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Family Mottoes
by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services

This is a Free Motto resource center containing approx. 9,000 mottoes transcribed from Elvin’s Mottoes, with added mottoes from Armorial Gold’s own Library and from noted heraldic writers.


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D’Alton Fortis et fidelis Brave and faithful
D’Anvers Foi en loyalté Faith in loyalty
D’arcy Un Dieu, un roi One God, one king
D’arcy Ung Dieu, ung roi One God, one king
D’Eyncourt En avant Forward
D’Oyley Do no ylle, quoth D’Oylle Do no ylle, quoth D’Oylle
D’Oyly Omne solum forti patria Every land is a brave man’s country
D’Urban Cruci dum spiro fido Whilst I have breath I confide in the cross
D’Urban In hoc signo spes mea In this sign is my hope
D’Urban In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
D’Warris Fortitudine With fortitude
Dackcombe Virtutis robore robur Strong as an oak in virtue’s strength
Dacre Pour bien dèsirer For wishing well
Dadley In malos cornu My horn against the bad
Daeg Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Dailie Laudes cano heroum I sing the praise of heroes
Dakyns Strike Dakyns, the devil’s in the hempe Strike Dakyns, the devil’s in the hempe
Dale Non arbitrio popularis aurœ Not by the caprice of popular applause
Dalgairns Pour ma patrie For my country
Dalgleish Deliciœ mei My delight
Dalhousie Ora et labora Pray and labour
Dalison D’accomplier Agincourt To accomplish Agincourt
Dall Coronat fides Faith crowns all
Dallas Lux venit ab alto Light comes from above
Dallas Semper paratus Always prepared
Dalling Au bon droit With good right
Dalmahoy Absque metu Without fear
Dalrimple Firm Firm
Dalrymple Firm Firm
Dalrymple Firmè Resolutely
Dalrymple Moneo et munio I advise and defend
Dalsiel I dare I dare
Dalton Inter cruces triumphans in cruce Amongst crosses, triumphing in the cross
Dalton Patientia victrix Patience is victorious
Daly Deo et regi fidelis Faithful to God and the king
Dalyell I dare I dare
Dalziell I dare I dare
Damer Tu ne cede malis Yield not to misfortunes
Dames Virtute et prudentiâ By virtue and prudence
Dampier Dominus petra mea The Lord is my rock
Dance Virtutem sequitur fama Fame follows virtue
Daniel Labor omnia vincit Perseverance overcomes all difficulties
Daniel Pro lege et patria For law and country
Daniel Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Daniell Pro fide et patria For faith and my country
Daray UngDieu et ung roy One God and one king
Darby Ut cunque placuerit Deo Howsoever it shall have pleased God
Darby Utcunque placuerit Deo Howsoever it shall have pleased God
Darch Ubi libertas ibi patria Where liberty prevails there is my country
Dare Loyauté sans tache Loyalty without defect
Darell Trow to you Trow to you
Darit Credo Christi cruce I trust in the cross of Christ
Darker Il suffit It sufficeth
Darley Vivitur ingenio He lives by skill
Darling Deo donum A gift from God
Darlington Cruci dum spiro spero Whilst I breathe my hope is in the cross
Darly Utere loris Use the reins
Darnley Finem respice Consider the end
Darnol Vigueur l’amour de croix The love of the cross gives strength
Daroch Be watchful Be watchful
Darsch Be watchful Be watchful
Dartmouth Gaudet tentamine virtus Virtue exults in the trial
Darymple God send grace God send grace
Daubeney Suaviter et fortiter Mildly and firmly
Davell Penses comment Think in what manner
Davelle Omnia vincit veritas Truth conquers all things
Davenport Audaces fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Davenport Fortes adjuvat ipse Deus God himself aideth the brave
