Adam Pax, copia, virtus Peace, plenty, virtue
M’Adam Steady Steady
M’Alister Per mare, per terras By sea and land
M’Alla Dulce periculum Danger is sweet
M’Alpin Cuimhniah bas Alpin Remember the death of Alpin
M’Alpin Scroghal an dhream The clan is loyal
M’Alpin Scroghal mo dhream My clan is loyal
M’Alpine E’en do and spare noighte E’en do and spare noighte
M’Andrew Fear God Fear God
M’Arthur Fide et opera By faith and work
M’Aul Ferio, tego I strike, I defend
M’Bean Toraf cyn plygaf I’ll break before I’ll bend
M’Beth Conjuncta virtuti fortuna Good fortune is allied to bravery
M’Cabin Nulli prœda A prey to no one
M’Call Dulce periculum Danger is sweet
M’Call Ferio, tego I strike, I defend
M’Calle Nulli prœda A prey to no one
M’Casker Manu forti With a strong hand
M’Causland Audaces juvo I assist the bold
M’Cay Manu forti With a strong hand
M’Coll Justi ut sidera fulgent The righteous shine as the stars
M’Connell Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
M’Corda Via una cor unum One way one heart
M’Corgusdell Vivat rex Long live the king
M’Corquodill Vivat rex Long live the king
M’Crae Delectat et ornat It is both pleasing and ornamental
M’Cree Delectat et ornat It is both pleasing and ornamental
M’Crire Industria By industry
M’Crobie Despicio terrena I despise earthly things
M’Crombie Toraf cyn plygaf I’ll break before I’ll bend
M’Crummin Permitte cœtera divis Leave the rest to the gods
M’Culloch Vi et animo By strength and courage
M’Donald Cœlestia sequor I follow heavenly things
M’Donald Dhandeon co heiragh ali In spite of who would gainsay
M’Donald Nec tempore, nec fato Neither by time nor fate
M’Donnel Cuidich an high Assist the king
M’Donnel Cuislean mo cridhe The pulsation of my heart
M’Dougal Fear God Fear God
M’Dowall Victoria vel mors Victory or death
M’Dowell Fear God Fear God
M’Duff Deus juvat God assists
M’Entire Per ardua Through difficulties
M’Fall Resurgo I rise again
M’Farlane This I’ll defend This I’ll defend
M’Fell Aspiro I aspire
M’Fell Memor esto Be mindful
M’Gassock Industria et labore By industry and labour
M’Gee Fac et spera Do and hope
M’Gell Honestum utili prefero I prefer honour to profit
M’Gillevray Touch not the cat bot the glove Touch not the cat bot the glove
M’Gillycuddy Sursum corda Hearts upwards
M’Gouan Juncta arma decori Arms united to merit
M’Grea Non ego sed gratia Dei Not I but the grace of God
M’Gregor Archoille The woody hill
M’Gregor E’en do, boit spair nocht E’en do, boit spair nocht
M’Gregor E’in do and spare not E’in do and spare not
M’Gregor Scroghal mo dhream My clan is loyal
M’Guarie Turris fortis mihi Deus God is a strong tower to me
M’Hardie Tout hardi Quite bold
M’Hud E’en do E’en do
M’Innes E labore dulcedo Pleasure arises out of labour
M’Intosh Touch not the cat bot a glove Touch not the cat bot a glove
M’Intyre Per ardua Through difficulties
M’Intyre Troinh chruadal Through hardships
M’Iver Nunquam obliviscar I shall never forget
M’Kaile Nec ferro, nec igne Neither by sword nor fire
M’Kean J’ai bonne esperance I have good hope
M’Kellar Perseverando By persevering
M’Kellip Non dormit qui custodit The sentinel sleeps not
M’Kenzie Always faithful Always faithful
M’Kenzie Amore vici I have conquered by love
M’Kenzie Amore vinci To be conquered by love
M’Kenzie Fide parta, fide aucta By faith obtained, by faith increased
M’Kenzie Luceo non uro I shine, but do not burn
M’Kenzie Non sine periculo Not without danger
M’Kenzie Truth will prevail Truth will prevail
M’Kenzie Tulloch ard The high hill
M’Kenzie Vive ut vivas Live that you may live
M’Kerrell Dulcis pro patria labor Labour for one’s country is sweet
M’Kie Labora Labour
M’Killop Non dormit qui custodit The sentinel sleeps not
M’Kindley Spernit humum It despises the earth
M’Kirdy Dieu et mon pays God and my country
M’Knight Justum et tenacem Just and firm of purpose
M’Laren Frango I destroy
M’Laurin Tyrii tenuere coloni Tyrian husbandmen possessed it
M’Laws Dominus providebit The Lord will provide
M’Lea Tam arte quam Marte As much by art as strength
M’Lean Altera merces Another reward
M’Leay Spes anchora vitœ Hope is the anchor of life
M’Leish Love Love
M’Leod Hold fast Hold fast
M’Leod Loisgim agus soillerghim I will burn and enlighten
M’Leod Luceo non uro I shine, but do not burn
