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Historic Family Mottoes - Names starting with B

by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services

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Name Motto Translation

Historic Family Mottoes - Names starting with B

Babington Foy en tout Faith in everything
Babington Insolitos docuere nisus Taught unwonted exertions
Backhouse Confido in Deo I trust in God
Backie Commodum non damnum A convenience not an injury
Bacon Mediocria firma Mediocrity is safe
Baggalay Stemmata quid faciunt? What avail pedigrees?
Bagge Spes est in Deo My hope is in God
Bagot Antiquum obtinens Possessing our ancient honour
Bagshawe Forma flos, fama flatus Beauty is a flower, fame a breath
Bagshot Sapiens qui vigilant He is wise who watches
Bagwell In fide et in bello fortis Strong both in faith and war
Baikie Commodum non damnum A convenience not an injury
Bailey Libertas Liberty
Baillie In caligine lucet It shines in darkness
Baillie Major virtus gquam splendor Virtue is preferable to splendour
Baillie Nil clarius astris Nothing is brighter than the stars
Baillie Quid clarius astris? What is brighter than the stars?
Baillie Ubi libertas ibi patria Where liberty prevails there is my country
Baillie Vertitur in lucem It is changed into light
Baily Vestigia nulla retrorsum No steps backwards
Bain Et arte et Marte Both by skill and valour
Bain Et Marte et arte Both by valour and skill
Bainbridge Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Baines Vel arte vel Marte Either by art or strength
Baird Dominus fecit The Lord hath done it
Baird Et vi et virtute Both by strength and virtue
Baird Seringapatam Serigapatam
Baird Vi et virtute By strength and valour
Baker Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Baker Fidei coticula crux The cross is the test of truth
Baker Finis coronat opus The end crowns the work
Baker Love and dread Love and dread
Baker Nemo sine cruce beatus No one is happy but by the cross
Baker Non hœc sine numine These things are not without the Deity
Baker Non sibi, sed patriœ Not for himself, but for his country
Baker So run that you may obtain So run that you may obtain
Balcarres Endure fort Endure boldly
Balderston Vulnere sano I cure by a wound
Baldwin Est voluntas Dei It is the will of God
Baldwin Fortes semper monstrant missericordiam The brave always show mercy
Baldwin Je n’oublierai pas I will not forget
Balfour Debonnaire Graceful
Balfour Dieu aidant God helping
Balfour Fordward Fordward
Balfour Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Balfour God gives increase God gives increase
Balfour Nil temere Nothing rashly
Balfour Non temere Not rashly
Balfour Omne solum forti patria Every land is a brave man’s country
Balfour Virtus ad œthera tendit Virtue reaches to heaven
Balguy Jucunda oblivia vitœ It is pleasant to forget (the calamities of) life
Balkeney Auxilium meum ab alto My help is from above
Ballantine Nec cito, nec tarde Neither swiftly nor slowly
Ballantine-Dykes Prius frangitur quam flectitur He is sooner broken than bent
Ballinghall Fortitudine et decorè By boldness and gracefulness
Ballycumber Invictus maneo I remain unconquered
Balnaves Hinc origo Hence our origin
Bampfylde Delectare in Domino To rejoice in the Lord
Banbury Virtus paret robur Virtue begets strength
Bancks Vive ut semper vivas So live that you may live for ever
Band Dieu est mon aide God is my help
Bandon Virtus probata florebit Tried virtue will flourish
Bangor Sub cruce salus Salvation under the cross
Bankes Fide, sed cui vide Trust, but in whom take care
Banks Nullius in verba At the dictation of no man
Bannatyne Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Banner Nil sine numine Nothing without the Deity
Bannerman Hœc prœstat militia This warfare excels
Bannersman Pro patria For my country
Bantry The noblest motive is the public good The noblest motive is the public good
Barberrie Suivez raison Follow reason
Barberrie Sunt sua prœmia laudi His rewards are his praise
Barbour Nihilo nisi cruce With nothing but the cross
Barchard Dove andate? Whither are you going?
Barclay Crux Christi nostra corona The cross of Christ is our crown
Barclay Crux salutem confert The cross confers salvation
Barclay In cruce spero I trust in the cross
Barclay Mieux être que paraître Better be than seem
Barclay Servabit me semper Jehovah The Lord will always preserve me
Barclay Sola cruce salus The only salvation is through the cross
Barge Industria et spe By industry and hope
Barham Tout bien ou rien All well or nothing
Barkas Fari quœ sentiat To speak what they think
Barker Grato animo With grateful mind
Barker Sic itur ad astra Such is the way to immortality
Barker Virtus tutissima cassis Virtue is the safest helmet
Barkworth Esto quod esse videris Be what you seem to be
Barlee Auctor pretiosa fecit The Giver made them valuable
Barlow En foi prest Ready in faith
Barlow Renovabitur ut aquilœ juventus tua Thy youth shall be renewed as the eagles
Barlow Sis pius in primis Be pious among the first
Barnard Ex concordia victoriœ spes Hope of victory through union
Barnard Festina lente Be quick without impetuosity; or, as it may be punningly translated for the Onslow family, “On slow.”