Davey E perseverantia honor Honour from perseverance
Davidson Sapienter si sincere Wise if sincerely
Davidson Viget in cinere virtus Virtue flourishes after death
Davidson Vin non semper floret A man does not always flourish
Davie Auspice Christo Under the guidance of Christ
Davies Benigno Numine By benign providence
Davies Cœptis aspirate meis Be favourable to my undertakings
Davies Deus tuetur God defends
Davies Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Davies En Dieu est tout In God is everything
Davies Heb Dduw heb ddim, Duw a digon Without God without anything, God is enough
Davies Honor virtutem coronat Honour crowns virtues
Davies Invidere sperno I scorn to envy
Davies Sic itur ad astra Such is the way to immortality
Davies Solem ferre possum I can bear the sun
Davies Toraf cyn plygaf I’ll break before I’ll bend
Davies Virtute duce, comite fortunâ With valour my leader and good fortune my companion
Davis Cresco per crucem I increase by the cross
Davis Decide Decide
Davis I will I will
Davis Malgré le tort Despite of wrong
Davis Trust in God Trust in God
Davis Utile secernere honestum To separate the honourable from the useful
Davison Merses profundo pulchrior evenit Sink him in the sea he comes out fairer
Davy El hombre propone, Dios dispone Man proposes, God disposes
Davy Igne constricto, vita secura Fire being restrained life is secure
Davy Vim da vi honestœ Give strength to honourable force
Davys Sustenta la drechura Endure misfortune
Dawson Alte volat He flies high
Dawson Deeds not words Deeds not words
Dawson Fidelitas regi et justitia mihi Fidelity to the king and justice to myself
Dawson Penser peu de soi To think little of one’s self
Dawson Toujours propice Always propitious
Dawson Vitœ via virtus Virtue is the way of life
Dax Nil sine labore Nothing without labour
Day Animum rege Rule thy mind
Day Aut nunquam tentes aut perfice Either never attempt or accomplish
Day Facto non verbo By deed not word
Day L’amour et l’amitié Love and friendship
Day Sic itur ad astra Such is the way to immortality
Dayman Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Dayrell Secure vivere mors est To live securely (i.e. without caution) is death
Dayrell Virtus mille scuta Virtue equals a thousand shields
De Avan Y ddioddefws orfu He who has suffering has conquered
De Bathe Nec parvis sisto I do not continue in obscurity
De Beauvoir Conduct is fate Conduct is fate
De Blaquiere Tiens à la vérité Adhere to truth
De Burgh Nec parvis sisto I do not continue in obscurity
De Burgh Un roy, une foy, une loy One king, one faith, one law
De Burgho A cruce salus Salvation from the cross
De Burgo Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy One king, one faith, one law
De Cardonnel L’esperance me console Hope consoles me
De Cardonnell Tant que je puis As much as I can
De Clifford Le roy le veut It is the king’s pleasure
De Freyne Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
De Grey Excitari non hebescere To be spirited, not inactive
De Grey Stat religione parentum He continues in the religion of his forefathers
De La Beche Garde la foy Keep the faith
De La Field Fest Firm
De La Field In cruce spes mea In the cross is my hope
De La Field Insignia fortuna paria My desire and my fortune are matched
De Lantour Pour Dieu et mon pays For God and my country
De Luders Non deludere Not to delude
De Meuron Tu ne cede malis Yield not to misfortunes
De Molines Vivere sat vincere To conquer is to live enough
De Montemorency Deus nobis quis contra? God for us, who shall be against us?