M’Leod Murus aheneus A wall of brass
M’Leod Vigilando By watching
M’Leur Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
M’Lure Paratus sum I am prepared
M’Nair Labor omnia vincit Perseverance overcomes all difficulties
M’Naught Omnia fortunœ committo I commit all things to fortune
M’Olum Ad ardua tendit He attempts difficult things
M’Onoghuy Certamine summo In the battle’s height
M’Phail Memor esto Be mindful
M’Rorie Res non verba Facts not words
M’Taggart Ditat Deus God enriches
M’Taggart Ratione, non vi By reason, not by force
M’Taggart Vi et virtute By strength and valour
M’Tavish Ne obliviscaris Do not forget
M’Vicar Dominus providebit The Lord will provide
M’Whirter Te Deum laudamus We praise thee, O God
M”Cleish Love Love
M”Farquhar Fide et fortitudine With faith and fortitude
Maberly Hinc mihi salus Hence comes salvation to me
Mac Conack By these we shine and it is fortified By these we shine and it is fortified
Mac Inroy Sequor I follow
Mac Micking We have dune We have dune
Mac Sween By the providence of God By the providence of God
Macadam In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
MacAlester Per mare, per terras By sea and land
MacAlpin Cuinich bas Alpin Remember the death of Alpin
Macartney Mens conscia recti A mind conscious of rectitude
Macaul Pour le roy For the king
Macauley Dulce periculum Danger is sweet
Mac-Bain Vires in arduis Strength in difficulties
Macbraire In defiance In defiance
MacBreid I am ever prepared I am ever prepared
MacBrian In defiance In defiance
MacCausland Clarior hinc honos Hence the brighter honour
MacClellan Think on Think on
Macclesfield Sapere aude Dare to be wise
MacDermott Honor probataque virtus Honour and approved valour
MacDonald My hope is constant in thee My hope is constant in thee
MacDonald Per mare, per terras By sea and land
MacDonald Sure Sure
MacDonald Victoria vel mors Victory or death
MacDonell Craggan phithich The rock of the raven
MacDonell Per mare, per terras By sea and land
MacDonell Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
MacDonnel Craggan phithich The rock of the raven
MacDougal Dread God Dread God
Macduff Virtute et opera By virtue and energy
MacFarlan This I’ll defend This I’ll defend
MacFarlane Laboranti numen adest God is with him that endeavours
MacGillivray Perseverando By persevering
MacGregor E’en do, but spare nocht E’en do, but spare nocht
Macgregor In libertate sociorum defendenda In defending the liberty of our companions
MacGregor Spare not Spare not
MacGregor 'S RIOGHAL MO DHREAM Loyal is my race
Macgregor Virtutis gloria merces Glory is the reward of valour
MacGregor Virtutis regia merces Royal is the reward of virtue
MacGuffe Arma parata fero I carry arms in readiness
Macguire Pro Deo et patriâ For God and our country
Machin Auxilium Aid
Mack Cor vulneratum A wounded heart
Mack En esperanza In hope
Mack Et domi et foris Both at home and abroad
Mack In spe et labore transigo vitam I pass my life in hope and exertion
MacKay Manu forti With a strong hand
MacKellan Superba frango I destroy superb things
Mackellar Virtus sibimet merces Virtue is its own reward
MacKenan Reviresco I flourish again
MacKennal Intrepidus et benignus Intrepid and benign
MacKenzie Avito viret honore He flourishes through the honour of his ancestors
MacKenzie Crescitque virtute And increases by virtue
MacKenzie Dias-mo-dhuthaich For God and my country
MacKenzie Ferendum et sperandum We must endure and hope
MacKenzie Fide parta, fide aucta By faith obtained, by faith increased
MacKenzie Firma et ardua Solid and lofty objects
Mackenzie In utroque paratus Prepared in either case
Mackenzie In utrumque paratus Prepared for either
MacKenzie Luceo non uro I shine, but do not burn
Mackenzie Pulchrior ex arduis The brighter from difficulties
MacKenzie Recte ad ardua Honourably throughout difficulties
Mackenzie Sic itur ad astra Such is the way to immortality
Mackenzie Virtute et valore By virtue and valour
MacKie Labora Labour
MacKindlay Amo I love
MacKinlay Not too much Not too much
MacKinnon Audentes fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Mackinray Sequor I follow
MacKintosh Touch not the cat bot a glove Touch not the cat bot a glove
Macklellan Sapit qui reputat He is wise who reflects