Barnardiston Je trove bien I find well
Barne Avorum honori For the honour of our ancestors
Barne Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Barneby Virtute non vi By virtue not by force
Barnes Deus noster refugium Our God is (our) refuge
Barnes Mutare vel timere sperno I scorn to change or to fear
Barnes Peace and plenty Peace and plenty
Barnes Vi et virtute By strength and valour
Barnet Finis coronat opus The end crowns the work
Barnewell Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Barnham In arduis viget virtus Virtue flourishes in adversity
Barniston Opera Dei mirifica The works of God are wonderful
Baron Fortuna juvat audaces Fortune favours the bold
Baron Ipse amicus I am my own friend
Baron de Rothschild Concordia, integritate, industria By concord, integrity , and industry
Baron de Tabley Tu, Domine, gloria mea Thou, O Lord, art my glory
Barret-Lennard Pour bien dèsirer For wishing well
Barrington Honesta quam splendida Honour rather than splendour
Barrington Tout ung durant ma vie Always the same during my life
Barrington Un durant ma vie The same while I live
Barron Audaces fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Barron Fortuna audaces juvat Fortune favours the bold
Barrow Non frustra Not without a purpose
Barry A rege et victoria From the king and by conquest
Barry Boutez en avant Push forward
Barry Fortitudine With fortitude
Barry Legi regi fidelis Faithful to the king and law
Barry Poussez en avant Push forward
Barry Regi legi fidelis Faithful to king and law
Barrymore Boutez en avant Push forward
Barsane His securitas In these is safety
Bartolozzi Labore et prudentia By labour and prudence
Barton Crescitur cultu It is increased by cultivation
Barton Fortis est veritas Truth is strong
Barton His securitas In these is safety
Bartram J’avance I advance
Barwell Loyal au mort Loyal to the dead
Baskerville Spero ut fidelis I hope as being faithful
Baskin Armis et diligentia By arms and diligence
Bastard Pax potior bello Peace preferable to war
Bateman Nec prece, nec pretio Neither by entreaty nor reward
Bateman Nec pretio, nec prece Neither by bribery nor prayer
Bateman Sidus adsit amicum Let my propitious star be present
Bates Et manu et corde Both with hand and heart
Bates Fert palmam mereat He bears the palm, let him deserve it
Bates Manu et corde With heart and hand
Bath J’ai bonne cause I have good reason
Bathgate Vive ut vivas Live that you may live
Bathurst Tiens ta foy Keep thy faith
Batson Vespertilionis Of the bat, i.e. Batson
Batt Virtute et valore By virtue and valour
Batt Dominus a dextris The Lord is on my right hand
Battye Ducat amor Dei Let the love of God lead us
Bavaria Virgini immacultae Barvaria To the immaculate Virgin Immaculate Bavaria
Baxter Virtute non verbis By valour not by boasting
Bayley Finis coronat opus The end crowns the work
Bayn Et Marte et arte Both by valour and skill
Baynard Sans peur et sans reproche Without fear and without reproach
Bayne Et Marte et arte Both by valour and skill
Baynes Furor arma ministrat Rage furnishes arms
Bayning Stare super vias antiquas I stand in the track of my ancestors
Bazilie Be not wanting Be not wanting
Beach Toute en bon heure All in good time
Beadon Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Beale Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Beamish Virtus insignit audentes Virtue renders the bold illustrious
Bear Bear and forbear Bear and forbear
Beare Beare and forbeare Beare and forbeare
Bearh Fortunâ, virtute By good fortune and valour
Beatie Lumen cœleste sequamur May we follow heavenly inspiration
Beaton Fortis in arduis Brave under difficulties
Beatson Cum prudentia sedulus Diligent with prudence
Beauchamp Ex fide fortis Strong though faith
Beauchamp Toujours fidèle Always faithful
Beaufort Fortiter in re, et suaviter in modo Firmly in act and gently in manner
Beaufort Mutare vel timere sperno I scorn to change or to fear
Beauman Fortiter Bravely
Beaumont Antiquum obtinens Possessing our ancient honour
Beaumont Erectus, non elatus Exalted but not elated
Beaumont Fide, sed cui vide Trust, but in whom take care
Beauvale Virtute et fide By valour and faith
Beavan Semper virtuti constans Always constant to virtue
Beaver Industria et virtute By industry and virtue
Becher Bis vivit qui bene He lives twice who lives well
Beck Unitate fortior Stronger by union
Beckford De Dieu tout From God every thing
Beckwith Join truth with Jouir en bien To enjoy innocently
Becquet Celeritas Quickness
Bedford Animum fortuna sequitur Fortune follows courage
Bedford Che sarà sarà What will be will be
Bedford Vérité sans peur Truth without fear
Bedingfield Aquila non captat muscas The eagle catcheth not flies
