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Family Mottoes

Family Mottoes
by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services

This is a Free Motto resource center containing approx. 9,000 mottoes transcribed from Elvin’s Mottoes, with added mottoes from Armorial Gold’s own Library and from noted heraldic writers.

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L’Amy Per varios casus By various fortunes
L’Estrange Memento mei Remember me
La Beaume Victoria Victory
La Fountaine Fons et origo The Fountain and source
La Fout Prenez en ire Take in ire
La Touche Quid verum atque decens curo et rogo I care for and ask what is true and befitting
Lace Dum exspiro spero While I die I hope
Lachlan Divina sibi canit She sings divine songs to herself
Ladbrooke Floreat crux May the cross flourish
Ladykirk Virtutis gloria merces Glory is the reward of valour
Laffan Vincit omnia veritas Truth conquers all things
Laforey Loyal à mort Loyal to death
Laforey Loyal au mort Loyal to the dead
Laidlaw Fides probata coronat Tried faith crowns
Laimboro Deo, patriœ, tibi For God your country and yourself
Laing Firm Firm
Laing Labor omnia superat Labour conquers all things
Laing Mercy is my desire Mercy is my desire
Laing Vigilance Vigilance
Laird Spero meliora I hope for better things
Lake Un Dieu, un roy, un cœur One God, one king, one heart
Lake Ung Dieu, ung roi, ung cœur One God, one king, one heart
Lalor Fortis et fidelis Brave and faithful
Lamb Deo et principe With God and the prince
Lamb Palma non sine pulvere The palm is not obtained without labour
Lamb Patience makes every thing light Patience makes every thing light
Lamb Virtute et fide By valour and faith
Lambart Ut quocumque paratus That I may be prepared on every side
Lambert Deus hœc otia God has given us this ease
Lambert Nec mireris homines mirabiliores Wonder not at wonderful men
Lambert Sequitando si giunge By following he comes up
Lambert Ut quocumque paratus That I may be prepared on every side
Lambton Le jour viendra The day will come
Lammie Per varios casus By various fortunes
Lammin Agnus Dei mihi salus The Lamb of God is my salvation
Lamond Ne parcas nec spernas Neither spare nor scorn
Lamont Ne parcas nec spernas Neither spare nor scorn
Landen Ero quod eram I will again be what I was
Lander Fax mentis honestœ gloria Glory is the light of a noble mind
Landon Ma force d’en haut My strength is from above
Lane Celeritate With quickness
Lane Celeriter Quickly
Lane Garde le roy Defend the king
Lane In concussa virtus Unshaken virtue
Lane Liberté toute entière Liberty unfettered
Lane Nec degenero I do not degenerate
Lang Mercy is my desire Mercy is my desire
Lang Une stay Une stay
Langdon Quœrite et invenietis Seek, and ye shall find
Langford Bear and forbear Bear and forbear
Langford Carpe diem Seize the present opportunity
Langham Nec sinit esse feros It (education) does not suffer them to be brutal
Langholme In cruce salus In the cross is salvation
Langlands Spero I hope
Langton All for religion All for religion
Langton In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Langton Loyal au mort Loyal to the dead
Langton Medio tutissimus Safest in the middle
Lansborough Liberté toute entière Liberty unfettered
Lansdowne Virtute non verbis By valour not by boasting
Lapington Innocue ac provide Harmlessly and providently
Laprimandaye Via trita via tuta The beaten road is a safe road
Lapsley Corona mea Christus Christ is my crown
Larkworthy Perseverando By persevering
Larpent Optivo cognomine crescit He flourishes under his adopted name