MacKnight Fac et spera Do and hope
MacKnight Justum et tenacem Just and firm of purpose
MacKnyghte Omnia fortunœ committo I commit all things to fortune
Mackrell Mactre virtute patrum Go on in the valour of your fathers
Mackworth Gwell angau na cywilydd Better death than shame
MacLaine Altera merces Another reward
Maclaine Vincere vel mori To conquer or die
MacLean Sorti œquus utrique Equal to each condition
Maclean Virtue mine honour Virtue mine honour
MacLeod Hic murus aheneus Let this be your wall of brass
MacLeod Loisgim agus soillerghim I will burn and enlighten
MacLeod Murus œneus esto Be thou a wall of brass
MacLoide Hold fast Hold fast
MacMillan Miseris succurrere disco I learn to succour the unfortunate
MacMoran Pro lusu et prœdâ For sport and prey
MacMoran Virtus virtutis prœmium Virtue is its own reward
Mac-Murdoch Omine secundo With favourable omen
MacNab Timor omnis abesto Away with all fear
MacNaghten I hope in God I hope in God
MacNeil Per virtutem scientiamque By valour and knowledge
Macneill Vincere vel mori To conquer or die
Maconochie His gloria et munimur We are supported and strengthened by these
MacPeter E’in do and spare not E’in do and spare not
MacPharlin This I’ll defend This I’ll defend
MacPherson Na bean d’on chat gun lamhainu Touch not a cat but a glove
Macpherson Qui me tanget pœnitebit Whoever touch me will repent
MacPherson Toraf cyn plygaf I’ll break before I’ll bend
MacQuarie Turris fortis mihi Deus God is a strong tower to me
Macqueen Constant and faithful Constant and faithful
Macqueen Quœ sursum volo videre I wish to see heavenly things
Macqueen Virtus in arduis Courage in difficulties
Macre For liberty For liberty
Macrea Delectat et ornat It is both pleasing and ornamental
Macritchie Prenez garde Take care
Mactier Hœc manus ob patriam This hand for my country
Madan Fide et fortitudine With faith and fortitude
Madden Fortior qui se vincit He is strongest who conquers himself
Magan Virtute et probitate By virtue and honesty
Magawly Lamh derg aboo The red hand defying
Magenis Sola salus servire Deo The only safe course is to serve God
Magens In arduis viget virtus Virtue flourishes in adversity
Magrath Salus in fide Salvation through faith
Maguire Fortitudo et justitias invictœ sunt Fortitude and justice are invincible
Maguire Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt Justice and fortitude are invincible
Maguire Marte et arte By valour and skill
Maher Firmitas in cœlo Stability in heaven
Maher In periculis audax Bold in danger
Mahon Moniti meliora sequamur Let us, being admonished, follow better things
Mahon Periculum fortitudine evasi I have escaped danger by fortitude
Mahoney Laissir ronam aboo The torch that leads to victory
Mahoney Laram nomhiam a buaah It blazes before us to victory
Maine Vincit percula virtus Virtue overcomes dangers
Mainwaring Devant si je puis Foremost if I can
Mair Tempore candidior Become fairer by time
Mairis Si Deus nobiscum quis contra nos? If God be with us, who can be against us?
Maitland Attamen tranquillus Tranquil notwithstanding
Maitland Consilio et animis By wisdom and courage
Maitland Consilio et animo By skill and spirit
Maitland Deo juvante By God’s assistance
Maitland Deo juvante consilio et armis By counsel and arms with the aid of God
Maitland Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Maitland Luctor, at emergam I struggle, but I shall recover
Maitland Paix et peu Peace and a little
Maitland Sine fine Without end
Majendie Qualis ab incepto The same as from the beginning
Makepeace Spero I hope
Makgill Sine fine Without end
Malcolm Ardua tendo I rise on high
Malcolm Deus refugium nostrum God our refuge
Malcolm In ardua petit He searches after things difficult of attainment
Malcolm In ardua tendit He reaches towards things difficult of attainment
Malesbury Je maintiendrai I will maintain
Malet Ma force d’en haut My strength is from above
Malins Adjuvante Deo God my helper
Mallet Cœlitus vires Strength from heaven
Mallet Scrogal ma dhream Loyal is my tribe
Malloch Court no friend, dread no foe Court no friend, dread no foe
Malmesbury Ubique patriam reminisci Everywhere to remember one’s country
Malone Fidelis ad urnam Faithful to the tomb
Man Nil time Fear nothing