Bedingfield Despicio terrena I despise earthly things
Bedingfield Despicio terrena et solem contemplor I despise earthly things and contemplate the sun
Bedwell Semper sic Always thus
Beebee Se defendendo In his own defence
Beedham God be my bede,i.e. God be my aide
Beith Fortunâ, virtute By good fortune and valour
Belcarres Astra castra, numen, lumen munimen The stars are my camp, the Deity is my light and guard
Belches Fulget virtus inaminata Unspotted virtue shines bright
Belches Keep tryst Keep tryst
Belches Revirescit It flourishes again
Belhaven Ride through Ride through
Bell Bello palmam fero I bear the palm in war
Bell Confido I trust
Bell Dextra fideque By my right hand and my fidelity
Bell Forward, kind heart Forward, kind heart
Bell Fulget virtus Virtue shines bright
Bell Honor virtutis prœmium Honour is the reward of virtue, or valour
Bell I beare the bel I beare the bel
Bell Lege et labore By law and labour
Bell Perseverantia Perseverance
Bell Prœnuntia pacis Forerunner of peace
Bell Prend moi tel que je suis Take me as I am
Bell Signum pacis amor Love is the token of peace
Bellairs Virtus tutissima cassis Virtue is the safest helmet
Bellasyse Bonne et belle assez Good and handsome enough
Bellew Tout d’en haut All from above
Bellingham Ainsi il est Thus it is
Bellingham Amicus amico A friend to a friend
Belmore Virtus semper viridis Virtue is ever green
Beloe Vita et pectore puro With pure life and heart (lit. breast)
Belsher Loyal au mort Loyal to the dead
Belsher Revirescit It flourishes again
Bence Virtus castellum meum Virtue my castle
Bendyshe Utraque Pallade With either Pallas
Bennet Aut nunquam tentes aut perfice Either never attempt or accomplish
Bennet Benedictus qui tollit crucem Blessed is he who bears the cross
Bennet Bene tenax Rightly tenacious
Bennet De bon vouloir servir le roy To serve the king with right good will
Bennet Nunquam tentes aut perfice Never attempt or accomplish
Bennet Premi, non opprimi To be pressed, not oppressed
Bennet Rara bonitas Goodness is rare
Bennett Dux vitœ ratio Reason is the guide of life
Bennett Haud facile emergunt They do easily rise up
Bennett Irrevocabile Irrevocable
Bennett Mihi consulit Deus God careth for me
Bennett Serve the king Serve the king
Bennie Virtute et opera By virtue and energy
Benshaw Mente manuque With heart and hand
Benson In concussa virtus Unshaken virtue
Benson Leges arma tenent sanctas Arms cause laws to be respected
Benson Opes parit undustria Industry produces riches
Benson Si Deus quis contra? If God be with us who can be against us?
Bent Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Bent Tutamen Deus God is my defence
Bentham Ex duris gloria From suffering ariseth glory
Bentham Virtus invicta gloriosa Unconquered virtue is glorious
Bentinck Craignez honte Fear shame
Bently Benigno Numine By benign providence
Benzie Virtute et opera By virtue and energy
Beresford Nihil sine cruce Nothing without the cross
Beresford Nil nisi cruce Nothing unless by the cross
Beresford Tandem fit surculus arbor A shoot (or bush) at length becomes a tree
Berkeley Dieu avec nous God with us
Berkeley Pauca suspexi, pauciora despexi I have admired few things, I have despised fewer
Bernal-Osborne Pax in bello Peace in war
Bernard Bear and forbear Bear and forbear
Bernard Nisi paret imperat Unless he obeys, he commands
Bernard Virtus probata florebit Tried virtue will flourish
Berners Del fuego io avolo I escape from the fire
Berney Nil temere, neque timore Nothing rashly, nor with fear
Bernie Virtute et opera By virtue and energy
Berns Carpe diem Seize the present opportunity
Berrie In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Berry Nihil sine labore Nothing without labour
Berry Per ardua Through difficulties
Berry Right revere, and persevere Right revere, and persevere
Berry Vincit veritas Truth conquers
Bertie Loyalté me lie Loyalty binds me
Bertie Virtus ariete fortior Virtue is stronger than a battering-ram
Berwick Qui uti scit ei bona Be wealth to him who knows how to use it
Best Cedant arma Let arms yield
Best Haud nomine tantum Not in name alone
Best Libertas in legibus Liberty in the law
Best Optimus est qui optime facit The best is he who does the best
Beswicke Denique cœlum Heaven at last
Bethune Debonnaire Graceful
Bethune Resolutio cauta A prudent resolution
Beton Fortis et fidelis Brave and faithful
Betson Cum prudentia sedulus Diligent with prudence
Betson Pro patria For my country
Betteason Qui sera What will be, will be
Betton Nunquam non paratus Never unprepared
Betts Ostendo non ostento I show, not boast
Betune Fortis in arduis Brave under difficulties
Beugo Pro Deo, patriâ, et rege For God, my country, and my king
Beugo Qui nos vincet? Who shall conquer us?