Lascher Singulariter in spe Specially in hope
Lashiter Spero et vivo I hope and live
Latham Secundâ alite With prosperous omen; or rather, “By favour of the birds”
Lathom Secundâ alite With prosperous omen; or rather, “By favour of the birds”
Latta Dum, vivo, spero While I live I hope
Latta Dum,vivo, vireo While I live I flourish
Lauchlan Divina sibi canit She sings divine songs to herself
Laudale Pax aut defensio Peace or defence
Lauder Repullulat It buds afresh
Lauder Strike alike Strike alike
Lauder Turris prudentia custos Prudence is the safeguard of the tower
Lauder Ut migraturus habita Dwell here as one about to depart
Lauderdale Consilio et animis By wisdom and courage
Laurie Repullulat It buds afresh
Laurie Virtus repulsœ nescia sordidœ Virtue unconscious of base repulse
Laurie Virtus semper viridis Virtue is ever green
Law Compositum jus fasque animi A mind which respects alike the laws of mutual justice and of God
Law Nec obscura, nec ima Neither obscure nor low
Law Non obscura nec ima Neither obscure nor very low
Law Non obscura nec ima Neither obscure nor very low
Law Sat amico si mihi felix Enough for a friend if he be kind to me
Lawder Mediocria firma Mediocrity is safe
Lawder Sub umbra alarum tuarum Under the shadow of thy wings
Lawford Deus me audit God hears me
Lawford I Deo confido I trust in God
Lawford In utrumque paratus Prepared for either
Lawless Non nobis solum Not for ourselves alone
Lawless Virtute et numine By virtue and providence
Lawley Auspice Christo Under the guidance of Christ
Lawrence Be ready Be ready
Lawrence Fide et fortitudine With faith and fortitude
Lawrence In cruce salus In the cross is salvation
Lawrence Never give in Never give in
Lawrence Qui pense? Who thinks?
Lawrie Industriâ atque fortunâ By industry and good fortune
Lawrie Ingenium innumerata labi My disposition is to glide along unnoticed
Lawriston Justitia et veritas Justice and truth
Laws Compositum jus fasque animi A mind which respects alike the laws of mutual justice and of God
Lawson Let us love one Leve et reluis Rise and shine
Lawson Loyal, secret Loyal, confidential
Lawson Rise and shine Rise and shine
Lawson Tant que je puis As much as I can
Lawton Honor Honour
Layard Juvante Deo By God’s assistance
Le Blanc Sans tache Without satin
Le Bon Confido I trust
Le Despencer Pro Magna Charta For magna Charta
Le Hart Go straight, and fear not Go straight, and fear not
Le Hunte Parcere prostratis To spare the fallen
Lea Cave Leam Beware the lioness, or Lea
Lea Spe vitœ melioris In the hope of a better life
Leahy Tout vient de Dieu All comes from God
Leake Gloria Deo in excelsis Glory to God in the highest
Leake Pari animo With equal mind
Learmouth Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Learmouth Spero I hope
Leask Virtute cresco I grow by virtue
Leatham Maintien le droit Support the right
Leatham Virtute vinces By virtue thou shalt conquer
Leathes In ardua virtus Virtue against difficulties
Leche Alla corona fidissimo To the crown most faithful
Lechmere Christus pelicano Christ is like the pelican
Lechmere Ducit amor patriœ Patriotism leads me
Leckey Semper paratus Always prepared
Leckie Deus gubernat navem God steers the vessel
Ledsam Fac et spera Do and hope
Lee Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Lee Fides non timet Faith fears not
Lee Verum atque decus The truth and rectitude
Lee Vince malum patientia Overcome evil with patience
Lee Vincendo victus Conquered in conquering
Lee Warner Non nobis tantum nati Born not for ourselves alone