Manchester Dispondendo me, non mutando me By influencing me, not by changing me
Manders Pro omnibus laus Deo Praise God for all things
Manley Manus hœc inimica tyrannis This hand is hostile to tyrants
Mann Homo sum I am a man
Mann Per ardua stabilis Firm in adversity
Mann Virtus vincit invidiam Virtue overcometh envy
Mann Virtute vincit invidiam He conquers envy by virtue
Manners Pour y parvenir To accomplish it
Manning Vive ut semper vivas So live that you may live for ever
Manns Homo sum I am a man
Mannsell Honorantes me honorabo I will honour those who honour me
Mansfield Turris fortitudinis A tower of strength
Mansfield Uni œquus virtuti Friendly to virtue alone
Manson Meœ memor originis Mindful of my origin
Mant Lucerna pedibus meis A lamp unto my feet
Manvers Pie repone te Repose with pious confidence
Margary Cherche qui n’a Let him seek who has not
Maria Eleonora Post mortem triumpho, et morte vici; multis despectus magna feci I triumph after death, and in death I have conquered: despised by many, I have achieved great things
Marishall Semper virescit virtus Virtue always flourishes
Marisum Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Marjoribanks Advance with courage Advance with courage
Marjoribanks Et custos et pugnax Both a preserver and a champion
Marlborough Fiel pero desdichado Faithful, though unfortunate
Marley Nulli prœda sumus We are a prey to no one
Maroy Confido conquiesco I trust and am contented
Marr In cruce salus In the cross is salvation
Marr Je pense plus I think the more
Marrable Integritate sola By integrity alone
Marriott Semper fidelis Always faithful
Marriott Virtute et fide By valour and faith
Marsden Mars denique victor es Thou Mars (den) at length art the conqueror
Marsh De marisco From the (Marsh) bulrush
Marsh Nolo servile capistrum I am unwilling (to bear) the slavish halter
Marshall Deus providebit God will provide
Marshall In earnest In earnest
Marshall Utilem pete funem Seek a useful end
Marshall Virtute tutus By virtue safe
Marsham Non sibi, sed patriœ Not for himself, but for his country
Martin Auxilio ab alto By aid from on high
Martin Auxilium ab alto Aid from above
Martin Fide et clementia By faith and clemency
Martin He who looks at Martin’s ape, Martin’s ape will look at him He who looks at Martin’s ape, Martin’s ape will look at him
Martin Hinc fortior et clarior Hence the stronger and more illustrious
Martin Ingratis servire nefus It is impossible to serve the ungrateful
Martin Initium sapientiœ est timor Domini The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
Martin Pejus letho flagitium Disgrace is worse than death
Martin Sans tache Without stain
Martin Sic itur ad astra Such is the way to immortality
Martin Sure and steadfast Sure and steadfast
Martin Votis, tunc velis By wishes, then by sails
Martinson We rise We rise
Marton Dieu et ma patrie God and my country
Mary Je maintiendrai I will maintain
Maryborough Pollet virtus Virtue excels
Maryland Industry the means, plenty the result Industry the means, plenty the result
Maryott Fide, labore, et virtute By faith, labour, and virtue
Masham Mihi jussa capessere To execute my commands
Mason Demeure par la vérité Stick by the truth
Mason God my trust God my trust
Massareene Per angusta ad augusta Through difficulties to honours
Massey Fidem serabo genusque I will preserve, (i.e. be true to) my faith and my race
Massey Pro libertate patriœ For the liberty of my country
Massingberd Est meruisse satis It is sufficient to have deserved
Masson Dominus providebit The Lord will provide
Massy Pro libertate patriœ For the liberty of my country
Master Non minor est virtus quam quœrere, arte tueri Nor is it less valour to defend by art than to obtain
Master Non minor est virus quam quœrere parta tueri To defend what you have gained is no less valour than to gain
Master Virtute et ingenio By virtue and ability
Masterton Per ardua Through difficulties
Masterton Pro Deo et rege For God and the king
Mather Deus providebit God will provide
Mather Fortiter et celeriter Boldly and quickly
Matherson Fac et spera Do and hope
Matheson Heart and hand Heart and hand
Mathew Æquam servare mentem To preserve an equal mind
Mathew Quid non pro patria? What would not one do for his country?