Bevan Be in the van Be in the van
Beverley Ubi libertas ibi patria Where liberty prevails there is my country
Beverly Esperance en Dieu Hope in God
Beville Futurum invisibile The future is inscrutable
Bewicke In cœlo quies There is rest in heaven
Bexley Grata quies Rest is grateful
Bickerton Pro Deo et rege For God and the king
Biddle Deus clypeus meus God is my shield
Biddulph In veritate triumpho I triumph in the truth
Biddulph Sublimiora petamus Let us seek higher things
Bigg Christus mihi vita Christ my life
Biggar Giving and forgiving Giving and forgiving
Bigland Gratitude Gratitude
Bigsby Ad astra To the stars
Bigsby Nitamur semper ad optima Let us always strive for the best
Billam Azincourt Azincourt
Billing Terra marique fide With faith by land and sea
Bindlosse Per Through
Bingham Spes mea Christus Christ is my hope
Binning Christo duce feliciter Happily, under the guidance of Christ
Binning True to the end True to the end
Binning Virtute doloque By valour and craft
Birch Libertas Liberty
Birch Sincera fide agere To act with faith sincere
Bircham Bear and forbear Bear and forbear
Bird Cruce spes mea My hope is in the cross
Birkbeck Fide, sed cui vide Trust, but in whom take care
Birley Omni liber metu Free from every fear
Birney Arcus, artes, astra The bow, arts, and stars
Birney Sapere aude, incipe Dare to be wise, begin at once
Birt Conabimur We will try
Biset Exitus acta probat The results tests the act, or the end proves the deed
Bishop Sumus We are
Biss Ayes prudence Have prudence
Biss Je les maintiendrai I will maintain them
Biss Nil conscire sibi To have a conscience free from guilt. To be conscious of nothing of one’self, i.e. against one’s self
Bisset Abscissa virescit By pruning it grows green
Bisset Iterum virescit Again it grows green
Bisset Repullulat It buds afresh
Bisshopp Pro Deo et ecclesiâ For God and the church
Bissland Certum pete finem Aim at a sure end
Blaauw Festina lente Be quick without impetuosity; or, as it may be punningly translated for the Onslow family, “On slow.”
Black Non crux, sed lux Not the cross, but its light
Blackenbury Sans recuiller jamais Without ever receding
Blacker Pro Deo et rege For God and the king
Blackett Nous travaillerons en esperance We will labour in hope
Blackie Spero in Deo I trust in God
Blackman Fide et fiducia By fidelity and confidence
Blackwood Luceat et crescat Let it shine and grow
Blackwood Per vias rectas By right ways
Blackwood Virtute parta tuemini Defend what is acquired by valour
Bladen Toujours fidèle Always faithful
Blades Ducit amor patriœ Patriotism leads me
Blades Pro Deo, patriâ, et rege For God, my country, and my king
Blaikie Virtute et fidelitate By valour and fidelity
Blain Pax aut bellum Peace or war
Blair Facies qualis mens talis As the face so is the mind
Blair God be my guide God be my guide
Blair Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Blair Non crux, sed lux Not the cross, but its light
Blair Vigilantia, robur, voluptas Vigilance, strength, pleasure
Blairtyre Sola juvat virtus Virtue alone delights
Blake Sola nobilitas virtus Virtue is the only nobility
Blake Virtus sola nobilitas Virtue is the only nobility
Blake Virtus sola nobilitat Virtue alone ennobles
Blake-Humfrey Cœlestem spero coronam I hope for a heavenly crown
Blakely Allons, Dieu ayde Let us go on, God assists us
Blakeston Do well and doubt not Do well and doubt not
Bland Eloquentia sagitta Eloquence (is) my arrow
Bland Sperate et vivite fortes Hope and live bold (ly)
Blandy Ex urna resurgam I shall rise again from the urn, i.e. the tomb
Blane Paritur pax belo Peace is obtained by war
Blane Pax aut bellum Peace or war
Blathwayte Virtute et veritate With virtue and truth
Blaydes Pro Deo, rege, et patriâ For God, my king, and my country
Blayds Grato animo With grateful mind
Blayney I rest to rise I rest to rise
Blayney Integra mens augustissima possessio An honest mind is the most glorious possession
Blayney Non nobis solum Not for ourselves alone
Blencowe Quorsum vivere mori? Mori vita Wherefore live to die? To die is life
Blenkinsop Dieu defend le droit God defends the right
Blenkinsopp Je mourrai pour ceux que j’aime I will die for those I love
Blennerhasset Fortes fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Blenshell Deo favente florebo By the favour of God, I shall prosper
Bligh Finem respice Consider the end
Bliss Maturas cœlo non cadit ante diem He who is ripe for heaven falls not before his day
Blofield Domini quid reddam? What shall I render unto the Lord?
Blois Je me fie en Dieu I trust in God
Blome In utroque paratus Prepared in either case
Blomfield Pro aris et focis For our altars and our homes
Blomfield Zeal and honour Zeal and honour
Bloomfield Fortes fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Blosse Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Blount Lux tua via mea Thy light is my way
Blount Lux tua vita mea Thy light is my life
Blount Mors crucis mea salus The death of the cross is my safety
Bloxam Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Bloxham Audaces fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Bloxholme Unde derivatur? Whence is it derived?