Leechaman Industriœe munus The gift of industry
Leeds In earnest In earnest
Leeds Pax in bello Peace in war
Leeds Vigilate Watch
Leeke Agendo gnaviter By acting prudently
Lees Exegi I have accomplished it
Leeson Clariores e tenebris Men are brighter from previous obscurity
Lefevre Sans changer Without changing
Lefroy Mutare sperno I scorn to change
Legard Per crucem ad stellas By the cross to heaven
Legat Jesus hominum Salvator Jesus the Saviour of mankind
Legge En parole je vis I live on the word
Legge Gaudet tentamine virtus Virtue exults in the trial
Leghkeck En Dieu est ma foy In God is my faith
Leicester Tu, Domine, gloria mea Thou, O Lord, art my glory
Leigh Force avec vertu Strength with virtue
Leigh La vie durante During life
Leigh Leges juraque servo I observe the laws and ordinances
Leigh Legibus antiquis By the ancient laws
Leigh Pour Dieu, pour terre For God, for earth
Leigh Tout vient de Dieu All comes from God
Leighton Dread shame Dread Shame
Leinster Crom a boo Crom for ever
Leinster Non immemor beneficii Grateful for kindness
Leith Fidus ad extremum Faithful to the last
Leith Salus per Christum Salvation through Christ
Leith Semper fidus Always faithful
Leith Trustie and bydand Trustie and bydand
Leith Virtus vulnere virescit Virtue gains strength by a wound
Leithbridge Spes mea in Deo My hope is in God
Leithbridge Truth Truth
Leith-Hay Trustie to the end Trustie to the end
Leitrim Patriis virtutibus By hereditary virtues
Lempriere Non generant aquilœ columbas Eagles do not beget doves
Lendrum La paix Peace
Lennard La bondad para la medra Goodness produces success
Lennox En la rose je fleurie I flourish in the rose
Lenthall Agincourt Agincourt
Lenthall Azincourt Azincourt
Leopold L’union fait la force Union makes strength
Le-Poer Trench Consilio et prudentia By wisdom and prudence
Le-Poer-Trench Dieu pour la Tranchée, qui contre? (If) God (be) for the Trenches, who shall be against them?
Leppington Avito non sine honore Not without ancestral honour
Leslie Crescat Deo promotore May he prosper with God as his guide
Leslie Firma spe With strong hope
Leslie Firmè durans Firm to the last
Leslie Grip fast Grip fast
Leslie Mens cujusque is est quisque As the mind of each, so is the man
Lesly Conamine augeor By effort I am advanced
Lesly Deus providebit God will provide
Lesly Firma durant Strong things last
Lesly Firma spe With strong hope
Lesly God guide all God guide all
Lesly Hold fast Hold fast
Lesly Keep Fast Keep fast
Lesly Quœ juncta firma Union is strength
Lesly Soli Deo gloria Glory be to God alone
Leven Denique cœlum Heaven at last
Levenson Frangas non flectes Thou may’st break, but shalt not bend me
Levinge Nulla vestigia retrorsum No steps backward
Levinge Vestigia nulla retrorsum No steps backwards
Lewin Consilio ac virtute By prudence and valour
Lewin Spes mea in Deo My hope is in God
Lewis A Deo et rege From God and the king
Lewis Be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove Be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove
Lewis Byddwch gyfiawn ac nag of nwch Be righteous, and fear not
Lewis Expertus fidelem Having found him faithful
Lewis Ha persa la fide, ha perso l’honore Faith lost, honour is lost
Lewis Hœc olim meminisse jwabit It will hereafter delight us to remember these things
Lewis La fortune passe par tout The vicissitudes of fortune are common to all
Lewis Libertas Liberty
Lewis Patriœ fidus Faithful to my country
Lewis Spe tutiores armis Safer by hope than by arms
Lewthwaite Tendens ad œthera virtus Virtue aspiring towards heaven
Ley Je luis imperceu I shine unseen