Mathew Towton Towton
Mathil Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Matthew A fyno duw a fydd What God willeth will be
Matthew Cruce non leone fides My trust is in the cross, not in the lion
Matthews Omne solum viro patria est Every country is a home for a man
Maude De monte alto From a high mountain
Mauduit Deus me audit God hears me
Maughan Fors non mutat genus Fortune does not change race
Maule Clementia et animis By clemency and courage
Maule Clementia tecta rigore Clemency concealed under (apparent) rigour
Maule Inest clentia forti Mercy is inherent in the brave
Mauleverer En Dieu est ma foy In God is my faith
Mawbey Always for liberty Always for liberty
Mawbey Auriga virtutum prudentia Prudence is the directress of the virtues
Maxton Fides Faith
Maxwell I am ready I am ready
Maxwell I’ll bide Broadalbine I’ll bide Broadalbine
Maxwell Je suis prêt I am ready
Maxwell Non dormio I sleep not
Maxwell Non sine usu Not without use
Maxwell Revirescimus We flourish again
Maxwell Reviresco I flourish again
Maxwell Semper viidis Always flourishing
Maxwell Sine cruce sine luce Without the cross without lights
Maxwell Soies ferme Be firm
Maxwell Spero meliora I hope for better things
Maxwell Tendit ad astra He directs his gaze towards the stars
Maxwell Think on Think on
Maxwell Viresco et surgo I flourish and rise
May Fortis et fidelis Brave and faithful
Maynard Manus justa nardus A just hand is a precious ointment
Mayne Await the day Await the day
Mayne Man diem Await the day
Mayne Virtuti fortuna comes Fortune is companion to valour
Mayo A cruce salus Salvation from the cross
Mayor Mea anchora Christus Christ is my anchor
Maysey Pro libertate patriœ For the liberty of my country
Maze Garde ta bien aimée Protect thy well-beloved
Mazzinghi Chi la fa l’aspetti As a man does, so let him expect to be done by
McAlpin Cuinich bas Alpin Remember the death of Alpin
McCrummen Cogadh na sithe Peace or war
Meade Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Meadows Mea dos virtus Virtue is my dower
Meares Omnia Providentiœ committo I commit all things to Providence
Meason Firm Firm
Meath Vota vita mea Prayers are my life
Medhurst Adversa virtute repello I repel adversity by virtue
Medley In Deo fido I trust in God
Medlicott Dat cura quietem Vigilance ensures tranquility
Megget Lock sicker Be sure
Meigh Benigno Numine By benign providence
Meik Jungor ut implear I am joined that I may become full
Mein Deus providebit God will provide
Melbourne Virtute et fide By valour and faith
Melfort Ab uno ad omnes From one to all
Mellor Animo et prudentiâ By courage and prudence
Mellor Fidélité est de Dieu Fidelity is of God
Mellor Melior fortunâ virtus Virtue is better than fortune
Melvil Denique sursum Upwards at last
Melvile Denique cœlum Heaven at last
Melvill Denique cœlum Heaven at last
Melville Denique cœlo fruar I shall enjoy heaven at last
Melville Ultra aspicio I look beyond
Melville Virtute parata Acquired by virtue
Menzes Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Menzies Fortem fors juvat Fortune favours the bold
Menzies Judge Judge
Menzies Judge and avenge my cause, O Lord Judge and avenge my cause, O Lord
Menzies Scopus vitœ Christus Christ is the end of life
Menzies Spero I hope
Menzies Ut crescit clarescit As it increases, it becomes bright
Menzies Vill God I sall Vill God I sall
Menzies Will God, I shall Will God, I shall
Mercer Crux Christi nostra corona The cross of Christ is our crown
Mercer Jehova portio mea The Lord is my portion
Mercer The grit poul The grit poul
Mercier Blow shrill Blow shrill
Mercier Toujours fidèle Always faithful
Meredith Heb Dduw heb ddim, Duw a digon Without God without anything, God is enough
Meredyth FiatDei voluntas God’s will be done
Meres Sine metu Without fear
Merewether Vi et consiliis By force and counsels
Merit Pour le merite For merit
Merit Pro fide et merito For fidelity and merit
Merle La merle aime la liberté The blackbird (or merle) loves liberty
Merrman Terar dum prosim May I be worn out provided I do good
Merry Presto et spero I perform and hope
Merry Semper hilaris Always merry
Merry Si non felix (Merry) if not happy
Mersar Crux Christi nostra corona The cross of Christ is our crown
Mervyn De Dieu est tout From God every thing
Metcalfe Conquiesco I am contented
Methen Marte et clypeo By war and the shield
Methuen Virtus invidiœ scopus Virtue is the mark of envy
Metterville Cruci dum spiro spero Whilst I breathe my hope is in the cross
Mewburn Festina lente Be quick without impetuosity; or, as it may be punningly translated for the Onslow family, “On slow.”
Mexborough Be fast Be fast
Meynell Deus non reliquit memoriam humilium God hath not forgotten the humble
Meynell Virtute vici By valour I conquered
Meyrick Heb Dduw heb ddim, Duw a digon Without God without anything, God is enough
Meyrick Stemmata quid faciunt? What avail pedigrees?
Michel Nil conscire sibi To have a conscience free from guilt. To be conscious of nothing of one’self, i.e. against one’s self
Michell Ferar unus et idem I will pass along one and the same
Michell Sans tache Without satin
Michie Pro libertate et patriâ For liberty and my country
Micklethwait Favente Numine regina seratur By the favour of the Deity the Queen is preserved
Micklethwaite In cœlo spes mea est My hope is in heaven
Micklethwayt Favente Numine By the favour of Providence
Micklethwayte Usus rectumque Custom and right
Middleton Arte et Marte By skill and valour
Middleton Conjunctio firmat Union gives strength
Middleton Fortis et fidelis Brave and faithful
Middleton Fortis in arduis Brave under difficulties
Middleton Guard yourself Guard yourself
Middleton Lassez dire Let them say
Middleton Lesses dire Let speak
Middleton My hope is in God My hope is in God
Middleton Regardez mon droit Respect my right
Middleton Servire Deo regnare est To serve God is to rule
Middleton Vérité sans peur Truth without fear
Midleton A cuspide corona By a spear a crown
Mielson Murus aheneus A wall of brass
Mignon Tiens ta foy Keep thy faith
Mikieson Ut implear That I may be filled
Milbanke Resolute and firm Resolute and firm
Mildmay Alla ta Hara God my help
Miles Esto miles fidelis Be thou a faithful soldier
Miles Sans crainte Without fear
Mill Aides Dieu! Help, O God!