Bloxsome Non temere, sed fortiter Not rashly, but boldly
Bluett In Deo omnia In God are all things
Blundeel Unus et idem ferar I will be borne along one and the same
Blundell Nil sine numine Nothing without the Deity
Blunden Cedamus amori Let us yield to love
Blunstone Post nubes lux After clouds light
Blunt Inter lachrymas micat It shines amidst tears
Blyth Audacter et strenue Boldly and earnestly
Bockenham Fe med’um buen hidalgo Faith measures a good gentleman
Bodenham Veritas liberabit Truth will liberate
Boggie Deus pastor meus God is my shepherd
Bogie Deus pastor meus God is my shepherd
Bogland Spes labor levis Hope is light labour
Boileau De tout mon cœur With all my heart
Bolckow Suscipere et finire To undertake and accomplish
Bolden Pour bien dèsirer For wishing well
Bolden Pour jamais For ever
Boldero Audax ero I will be bold
Bolger Deus nobis hœc otia fecit God hath given us this tranquility
Bolger Deus providebit God will provide
Bolingbroke Nec quœrere, nec spernere honorem Neither to seek nor to despise honour
Bolingbroke Nil admirari Not to admire
Bolton Aimez loyaulté Love loyalty
Bolton Aspiro I aspire
Bolton Aymez loyaulté Love loyalty
Bolton La mort me suit Death follows me
Bolton Vi et virtute By strength and valour
Bomford Justus et fidelis Just and faithful
Bonar Denique cœlum Heaven at last
Bond Nec lusisse pudet, sed non incidere luseum It does not shame me to have played, but that I have not left off playing
Bond Non sufficit orbis The world does not suffice
Bond-Carbell Impavide Fearlessly
Bonham Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Bonner Semper fidelis Always faithful
Bonnor A la bonne heure In good time
Bonsall Pro patria For my country
Bonteine Soli Deo gloria Glory be to God alone
Bonus Dominus bonus propitiabitur Our God will be propitious
Booker Ad cœlum tendit He directs his course towards heaven
Booth Deus adjuvat nos God assists us
Booth Habeo non habeor I hold but am not held
Booth In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Boothby Mors Christi mors mortis mihi Christ’s death is to me the death of death
Booth-Gore Genti œquus utrique Worthy of both families
Borelands Press through Press through
Borlase Leo de Juda est robur nostrum The Lion of Judah is our strength
Borough Virtute et robore By virtue and strength
Borrows Non vi, virtute Not by force, but by virtue
Borthwick Cœlitus datum Given by God
Borthwick Ex vulnere salus Health from a wound
Borthwick Fide et spe With faith and hope
Borthwick Mente manuque With heart and hand
Borthwick Qui conducit One who leads
Borthwick Virtus post facta Virtue after exploits
Boscawen In cœlo quies There is rest in heaven
Boscawen Patience passe science Patience surpasses knowledge
Boss Cada uno es hijo de sus obras Scarce one is the son of his works
Boston Honor fidelitatis prœmium Honour is the reward of fidelity
Bosvile Intento in Deum animo With mind intent on God
Boswell Fortiter Bravely
Boswell I hope for better I hope for better
Boswell Nothing venture, nothing have Nothing venture, nothing have
Boswell Vraye foy True faith
Bosworth Animus valet Courage availeth
Boteler Aquilœ vitem pocula vitam Let me avoid the cup – the sustenance of the eagle
Boteler Do not for to repent Do not for to repent
Botesham Nec ab oriente, nec ab occidente Neither from the east nor from the west
Botfield J’ay bonne cause I have good reason
Bothwell Obdurum adversus urgentia Resolute against oppression
Bottomley Fideli certa merces To the faithful there is certain reward
Bottomly Fideli certa merces To the faithful there is certain reward
Boucher Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Boucher Non vi, sed voluntate Not by force, but by good will
Boucherett Prima voce salutat He salutes with early voice
Boughey Nec quœrere, nec spernere honorem Neither to seek nor to despise honour
Boughton Omne bonum Dei donum Every good is the gift of God
Boultbee Spes in Deo My hope is in God
Boulton Dux vitœ ratio Reason is the guide of life
Boulton Mens conscia recti A mind conscious of rectitude
Bourk One faith, one king, one law One faith, one king, one law
Bourke A cruce salus Salvation from the cross
Bourke Chacun le sien Every man his own
Bourke In cruce salus In the cross is salvation
Bourne Hœc omnia transeunt All these things pass away
Bourne Semper vigilans Always watchful
Bover Indulge fortune Indulge fortune
Bovier Fide et caritate laboro I labour with faith and charity
Bovier Fide laboro I labour with faith
Bowden Comme je trouve As I find
Bowden Labore et honore By industry and honour
Bowden Vanus est honor Honour is vain
Bowen Cautus a futuro Cautious as to the future
Bowen Law Law
Bower Ad metam To the mark
Bower Hope well and love all well Hope well and love all well
Bower Rege et patriâ By my king and country
Bowes In multis, in magnis, in bonis In many, in great, in good things
Bowes In multis, in magnis, in bonis expertus Experienced in many, in great, in good things
Bowes Sans variance, et à mon droit Without change, and for my right
Bowles Ut tibi sic alteri As to yourself so to another
Bowyer Contentement passe richesse Contentment is preferable to riches
Bowyer-Vaux Hodie non cras To-day, not to-morrow
Boyd Confido I trust
Boyd Eternitatem cogita Think on eternity
Boyd Manu forti With a strong hand
Boyd Spes mea in cœlis My hope is in heaven