De Montmorency Dieu ayde God assists
De Ponthien Plutot rompe que plie Sooner break than bend
De Rinzey Facta non verba Deeds not words
De Ros Crom a boo Crom for ever
De Saumarez In Deo spero I place my hope in God
De Tuch Bien sûr Well sure
De Turri Turris fortissima Deus God is the strongest tower
De Vere Vero nihil verius Nothing truer than truth, or than Vere
De Vesci Sub hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
De Winton Estote fideles Be ye faithful
De Winton Syn ar dy hun Know thyself
Deacon Deo et regi asto I stand by God and the king
Deacon In utroque paratus Prepared in either case
Deacon Seek quiet Seek quiet
Deane Ferendo non feriendo By bearing not by striking
Deane Forti et fideli nihil difficile To the brave and faithful man nothing is difficult
Deans Arte vel Marte By art or force
Deans Vel arte vel Marte Either by art or strength
Dearden Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Deardon Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Dease Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Decies Nil nisi cruce Nothing unless by the cross
Dee Hic labor This is the difficulty
Dee Hoc opus This is the task
Deerham Virtute me involvo I wrap myself in my virtue
DeGrey Qualis ab incepto The same as from the beginning
Deitavilland Dominus fortissima turris The Lord is the strong tower
Delacherois Fac et spera Do and hope
Delamere Cassis tutissima virtus Virtue is the safest helmet
Delap E spinis From among thorns
Delap Merito Deservedly
Delaval Dieu me conduise God guide me!
Deline Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Delop Merito Deservedly
Delves Je defie fortune I defy fortune
Delves Je ne puis I cannot
Delway Esto quod audes Be what you dare
Dempster Fortiter et strenuè Boldly and earnestly
Dempster Mors aut vita decora Either death or honourable life
Denbigh Crescit sub pondere virtus Virtue thrives beneath oppression
Denbigh Virtutis prœmium honor Honour is the reward of virtue
Dendy Per ardua stabilis esto Be firm through difficulties
Dendy Perseverando By persevering
Dendy Respicio sine luctu I look back without sorrow
Denham Cura dat victoriam Caution gives victory
Denham Juvant aspera probum Misfortunes benefit the good man
Denison Adversa virtute repello I repel adversity by virtue
Denison Divide et impera Divide and rule
Dennis Suaviter sed fortiter Mildly, but firmly
Dennistoun Adversa virtute repello I repel adversity by virtue
Denny Et mea messis erit My harvest will also arrive
Dent Concordia et industria By concord and industry
Dent Patientia et perseverantia With patience and perseverance
Denys Hora è sempre Now and always
Derby Sans changer Without changing
Dereham Virtute me involvo I wrap myself in my virtue
Dering Semni ne semni I can do nothing without God
Dering Terrere nolo, timere nescio I wish not to intimidate, and know not how to fear
Derrick Virtute non vi By virtue not by force
Des Vœux Altiora in votis Higher things are the object of my wishes
Desart Virtus repulsœ nescia sordidœ Virtue unconscious of base repulse
Desse Vigilo I watch
Deuchar Virtutis gloria merces Glory is the reward of valour
Deucher Lizars Verus ad finem True to the end
Devan Non sibi solum Not alone for self
Devas Virtute et opera By virtue and energy
Devenish Omnia Providentiœ committo I commit all things to Providence
Devenish Spero et captivus nitor I hope, and though a captive I strive
Devereux Basis virtutum constantia Constancy is the foundation of all virtue
Devereux Virtutis comes invidia Envy is the companion of virtue
Devizmes J’aspire I aspire
Devon Sermoni consona facta Deeds agreeing with words
Devon Ubi lapsus? Quid feci? Whither have I fallen? What have I done?