Leycester Dominus illuminatio mea The Lord is my light
Lichfield Nil desperandum Never despair
Liddel Hinc odor et sanitas Hence fragrance and health
Lidderdale Foresight is all Foresight is all
Liddersdale Per bellum qui providet One who is circumspect through war
Lidwell Vis unita fortior Strength united is the more powerful
Lievre Il y a de ma vie My life is at stake
Lightbody Clarior e tenebris The brighter from previous obscurity
Lightbody E tenebris lux Light out of darkness
Lighton Fortitudine et prudentiâ By fortitude and prudence
Lighton Light on Light on
Lighton Per adversa virtus Virtue through misfortunes
Ligonier A rege et victoria From the king and by conquest
Lilburne Vis viri fragilis Weak is the strength of man
Lilford Be just, and fear not Be just, and fear not
Lilford Parta tueri Defend your acquisitions
Limerick Virtute non astutia By courage not by craft
Lind Semper virescit virtus Virtue always flourishes
Lindesay Patientia vincit Patience conquers
Lindoe Jamais abattu Never beaten down
Lindsay Astra castra, numen, lumen munimen The stars are my camp, the Deity is my light and guard
Lindsay Endure fort Endure boldly
Lindsay Firmiter maneo I last steadily
Lindsay Firmus maneo I remain steadfast
Lindsay Live but dread Live but dread
Lindsay Love, but dread Love, but dread
Lindsay Mortua vivescunt The dead revive
Lindsay Mutuo amore cresco By mutual love I grow
Lindsay Non solum armis Not by arms only
Lindsay Recta vel ardua Upright even (when) difficult
Lindsay Sis fortis Be thou brave
Lindsey Astra castra, numen, lumen munimen The stars are my camp, the Deity is my light and guard
Lindsey Faith and hope Faith and hope
Lindsey Indure furth Indure furth
Lindsey Loyalté me lie Loyalty binds me
Linlithgow Collocet in cœlisnos omnes vis Michaelis May Michael’s strength place us all in heaven
Linskill Victor Conqueror
Lippincott Secundis dubiisque rectus Upright both in prosperity and in perils
Lisburne Non revertar inultus I will not returned unrevenged
Lisle Bella! horrida bella! Wars! Horrid wars!
Lismore Fidus et audax Faithful and bold
Lister Retineus vestigia famœ Still treading in the footsteps of an honourable ancestry
Listowel Odi profanum I hate whatever is profane
Litchfield Semper pugnare paratus Always ready to fight
Litster Labore et fiducia By industry and confidence
Litster Sine Deo nihil Without God nothing
Little Magnum in parvo Much in little
Little Multa in parvo Much in little
Littler Astra et castra The stars (or heaven) and the camp
Littler Chounda Chounda
Littler Maharajpore Maharajpore
Livere Gardez bien Watch well
Liverpool Deus nobis hœc otia fecit God hath given us this tranquility
Liverpool Palma non sine pulvere The palm is not obtained without labour
Livingston Ut possim As I can
Livingstone Et domi et foris Both at home and abroad
Livingstone Bortis et œquus Brave and just
Livingstone Nativum retinet decus He retains his native honour
Livingstone Si possem If I could
Livingstone Spe expecto I expect with hope
Llanover Ni ddaw da o hir arofyn No good comes of long intending
Lloyd A vino duw derwd When God willeth He will come
Lloyd Auxilium meum a Domino My help is from the Lord
Lloyd Ddal gwaed Cymru Entertain Welsh blood
Lloyd Dial gwaed Cumru Welsh blood will revenge
Lloyd Eo altius quo profundius The higher the deeper
Lloyd Esto vigilans Be vigilant
Lloyd Fide et fortitudine With faith and fortitude
Lloyd Gwell angau na cywilydd Better death than shame
Lloyd Heb Dduw heb ddim, Duw a digon Without God without anything, God is enough