Mill Toujours fidèle Always faithful
Millar Felicem reddet religio Religion will render happy
Millar Optima cœlo The best things are in heaven
Millar Spei bonœ atque animi Of good hope and courage
Miller Manent optima cœlo The best things await us in heaven
Miller Mea spes est in Deo My hope is in God
Miller Non eget Mauri jaculis He needs not the Moorish javelins
Miller Sibimet merces industria Industry is a recompense to itself
Miller Unione augeteur It is increased by union
Millerd Per mille ardua Through a thousand difficulties
Milles Esto quod esse videris Be what you seem to be
Milligan Regard bien Attend well
Milliken Regard bien Attend well
Millington Virtutis prœmium honor Honour is the reward of virtue
Mills Aides Dieu! Help, O God!
Mills Confido I trust
Mills Esto quod esse videris Be what you seem to be
Mills Honor virtutis pretium Honour is the reward of virtue
Milne Clarum reddit industria Industry renders illustrious
Milne Dat cura commodum Vigilance ensures advantage
Milne Efficiunt clarum studia Studies make him illustrious
Milne Ex industria Through industry
Milne Tam in arte quam Marte As much by in skill as in force
Milner Addit frena feris He puts bridles on wild beasts
Milnes Memor esto brevis œvi Be mindful that time is short
Milnes Scio cui credidi I know whom I have believed
Miltown Clarior e tenebris The brighter from previous obscurity
Milward Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Minett Quantum est in rebus inane How much insignificancy is in human things
Minn Aim high Aim high
Minnitt Virtute et armis By virtue and arms
Minshull Good deed shine clear Good deeds shine clear
Minshull His Saladinum vicimus armis We conquered Saladin with these arms
Minshull In hoc plenius redibo Through this I shall become fuller
Minto Non eget arcu He does not need a bow
Minto Suaviter et fortiter Mildly and firmly
Mirehouse Qualis ab incepto The same as from the beginning
Mitchael Cresco I increase
Mitchell Favente Deo supero By God’s favour I conquer
Mitchell Labor improbus omnia vincit Extraordinary labour surmounts all difficulties
Mitchell Moriendo modulor Dying I sing
Mitchell Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Mitchell Omnia superat diligentia Diligence surmounts all difficulties
Mitchell Sapiens qui assiduus He is wise who is industrious
Mitchell Secura frugalitas Frugality is safe
Mitchell Spernit humum It despises the earth
Mitchelle Nulla pallescere culpa To turn pale from no crime
Mitchelson Crescam ut prosim I will increase, that I may do good
Mitford Æquabiliter et diligenter By consistency and diligence
Mitford God careth for us God careth for us
Mitford Weapon forefendeth evil Weapon forefendeth evil
Mobray Let the deed shaw Let the deed shaw
Moffat Spero meliora I hope for better things
Mogg Cura pii diis sunt Pious men are a care to the gods (i.e. under their care)
Moil N’oublie Do not forget
Moir Major opima ferat Let the more worthy carry off the honours
Moir Mediocriter With moderation
Moir N’oublie Do not forget
Moir Non sibi, cunctis Not for himself, for others also
Moir Sur esperance Upon hope
Moir Virtute non aliter By virtue not otherwise
Moises Nisi virtus vilior alga Without virtue viler than the sea-weed
Molesworth Sic fidem teneo Thus I keep faith
Molesworth Vincit amor patriœ The love of my country exceeds everything
Molleson Fax mentis honestœ gloria Glory is the light of a noble mind
Molony In Domino et non in arcu meo sperabo I will rest my hope on the Lord, and not in my bow
Molyneux Faithful to my unhappy country Faithful to my unhappy country
Molyneux Patriœ infelici fidelis Faithful to my unhappy country
Molyneux Stat fortuna domûs virtute The fortune of our house endures through virtue
Molyneux Vivere sat vincere To conquer is to live enough
Mompesson Ma joye en Dieu seulement My joy is in God alone
Monck Fortiter, Fideliter, feliciter Boldly, faithfully, successfully
Moncrief Diligentia cresco I rise by industry
Moncrief Firma spes Hope is strong
Moncrief Virescit He flourishes
Moncrieff Sur esperance Upon hope
Moncrieff Virescit He flourishes
Moncrieffe Sur esperance Upon hope
Money Factis non verbis By deeds not words
Money Nil moror ictus I heed not blows
Monkhouse Monachus salvabor I a monk (house) shall be saved
Monk-Mason Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Monro Cœlestia sequor I follow heavenly things
Monro Dread God Dread God
Monro Non inferiora Not mean pursuits
Monsell Mone sale Advise with wit
Monson Prest pour mon pays Ready for my country
Montagu Otium cum dignitate Repose with dignity
Montague Æquitas actionem regulam Equity (makes) action the rule
Montague Dispondendo me, non mutando me By influencing me, not by changing me
Montague Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
Montague Suivez raison Follow reason
Monteagle Alte fert aquila The eagle bears on high
Monteagle Fides non timet Faith fears not
Monteath Dum, vivo, spero While I live I hope
Monteath Viresco I flourish
Montefiore Think and thank Think and thank
Monteith Sub sole nihil (I seek) nothing beneath the sun