Boyer Pro Deo, pro patria, et lege For God, my country and the law
Boyes Attendez Wait
Boyes Attendez vouz Wait patiently
Boyle Dominus providebit The Lord will provide
Boyle E labore dulcedo Pleasure arises out of labour
Boyle God’s providence is my inheritance God’s providence is my inheritance
Boyle Honor virtutis prœmium Honour is the reward of virtue, or valour
Boyle Vivit post funera virtus Virtue lives after death
Boyne Nec timeo, nec sperno I neither fear nor despise
Boynton Il tempo passa Time flies
Boys Attendez vouz Wait patiently
Brabazon Vota vita mea Prayers are my life
Bracebridge Be as god will Be as god will
Brackenridge Bello ac pace paratus In war and peace prepared
Bradbury Æquitas actionum regula Equity is the rule of actions
Bradbury Tempus et patientia Time and patience
Braddy Cognoies toy meme Know thyself
Bradford Fier et sage Proud and wise
Bradford Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Bradley Vigilans et audax Vigilant and bold
Bradshaigh Qui vit content tient assez He who lives contentedly has enough
Bradshaw Avec ce qui je tienne he suis With what I hold I am
Bradshaw Bona benemerenti benedictio A good benediction to the well-deserving
Bradshaw Non nobis solum nati sumus We are not born for ourselves alone
Bradshaw Qui vit content tient assez He who lives contentedly has enough
Bragge Fidelis et constans Faithful and steadfast
Bragge Honorat mors Death confers honour
Braidwood Vigueur de dessus Strength is from above
Brailsford In Jehovah fides mea In Jehovah is my trust
Brand Advance Advance
Brand Ay, forward Ay, forward
Brander Silentio et spe In silence and hope
Brander Wer gutes u boses nit kan ertragon wirt kein grose chre erjagen Who cannot bear good and evil shall not obtain great honours
Brandling Fide et virtute By fidelity and valour
Brandon Not in vain Not in vain
Brandreth Fortunam honestent virtute Let them make honourable their fortune and opportunity for ever
Branfill Not in vain Not in vain
Branthwaite Incipe Begin
Braybrooke Ne vile velis Wish nothing base
Breadalbane Follow me Follow me
Breame God is my defender God is my defender
Breary Jesus seul bon et bel Jesus alone good and fair
Breek Firmus maneo I remain steadfast
Bremer A la vérité In truth
Brenton Go through Go through
Brenton Spartan Spartan
Brereton Opitulante Deo By God’s help
Bretargh Fari quœ sentient To speak what they think
Brettell Seigneur, je te prie garde ma vie Lord, I beseech thee save my life
Brewster Vérité soyez ma garde Truth be my protection
Brey By degrees By degrees
Brickdale Fide et fortitudine With faith and fortitude
Bridgeman Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Bridger Tene fortiter Hold firmly
Bridges Maintien le droit Support the right
Bridgewater Sic donec Thus until
Bridgman Adjuvante Deo, quid timeo? God helping me, what do I fear?
Bridport Steady Steady
Briggs Fortiter et fideliter Boldly and faithfully
Briggs Virtus est Dei Virtue is my God
Brigham In cruce salus In the cross is salvation
Bright Clarior e tenebris The brighter from previous obscurity
Brinckman Perseverando By persevering
Brinning Soho Soho
Brisbane Animum prudentia firmat Prudence strengthens courage
Brisbane Certamine summo In the battle’s height
Brisbane Fear God Fear God
Brisbane Spare nought Spare nought
Brisbane Virtuti damnosa quies Inactivity is prejudicial to virtue
Brisco Grata sume manu Take with a grateful hand
Briscoe Post virtutem curro I run after virtue
Briscoe Spero I hope
Bristol Je n’oublierai jamais I will never forget
Bristowe Vigilantibus non dormientibus For the vigilant not for the sleeping
Broadhead Confide rectè agens Doing rightly be confident
Broadhurst Sapere et tacere To be wise and silent
Broadley Gardez l’honneur Preserve honour
Broadley Non immemor beneficii Grateful for kindness
Broadly Honor post funera vivit Honour lives after death
Broadmead Semper fidelis Always faithful
Broadwood Semper virens Always flourishing
Brockett Invictus maneo I remain unconquered
Brocklehurst Verita me dirigit Truth directs me
Broderick A cuspide corona By a spear a crown
Brodie Be mindful to unite Be mindful to unite
Brodie Unite Unite
Brograve Finis dat esse Death gives us (real) being
Brograve Mors janua vitœ Death is the gate of life
Broigg Honorat mors Death confers honour
Broke Sœvumque tridentem servamus We retain the stern trident
Brome Domine, dirige nos O Lord, direct us
Bromhead Concordia res crescunt Things increase by union
Bromley Non inferiora secutus Not having followed mean pursuits
Bromley Pensez forte Think firmly
Brook Ut amnis vita labitur Life glides on like a brook
Brook Virtutis fortuna comes Fortune is the companion of valour
Brook Vis unita fortior Strength united is the more powerful
Brookbank Sola cruce salus The only salvation is through the cross
Brooke De mieux je pense en mieux From better I think to better
Brooke Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Brooke Fast without fraude Fast without fraude
Brooke Finem respice Consider the end
Brooke Gloria finif Glory to the end
Brooke Pro avitâ fide For the faith of our forefathers
Brooke Spes mea Deus God is my hope
Brooke Spes mea in Deo My hope is in God
Brooke Virtus est Dei Virtue is my God
Brooke Vix ea nostra voco I scarce call these things our own
Brookes Festina lente Be quick without impetuosity; or, as it may be punningly translated for the Onslow family, “On slow.”