Devonshire Cavendo tutus Safe by being cautious
Dewar Gloria non prœda Glory to the father
Dewhurst Spes mea in Deo My hope is in God
Deyvelle Penses comment Think in what manner
Dezom Ducit Dominus The Lord leads
Dicey Fide et amore By fidelity and love
Dick At spes infracta Yet my hope is unbroken
Dick Publica salus mea merces The public security is my reward
Dick Semper fidelis Always faithful
Dick Spes infracta My hope is unbroken
Dick Via tuta virtus Virtue is a safe path
Dick Virtute By virtue
Dick Virtuti To virtue
Dickens Honesta quam splendida Honour rather than splendour
Dickens Hostis honori invidia Envy is an enemy to honour
Dickens In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Dickin Vincit veritas Truth conquers
Dickman Diligentia Diligence
Dickson Cœlum versus Heavenward
Dickson Fortes fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Digby Deo non fortunâ By Providence, not by fortune
Dillon Auxilium ab alto Aid from above
Dillon Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Dillwyn Craignez honte Fear shame
Dimsdale Magnus Hippocrates; tu nobis major! Great Hippocrates! Thou art greater than we
Dine J’ai espoir mieux avoir I hope for better things
Dingwall Deo favente By the favour of God
Dinorben Rhad Duw a ryddid God’s grace and liberty
Dinwiddle Ubi libertas ibi patria Where liberty prevails there is my country
Dishington Unica spes mea Christus Christ is my only hope
Disney Et decus et pretium recti Both the honour and the reward of rectitude
Disraeli Forti nihil difficile Nothing is difficult to the brave
Divire Sedulitate By diligence
Dixon Dixi, Dixi I have said, I have said
Dixon Fide et constantia By fidelity and constancy
Dixon In recto fides Faith in rectitude
Dixon Peace Peace
Dixon Spes somnium vigilantis Hope is the dream of a waking man
Dixon Suivez raison Follow reason
Dixwell Lux Dei ibi salus In the light of God there is safety
Dobbs Amor Dei et proximi summa beatitudo The love of God and our neighbour is the highest happiness
Dobie Non minima sed magma prosequor I follow not trivial, but important things
Dobree Spe vivitur We live in hope
Dod In copia cautus Careful amid plenty
Doddridge Dum vivimus, vivamus While we live let us live
Dodede Droit à chacun To each his right
Dogsworth Pro lege, senatuque rege For law, senate, and sovereign
Doig Ne cede malis Yield not to misfortunes
Doller Fortes fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Dolling Spero I hope
Dolphin Firmum in vita nihil Nothing in life is permanent
Dolphin In cœlo quies There is rest in heaven
Domville Qui stat caveat ne cadat Let him who standeth take heed lest he fall
Don Non deerit alter aureus Another golden fruit will not be wanting
Don Suum cuique To every man his own
Donald Fac et spera Do and hope
Donald Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Donaldson Aut pax aut bellum Either peace or war
Donaldson Nulla inimicus ero I will be an enemy to no one
Donaldson Steer steady Steer steady
Donegal Gardez bien Watch well
Donegal Invitum sequitut honor Honour follows one who desires it not
Donegall Honor sequitur fugientem Honour follows him who shuns it
Donelan Omni violentia major Too strong for any violence
Doneraile Haut et bon High and good
Donkin Disce pati Learn to endure
Donkin In meliora spera Hope for better things
Donoughmore Fortiter gerit crucem He bravely supports the cross
Donovan Adjuvante Deo in hostes God aiding against enemies
Donville Pax alma redit Fair peace returns
Doran Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Dorchester Quondam his vicimus armis We formerly conquered with these arms
Dorien In arduis viget virtus Virtue flourishes in adversity
Dormer Cio che Dio vuole, io voglio What God wills, I will
Dorset Aut nunquam tentes aut perfice Either never attempt or accomplish
Dossey Manus hœc inimica tyrannis This hand is hostile to tyrants
Douce Celer et vigilans Quick and watchful
Doughty Palma non sine pulvere The palm is not obtained without labour
Doughty Pugna pro patriâ Fight for your country
Douglas Audax et promptus Bold and ready
Douglas Do or die Do or die