Montford Non inferiora secutus Not having followed mean pursuits
Montgomery An I may An I may
Montgomery Gardez bien Watch well
Montgomery Honneur sans repos Honour without repose
Montgomery Patriœ infelici fidelis Faithful to my unhappy country
Montmorency Dieu aide au premier Chretien (sometimes written Chrestien) et baron de France God assists the first Christian and baron of France
Montmorency Dieu aide au premier Chrestien God assists the first Christian
Montolien Deo et principi For God and the prince
Montresor Mon tresor My treasure
Montrose Ne oubliez Do not forget
Monypenny Imperat œquor He rules the sea
Monypenny Temperat œquor He governs the sea
Moodie God with us God with us
Moodie The reward of valour The reward of valour
Moon Æquam servare mentem To preserve an equal mind
Moor Nihil utile quod non honestum Nothing dishonest or dishonourable is useful
Moore A more floresco I (Moore) flourish according to my custom
Moore Æquabiliter et diligenter By consistency and diligence
Moore Æqualiter et diligenter Calmly and diligently
Moore Animum rege Rule thy mind
Moore Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Moore Duris non frangor I am not disheartened by difficulties
Moore Fortis cadere, cedere non potest The brave man may fall, but cannot yield
Moore Fortis cadere, non cedre potest The brave man may fall, but cannot yield
Moore I Deo confido I trust in God
Moore Nihil utile quod non honestum Nothing dishonest or dishonourable is useful
Moore Non civium ardor Not the ardour of the citizens
Moore Resolve well, persevere Resolve well, persevere
Moore Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
Moore Vis unita fortior Strength united is the more powerful
Moores Juravi et adjuravi I have sworn, and sworn solemnly
Moorside Insiste firmiter Persevere resolutely
Moorson Ad astra To the stars
Moray Sans tache Without satin
Moray Tanti talem genuere parentes Such parents have produced such a man
Mordaunt Ferro comite My sword my companion
Mordaunt Nec pacida contenta quiete est Nor is content with quiet repose
Mordey Pie repone te Repose with pious confidence
More Comme je fus As I was
More Deus dabit God will give
More Major opima ferat Let the more worthy carry off the honours
Morehead Auxilio Dei By the help of God
Moreland Bear and forbear Bear and forbear
Morgan Audaces fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Morgan Heb Dduw heb ddim, Duw a digon Without God without anything, God is enough
Morgan Honor et virtus Honour and virtue
Morgan Y ddioddefws y orfu He suffered to conquer
Morice Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Morison Pretio prudentia prœstat Prudence is better than profit
Morison Uno ictu By one blow
Morley Fideli certa merces To the faithful there is certain reward
Morley S’ils te mordent, mords les If they bite thee, bite them
Morley Tenax propositi Firm of purpose
Mornington Porro unum est necessarium Moreover one thing is needful
Morrall Norma tuta veritas Truth is a safe rule
Morres Deus nobis quis contra? God for us, who shall be against us?
Morrice Antiqui mores Ancient manners
Morris A gair Duw yn uchaf The word of God above all
Morris Aut pax aut bellum Either peace or war
Morris Bibl The bible
Morris Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Morris Irrupta copula The tie unbroken
Morris Marte et mari faventibus War and wave favouring
Morris Scuto fidei By the shield of faith
Morris Sic his qui diligunt Thus to those who love
Morris Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
Morrison Vincit veritas Truth conquers
Mortimer Acquirit qui tuetur He obtains who defends
Mortimer Prenez garde Take care
Mortlake Hic labor, hoc opus This is the difficulty, this is the task
Morton A te pro te From three, for three
Morton Lock sicker Be sure
Morton Perseverando By persevering
Morton Spes non fracta My hope is not broken
Moseley Honorate, diligite, timete Honour, love, fear
Moseley Incrementum dat Deus God gives increase
Mosley Mos legem regit Custom rules the law
Moss Non nobis solum Not for ourselves alone
Mosse In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Mossman Me meliora manent Better fortunes await me
Mostyn Auxilium meum a Domino My help is from the Lord
Mostyn Dial gwaed Cumru Welsh blood will revenge
Mostyn Heb Dduw heb ddim, Duw a digon Without God without anything, God is enough
Mostyn Hodie non cras To-day, not to-morrow
Mott Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
Motteux Quid vult valde vult What he wishes he very much wishes
Moubray Hœc aspera terrent These hardships terrify
Moulson Regi fidelis Faithful to the king
Moultray Nunquam non fidelis Never unfaithful
Moultrie Nunquam non fidelis Never unfaithful
Mounsey Semper paratus Always prepared
Mount Edgecumbe Au plaisir fort de Dieu At the all-powered disposal of God
Mountain Cum cruce salus Salvation with the cross
Mountcashel Vis unita fortior Strength united is the more powerful
Mountem In cruce salus In the cross is salvation
Mountmorres Dieu ayde God assists
Mountmorres Si Deus nobiscum quis contra nos? If God be with us, who can be against us?