Brooking Crux fidei calcar The cross is the spur of faith
Brooks Aspice et imitare Look and imitate
Brooks Perseverando By persevering
Brooks Vinctus non subactus Bound not subdued
Broom In arduis viget virtus Virtue flourishes in adversity
Brothwick Nec deerit operi dextra Nor shall my hand be wanting to the work; i.e. It shall be done with heart and hand. In allusion to the heart in the arms
Brough Suivez moi Follow me
Broughton Do that ye come fore Do that ye come fore
Brouncker Duty Duty
Brown Accipe quantum vis Take as much as you wish
Brown Armat et ornat For defence and ornament
Brown Caute et sedulo Cautiously and carefully
Brown Delectat et ornat It is both pleasing and ornamental
Brown Est concordia fratrum Harmony becomes brothers
Brown Floreat majestas Let majesty flourish
Brown Fortitudine et fidelitate By fortitude and fidelity
Brown Gaudeo I rejoice
Brown Labor omnia vincit Perseverance overcomes all difficulties
Brown Nil sine causa Nothing without a cause
Brown Persevera Deoque confido Persevere and trust in God
Brown Prœmium, virtus, honor Reward, virtue, honour
Brown Si sit prudentia If there be prudence
Brown Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
Brown Sunt sua prœmia laudi His rewards are his praise
Brown Verum atque decus The truth and rectitude
Brown Virtus dabit, cura servabit Valour will give, care will keep
Browne Fortiter et fideliter Boldly and faithfully
Browne Fortiter et fideliter Boldly and faithfully
Browne Gaudeo I rejoice
Browne Gradatim vincimus We conquer by degrees
Browne Industria et probitate By industry and probity
Browne Parum sifficit Little sufficeth
Browne Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
Browne Suivez raison Follow reason
Browne Traducere œvum leniter To reform the age mildly
Browne Virtus dedit, cura servabit What virtue has given, discretion will preserve
Browne Virtus et industria Virtue and industry
Brownhill Radii omnia lustrant His rays illuminate all things
Brownlow Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Brownlow Opera illius mea sunt His works are mine
Brownrigg Virescit vulnere virtus Her virtue flourishes by her wound
Brownrigg Virtute et sapientia By virtue and wisdom
Bruce Ad summa virtus Courage to the last
Bruce Do well and doubt not Do well and doubt not
Bruce Do well, doubt not Do well, doubt not
Bruce Do well, doubt nought Do well, doubt nought
Bruce Fuimus We have been
Bruce Irrevocabile Irrevocable
Bruce Omnia vincit amor Love subdues all things
Bruce Semper fidelis Always faithful
Bruce Spes mea superne My hope is from above
Bruce True True
Bruce Venture forward Venture forward
Bruges Mihi cœlum portus Heaven is my haven
Bruges Omne solum forti patria Every land is a brave man’s country
Brundenel Engrace affie On grace depend
Brunswick In recto decus Honour in acting right
Brunton Lux et salus Light and safety
Bryan Fortis et fidelis Brave and faithful
Bryce Fiat justitia Let justice be done
Bryden Keep watch Keep watch
Brydges Maintien le droit Support the right
Brymer Per tela per hostes Through arrows and enemies
Bryson Ever ready Ever ready
Bryson God with my right God with my right
Buccleugh Amo I love
Buchan Fortior qui melior He is the stronger, who is the better man
Buchan Judge nought Judge nought
Buchan Non inferiora secutus Not having followed mean pursuits
Buchanan Audacia et industria Boldness and diligence
Buchanan Clarior hinc honos Hence the brighter honour
Buchanan Clariora sequor I follow brighter things
Buchanan God with my right God with my right
Buchanan Par sit fortuna labori Let the success be equal to the labour
Buchanan Secundo, curo I prosper and am cautious
Buchanan Ducitur hinc honos Hence honour is derived
Buchanan-Hamilton Audaces juvo I assist the bold
Buck Barn yn uchaf Buck uppermost
Buck Bellement et hardiment Handsomely and hardily
Buck Nosce teipsum Know thyself
Buckeley Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Buckingham Templa, quam dilecta Temles, how beloved
Buckinghamshire Auctor pretiosa facit The Giver makes them valuable
Buckinghamshire Vestigia nulla retrorsum No steps backwards
Buckle Nil temerè tenta, nil timidè Attempt nothing either rashly or timidly
Buckler Je maintiendrai I will maintain
Buckley Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Bucks Be right and persist Be right and persist
Buckston Fructum habet charitas Charity hath fruit, satisfaction or pleasure
Buckworth Nec ab ordine cedunt Nor do they depart from their rank
Bulkeley-Owen Ceidw, Owain a gafodd Let Owen hold what he held
Bull Sol mi re fa Sol mi re fa
Buller Aquila non captat muscas The eagle catcheth not flies
Bullman Patienter Patiently
