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Armorial Gold Coat of Arms

Learning Centre


Heraldry has been defined to be the 'science' that teaches how to blazon and explain in proper terms whatever relates to armorial bearings, and how to arrange or dispose regularly diverse arms upon a coat or shield.

Blazoning on the other hand is the art of describing in appropriate terms the charges according to their several gestures, positions, and tinctures.


Heraldry Learning Center

Heraldry Symbolism

Find out why some families chose certain heraldic charges. The largest Heraldry symbolism library on the Internet.

Heraldry Learning Center

Heraldry Dictionary

Learn the definitions of over 3,000 heraldic charges. An alphabetical listing of the most frequently used charges.

Heraldry Learning Center

The History of Heraldry

Heraldry has been defined to be the science that teaches how to blazon and explain in proper terms whatever relates to armorial bearings, and how to arrange or dispose regularly diverse arms upon a coat or shield.

Heraldry Learning Center

How to Blazon

Blazoning may be regarded as the art of describing in appropriate terms the charges according to their several gestures, positions, and tinctures.

Heraldry Learning Center

Heraldry Study Series

This site features a pictorial lesson series to help identify images at a glance. It examines the points of a shield, ordinaries and sub-ordinaries, and lines of division.

Heraldry Learning Center

Full Achievements of Arms

Learn the Language of Heraldry. The Parts of a Full Achievement of Arms with10 Countries featured including Spain, Portugal, Poland, England, Germany, France, Holland, Sweden, Hungary, Italy.

Heraldry Learning Center

Highland Dress & the History of Tartan

The dress of the Highlanders is one in many respects peculiar to that nation, and is so singularly well adapted to their mode of life and the nature of their country, that it is difficult to believe that it is not the original dress of its inhabitants.

Heraldry Learning Center

Family Mottoes

The world's largest library of family mottoes, featuring over 9,000 entries. This library includes the original motto and its translation. Mottoes can be used by any family.

Heraldry Learning Center

History of Chivalry

The first principles of whatever subject we may attempt to trace in history are ever obscure, but few are so entirely buried in darkness as the origin of Chivalry.

Heraldry Learning Center

The Crest

The mane of horse-hair appended by the Greeks and Romans to the projection on the top of their helmets, was called crista, by the Romans.

Heraldry Art by Armorial Gold

Copyright ©2001-2025 - Armorial Gold Heraldry Services -

Site Design & Graphics by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. All Heraldry Art, Heraldry Clipart, Gods and Goddesses Clipart, Saints Collection, Italian Coats of Arms, Birds of Prey Clipart. Heraldic Alphabets, Spanish Coats of Arms, and all other heraldic, coats of arms, or companion images contained in this site including downloads are copyright of Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. The Heraldry Clipart is hand drawn by Armorial Gold Heraldry. Heraldic art samples are provided as a courtesy to potential buyers and the heraldry samples remain the property of Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. Reproduction in any form other than in the manner stipulated in the Armorial Gold Heraldry Services license agreement or FAQ section is strictly prohibited. All heraldic and companion images purchased through this site are governed by a license agreement executed between the buyer and Armorial Gold Heraldry Services