Lloyd Hwy peri clod na golud Fame lasts longer than riches
Lloyd I Dduw bo’r diolch To God be thanks
Lloyd Jure, non dono By right, not by gift
Lloyd Nec timet, nec tumet He is neither timid nor arrogant
Lloyd Respice prospice Look backward and forward
Lloyd Resistite usque famœ Keeping in the footsteps of good report
Lloyd Retineus vestigia famœ Still treading in the footsteps of an honourable ancestry
Lloyd Seetabuldee Seetabuldee
Lloyd Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
Lloyd Touts jours prest Always ready
Lluellyn Mors mihi lucrum Death is gain to me
Loades Obey and rule Obey and rule
Loch Assiduitate non desidiâ By assiduity, not by sloth
Lochlan Divina sibi canit She sings divine songs to herself
Locker Fear God, fear nought Fear God, fear nought
Lockhart Corda serata fero I bear a locked heart
Lockhart Corda serata pando I lay open locked hearts
Lockhart Feroci fortior Bolder than the ferocious (boar). The head of which is borne in the arms
Lockhart Hoc securior Safer by this
Lockhart Semper paratus pugnare pro patriâ Always ready to fight for my country
Lockhart Sine labe fides Faith unspotted
Lockyer Sedule et secunde Diligently and prosperously
Locock Victoria Victory
Loftus Loyal à mort Loyal to death
Loftus Loyal à la mort Loyal to death
Loftus Loyal au mort Loyal to the dead
Loftus Prend moi tel que je suis Take me as I am
Logan Hoc majorum virtus The valour of my ancestors won this
Loghlan Divina sibi canit She sings divine songs to herself
Lomax Fato prudentia major Prudence is greater than fate
Londesborough Adversa virtute repello I repel adversity by virtue
Londonderry Metuenda corolla draconis The dragon’s crest is to be feared
Lone I am alone I am alone
Lonford Gloria virtutis umbra Glory is the shadow of virtue, i.e. its constant attendant
Long Avance Advance
Long Confide rectè agens Doing rightly be confident
Long Ingenuas suscipit artes He fosters the polite arts
Long Iram leonis noli timere Fear not the anger of the lion
Long Pieux quoique preux Pious although chivalrous
Long Preux quoique pieux Valiant though pious
Long Suivez de l’ange Follow the angel
Longbottom Fortiter Bravely
Longcroft Nunc ut olim Now as formerly
Longe Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus Without corn and wine love grows cold
Longeville-Clarke Munus et monumentum victoriœ Spures, 1513 A reward and remembrance of the victory of Spurs, 1513
Longfield Parcere subjectis To spare the conquered
Longley Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Longstaff Vigilate Watch
Lonsdale Magistratus indicat virum The magistracy shows the man
Loraine Lauro scutoque resurgo I rise again with laurel and shield
Lord Fortis in arduis Brave under difficulties
Lord Dacre Le roy le veut It is the king’s pleasure
Lord Howard De Walden-1784 Non quo, sed quo modo Not for whom, but in what manner
Lorimer Nulla salus bello No safety in war
Lorimer Virtutis gloria merces Glory is the reward of valour
Lorton Spes tutissima cœlis The surest hope is in heaven
Lothian Forward in the name of God Forward in the name of God
Loughnan Fortis et fidus Brave and trusty
Louis In Canopo ut ad Canopum i.e. On board the Canopus, (which ship he commanded), as at Canopus, (Aboukir, where was the Canopic mouth of the Nile)
Louis Nos aspera juvant Difficulties benefit us
Louis St. Domingo St. Domingo
Lousada Honneur me guide Honour guides me
Lousada L’honneur me guide Honour guides me
Louth Festina lente Be quick without impetuosity; or, as it may be punningly translated for the Onslow family, “On slow.”