Bullock Esperance en Dieu Hope in God
Bullock Nil conscire sibi To have a conscience free from guilt. To be conscious of nothing of one’self, i.e. against one’s self
Bulman Pro patria For my country
Bulwerlytton Hoc virtutis opus This is the work of virtue
Bunbury Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Bunbury Firmum in vita nihil Nothing in life is permanent
Bunce Sic vivere vivetis Thus you shall live, to live (hereafter)
Bundy Certum pete finem Aim at a sure end
Bunny Monte dessus Soar upward
Bunten Fortiter et fide Boldly and faithfully
Bunting Copiosè et opportunè Plentifully and opportunely
Buntz Ne vile velis Wish nothing base
Burchell Usque ad aras Even to the altars
Burder Labor omnia vincit Perseverance overcomes all difficulties
Burdett Me duce carpe viam With me for leader hasten on your way
Burgess Levius fit patientia It is rendered lighter by patience
Burgess Tace aut fac Say nothing or do
Burgh A cruce salus Salvation from the cross
Burgh Claris dextra factis A right hand employed in glorious deeds
Burgrave Finis dat esse Death gives us (real) being
Burke In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Burke Ung Dieu, ung loy, ung foy One God, one law, one faith
Burke Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy One king, one faith, one law
Burkett Impendam expendar I will spend and be spent
Burlington Cavendo tutus Safe by being cautious
Burmey Arcus, artes, astra The bow, arts, and stars
Burn Ever ready Ever ready
Burn Vincit veritas Truth conquers
Burnell Caritas fructum habet Charity bears fruit
Burnes Avito evehor honore I am exalted or influenced by ancestral honour
Burnes Cabool Cabool
Burnes Ob patriam vulnera passi Having endured wounds for their country
Burnes Perseverantia vincit Perseverance conquers
Burnes Revirescimus We flourish again
Burnes Ruinam salutarunt pro rege They have hailed ruin in the cause of the king
Burnet Nec fluctu, nec flatu Neither by wave nor wind
Burnet Quœ vernant crescent Things which are green will grow
Burnet Quidni pro sodali? Why not for a companion?
Burnet Tandem fit surculus arbor A shoot (or bush) at length becomes a tree
Burnet Virtute cresco I grow by virtue
Burnett Virescit vulnere virtus Her virtue flourishes by her wound
Burney Omne bonum desuper Every good is from above
Burns Tendit ad astra fides Faith reaches towards heaven
Burnside Gradatim plena Full by degrees
Burr Ternate Ternate
Burr Virtus verus honos Virtue is true honour
Burrard Perseverance Perseverance
Burrell Adhœreo I adhere
Burrell Animus non deficit œquus Equanimity is not wanting
Burrell Hœc manus inimica tyrannis This hand is hostile to tyrants
Burrell Per fluctus ad oram Through waves to the shore
Burrell Sub libertate quietem Rest under liberty
Burroughes Animo et fide By courage and faith
Burroughes Audaces fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Burroughs Huic habeo non tibi I hold it for him, not for thee
Burrow Deus nobis hœc otia fecit God hath given us this tranquility
Burrowes Et vi et virtute Both by strength and virtue
Burtee In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Burton Amicus vitœ solatium A friend is the solace of life
Burton Deus providebit God will provide
Burton Dominus providebit The Lord will provide
Burton Lux vitœ The light of life
Burton Vigilans Watchful
Bury Virtus sub cruce crescit Virtue increases under the cross
Busfield Medio tutissimus ibis The middle path is safest
Bush Tandem fit surculus arbor A shoot (or bush) at length becomes a tree
Bushe Moderate durant Moderate things are lasting
Bushell Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Busk Suaviter sed fortiter Mildly, but firmly
Buston Jam jam Now now, i.e. forthwith
Bute Avito viret honore He flourishes through the honour of his ancestors
Butler Butleirach abú Butlers defying
Butler Comme je trouve As I find
Butler Depressus extollor I am exalted after being depressed
Butler God be my guide God be my guide
Butler Labor omnia vincit improbus Incessant labour conquers all things
Butler Timor Domini fons vitœ The fear of the Lord is the fountain of life
Butler-Danvers Liberté toute entière Liberty unfettered
Butter Diriget Deus God will direct it
Buxton Do it with thyself Do it with thyself
Buxton Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with they might Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with they might
Buxton-Fitzherbert Ung je serviray One will I serve
Byam Claris dextra factis A right hand employed in glorious deeds
Byng Mouguerre Mouguerre
Byng Tuebor I will defend
Byron Crede Byron Trust Byron
Bythesea Mutare vel timere sperno I scorn to change or to fear

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