Douglas Fortis et fidelis Brave and faithful
Douglas Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Douglas God for us God for us
Douglas In cruce glorior I glory in the cross
Douglas Jamais arrière Never behind
Douglas Lock sicker Be sure
Douglas Meliora sperando By hoping better things
Douglas Per varios casus By various fortunes
Douglas Petiti ardua virtus Virtue seeks difficulties
Douglas Pro patria For my country
Douglas Quœ serata secura Things locked up are safe
Douglas Sapientia et veritas Wisdom and truth
Douglas Spero meliora I hope for better things
Douglas Sursum Upwards
Douglas Tandem fit surculus arbor A shoot (or bush) at length becomes a tree
Douglass Meliora speranda Better fortunes in expectancy
Dover Do ever good Do ever good
Dovers Nihil utile quod non honestum Nothing dishonest or dishonourable is useful
Dow Patience Patience
Dow Patiens Patient
Dowie Patience Patience
Dowling Fortis et egregius Bold and excellent
Downe Timet pudorem He dreads shame
Downes A cruce salus Salvation from the cross
Downie Ex undis aratra Ploughs from the waves
Downie Hold fast Hold fast
Downing Ne vous importer jamais Never be too eager
Downs Parle bien ou parle rien Speak well or say nothing
Downshire Ne tentes aut perfice Attempt not or accomplish
Doyle Fortitudine vincit He conquers by fortitude
Doyle Lybia Africa
Doyne Mullac a boo Victory for the Duns, or inhabitants of the Hills. Or the inhabitants, i.e. the Duns, defying
Draghorn Utitur ante quœsitis He uses what has been gained (or sought for) before
Drago Invidia major Superior to envy
Drake Aquila non captat muscas The eagle catcheth not flies
Drake Auxilio divino By divine aid
Drake Fortiter et rectè Boldly and rightly
Drake Per ardua Through difficulties
Dramond Miseris succurrere disco I learn to succour the unfortunate
Draper Vicit, pepercit He conquered, he spared
Drax Mort en droit Death in the right
Drew Drogo nomen, et virtus arma dedit Drogo is my name, and valour gave me arms
Drinkwater Labore omnia florent All things flourish with industry
Drinkwater Ne quid nimis Not too much of anything
Drogheda Fortis cadere, cedere non potest The brave man may fall, but cannot yield
Drogo Drogo nomen, et virtus arma dedit Drogo is my name, and valour gave me arms
Drought Semper sitiens Always thirsty
Drummond Ad astra per ardua To the stars through difficulties
Drummond Consequitur quodcunque petit He hits whatever he aims at
Drummond Cum corde With the heart
Drummond Deus providebit God will provide
Drummond Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Drummond Et Marte et arte Both by valour and skill
Drummond Gang warily Gang warily
Drummond Have at all Have at all
Drummond Hos gloria reddit honores Glory confers these honours
Drummond Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!
Drummond Loyal au mort Loyal to the dead
Drummond Marte et arte By valour and skill
Drummond Nil timeo I fear nothing
Drummond Prius mori quam fidem fallere Rather die than break faith
Drummond Renovate animos Renew your courage
Drummond Spes mea, res mea My hope is my estate
Drummond Sto, mobilis I stand, but am easily moved
Drummond Per mare, per terras By sea and land
Drumson Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
Drury Non sine anchora Not without an anchor
Drury Droyt et devaunt Right and forward
Drysdale Non sine anchora Not without an anchor
Drysdale Per varios casus By various fortunes
Du Bisson Nil impossibile Nothing is impossible
Du Rien Bien faire et ne rien dire To do good and to say nothing
Du Rien Bien faire et ne rien dire To do good and to say nothing
Du Rien Bien faire, et ne rien craindre To do good, and to fear nothing
Du Rien Bien faire, et ne rien craindre To do good, and to fear nothing
Duberly Res non verba Facts not words
Duc de Benefacere et lœtari To do well and be glad
Duc De Broglie Pour l’advenir For the future
Ducie Perseverando By persevering
Duckett Je veux le droit I desire that which is just
Duckett Je veux le droict I desire that which is just
Duckett Malo pati quam fœdari I prefer suffering to disgrace