Louthian Non dormit qui custodit The sentinel sleeps not
Lovat Je suis prêt I am ready
Lovelace Labor ipse voluptas Toil itself is pleasure
Lovelace Prœmium virtutis honor Honour is the reward of virtue
Lovell Tempus omnia monstrat Time shows all things
Lovett Spe By hope
Low Aspera me juvant Difficulties delight me
Lowes Dulces ante omnia Musœ The Muses are delightful above all things
Lowis Non aspera juvant Rough things do not delight
Lowis Nos aspera juvant Difficulties benefit us
Lowman Par sit fortuna labori Let the success be equal to the labour
Lowndes Ways and means Ways and means
Lowndes-Stones Mediocria firma Mediocrity is safe
Lowry Floreant lauri May the laurels flourish
Lowry Virtus semper viridis Virtue is ever green
Lowther Magistratus indicat virum The magistracy shows the man
Lowton Amicis prodesse, nemini nocere To do good to my friends, to injure nobody
Lubbock Auctor pretiosa facit The Giver makes them valuable
Lucadon Omnia fert œtas Time brings all things
Lucas Respice finem Regard the end
Lucas Stat religione parentum He continues in the religion of his forefathers
Luccan Spes mea Christus Christ is my hope
Lucy Be trwgh and delygent Be trwgh and delygent
Lucy By truth and diligence By truth and diligence
Lucy En avant Forward
Lucy Luce With light
Lucy Non nobis nascimur We are not borne for ourselves
Lucy With truth and diligence With truth and diligence
Ludlow Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Ludlow Spero infestis, metuo secundis I hope in adversity, I fear in prosperity
Luenburg In recto decus Honour in acting right
Lumisden Amor patitur moras Love endures delay
Lumley Albuera Albuera
Lumley Monte Video Monte Video
Lumley Murus œneus, conscientia sana A sound conscience is a wall of brass
Lumley Usagre Usagre
Lumsdaine Beware in time Beware in time
Lumsden Beware in time Beware in time
Lumsden Dei dono sum quod sum By the bounty of God I am what I am
Lumsden I conquer or die I conquer or die
Lumsden Trusty to the end Trusty to the end
Lunden Tam genus quam virtus As much lineage as virtue
Lundin Dei dono sum quod sum By the bounty of God I am what I am
Lurgan Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Lutefoot Addicunt aves Birds ratify it
Luther Lœtitia per mortem Joy through death
Luttrell En Dieu est ma fiance In God is my trust
Luttrell Quœsita Marte tuenda arte Things obtained by war must be defended by art
Lutwidge Deo, patriœ, amicis To God, my country, and my friends
Luxmore Securis fecit securum My axe saved me
Lwethwait Tiens à la vérité Adhere to truth
Lyall Sedulo et honeste Diligently and honestly
Lydall Et patribus et posteris Both for our ancestors and our posterity
Lyde Forti non ignavo To the brave man, not to the dastard
Lyde Non sibi Not for himself
Lyell At all times God me defend At all times God me defend
Lyell Forti non ignavo To the brave man, not to the dastard
Lyell Forti non ignavo To the brave man, not to the dastard
Lyell Tutela A defence
Lygon Ex fide fortis Strong though faith
Lyle An I may An I may
Lyle Forti non ignavo To the brave man, not to the dastard
Lyle Tutela A defence
Lynch Majora tenta prœsentibus œquus When equal to the present, attempt greater things
Lynch Semper constans et fidelis Ever constant and faithful
Lyndhurst Ultra pergere To advance farther
Lynedoch Candide et secure Candidly and safely
Lynes Foi, roi, droit Faith, king, right
Lynes Foy, roi, droit Faith, king, duty
Lynn Floreat crux May the cross flourish
Lynxh Semper fidelis Always faithful
Lyon Animo et prudentiâ By courage and prudence
Lyon In te, Domine, speravi In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust
Lyon Innixus vero validus He that rests upon the truth is strong
Lyon Lauro redimita quiescam I will rest crowned with laurels
Lyon Speravi I have hoped
Lyons Noli irritare leones Do not exasperate the lions
Lyons Speravi I have hoped
Lyons Virtute et fidelitate By valour and fidelity
Lysaght Bella! horrida bella! Wars! Horrid wars!
Lysons Valebit He will prevail
Lyster Loyal à la mort Loyal to death
Lyster Loyal au mort Loyal to the dead
Lyster Resistite usque famœ Keeping in the footsteps of good report
Lyte Lœtitia et spe immortalitatis With joy and hope of immortality
Lyttleton Renovato nomine With renewed name
Lyttleton Un Dieu, un roi One God, one king
Lyttleton Ung Dieu, ung roi One God, one king

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