Mountmorris Virtutis amore Through love to virtue
Mountsandford Cor unun,via una One heart, one way
Moure N’oublie Do not forget
Moutray Nunquam non fidelis Never unfaithful
Moutrie Nunquam non fidelis Never unfaithful
Mow Post funera fœnus An interest after death
Mowat Monte alto From a high hill
Mowbray Audentes fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Mowbray Fortitudine With fortitude
Mowbray Sola nobilitat virtus Virtue alone ennobles
Mowbray Suo stat robore virtus Virtue stands by its own strength
Muckleston Fideliter Faithfully
Mudge All’s well All’s well
Mudie Defensio non offensio Defence not offence
Muggeridge Dat Deus incrementum God gives increase
Muir Duris non frangor I am not disheartened by difficulties
Muire Help at hand, brother Help at hand, brother
Muirhead Auxilio Dei By the help of God
Mules Misericordia temperet gladium Let pity moderate the sword
Mulholland Semper prœcinctus Ever ready, lit. Grit up
Mulloy Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Munbee Faut être It must be
Muncaster Vincit amor patriœ The love of my country exceeds everything
Munckton Famam extendere factis We extend our fame by our deeds
Mundell Impavidum ferient ruinœ Dangers shall strike me unappalled
Mundy Deus providebit God will provide
Muney Nil moror ictus I heed not blows
Munn Omnia vincit veritas Truth conquers all things
Munro Alis et animo With speed and courage
Munro Fear God Fear God
Munro Jussu regis India subacta India subdued by the king’s command
Munster Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Murdoch Omnia pro bono All things for good
Murdock Omnia pro bono All things for good
Mure Duris non frangor I am not disheartened by difficulties
Mure Ora et labora Pray and labour
Murison Mediocriter With moderation
Murphy Fortis et hospitalis Brave and hospitable
Murray Deum time Fear God
Murray E’en do, but spare nocht E’en do, but spare nocht
Murray E’en do, boit spair nocht E’en do, boit spair nocht
Murray Ex bello quies Peace arises out of war
Murray Fidei signum The emblem of faith
Murray Fortes fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Murray Furth fortune Furth fortune
Murray Furth fortune, and fill the fetters Furth fortune, and fill the fetters
Murray Furth fortune, and fill the fetters Furth fortune, and fill the fetters
Murray Hinc isque superna venabor Henceforth I will follow after heavenly things
Murray Imperio By command
Murray In bello quies There is peace (it is obtained by) in war
Murray In utroque paratus Prepared in either case
Murray Inde securior Hence the safer
Murray Juncta virtuti fides Fidelity joined to valour
Murray Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Murray Noctes diesque prœsto Ready by night or day
Murray Nosce teipsum Know thyself
Murray Pacis nuncia A harbinger of peace
Murray Paritur bello It is obtained by war
Murray Placeam I will please
Murray Spero meliora I hope for better things
Murray They by permission shine They by permission shine
Murray Tout prest Quite ready
Murray Tutum te littore sistam I will stop thee safely at the shore
Murray Virtute fideque By virtue and faith
Muschamp Vulneror non vincor I am wounded, not conquered
Musgrave Sans changer Without changing
Musgrove Nil desperandum Never despair
Mushet Dabunt aspera rosas Rough ground will produce roses
Muskerry Forti et fideli nihil difficile To the brave and faithful man nothing is difficult
Mussenden J’aime la liberté I love liberty
Mussenden Tending to peace Tending to peace
Muterer Patience and resolution Patience and resolution
Myddleton In veritate triumpho I triumph in the truth
Myers Incorrupta fides, nudaque veritas Uncorrupted faith and the naked truth
Myers Non dormit qui custodit The sentinel sleeps not
Mylne Ex industria Through industry
Mynors Fac et spera Do and hope
Mynors Spero ut fidelis I hope as being faithful
Mytton Interno robore By internal strength

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