Duckett Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
Duckinfield Ubi amor ibi fides Where there is love there is faith
Duckworth Disciplina, fide, perseverantia By discipline, fidelity, and perseverance
Duckworth Minorca Minorca
Duckworth St. Domingo St. Domingo
Duckworth St. Domingo St. Domingo
Duddingstoun Recreat et alit It amuses and nourishes
Dudgeon With heart and hand With heart and hand
Dudley Droit et loyal Just and loyal
Dudley Galea spes salutis Hope is the helmet of salvation
Duerryhouse Fortitudine With fortitude
Duff Deo juvante By God’s assistance
Duff Omnia fortunœ committo I commit all things to fortune
Duff Virtute et opera By virtue and energy
Duffas Sub spe Under hope
Dufferin Per vias rectas By right ways
Duffield Esto semper fidelis Be ever faithful
Duffus Without fear Without fear
Dugdale Perseverando By persevering
Dugdale Pestis patriœ pigrities Sloth is the bane of a country
Duiguid Patientia et spe With patience and hope
Duine Celer atque fidelis Active and faithful
Duke Gradatim vincimus We conquer by degrees
Dukes Constanter With constancy
Dumbreck Nocentes prosequor I prosecute the bad
Dumergue Factis non verbis By deeds not words
Dun Mecum habita Dwell with me
Dunally In omnia paratus Ready for all things
Dunbar Firmior quo paratior The more prepared, the stronger
Dunbar Fortis et fidelis Brave and faithful
Dunbar Impromptu In readiness
Dunbar In promptu In readiness
Dunbar Olet et sanat It smells sweet and heals
Dunbar Ornat fortem prudentia Prudence adorns the brave
Dunbar Prœcipitatus attamen tutus Cast down, yet safe
Dunbar Sapiens non eget The wise man never wants
Dunbar Sapit qui laborat He is wise who exerts himself
Dunbar Spes dabit auxilium Hope will lend aid
Dunbar Sub spe Under hope
Dunboyne Timor Domini fons vitœ The fear of the Lord is the fountain of life
Duncan Disce pati Learn to endure
Duncan Vivat veritas Let truth endure
Duncanson Mens et manus Heart and hand
Dunch Ante omnia erit It will be before all things
Dunckerley Honestas et fortitudo Honour and courage
Duncombe Deo, regi, patriœ To God, my king, my country
Duncombe Non fecimus ipsi We have not done these things ourselves
Dundas Arte vel Marte By art or force
Dundas Essayez Try
Dundas Essayez hardiment Try boldly
Dundas Et arma et virtus Both arms and virtue
Dundas Extinguo I extinguish
Dundas Live in live Live in live
Dundee Dei donum The gift of God
Dundonald Virtute et labore By valour and exertion
Dunfermline Semper Always
Duniguid Patientia et spe With patience and hope
Dunlop E spinis From among thorns
Dunlop Merito Deservedly
Dunmore Furth fortune, and fill the fetters Furth fortune, and fill the fetters
Dunmure Spes anchora tuta Hope is a safe anchor
Dunn Vigilans et audax Vigilant and bold
Dunne Mullac a boo Victory for the Duns, or inhabitants of the Hills. Or the inhabitants, i.e. the Duns, defying
Dunnet Non terra, sed aquis Not by land, but by water
Dunning Studiis et rebus honestis By study and honourable pursuits
Dunraven Quœ sursum volo videre I wish to see heavenly things
Dunsany Festina lente Be quick without impetuosity; or, as it may be punningly translated for the Onslow family, “On slow.”
Dunscombe Fidelitas vincit Fidelity prevails
Duntz Nunquam prœponens Never preferring
Durant Beati qui durant Blessed are they who endure
Durham Augeor dum progedior I increase as I proceed
Durham Le jour viendra The day will come
Durham Ultra fert animus The mind bears onwards
Durham Victoria non prœda Victory, not booty
Durham Vive Deo Live to God
Durhame Ubi amor ibi fides Where there is love, there is faith
Durnard This I’ll defend This I’ll defend
Durno Ex recto decus Honour through rectitude
Dutton Servabo fidem I will keep the faith
Dyce Decide and dare Decide and dare
Dyce-Sombre Favente Numine By the favour of Providence
Dymocke Gardez la foy Keep the faith
Dynevoe Secret et hardi Secret and bold
Dynevor Nihil alienum Nothing foreign
Dysart Confido conquiesco I trust and am contented
Dyson Cruci dum spiro fido Whilst I have breath I confide in the cross

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