Name | Motto | Translation |
G.C.B. | Confide | Be confident |
Gabb | Nullius in verba | At the dictation of no man |
Gadesden | Decrevi | I have resolved |
Gage | Bon temps viendra | The good time will come |
Gage | Courage sans peur | Courage without fear |
Gairden | Cruciata cruce junguntur | Crosses are joined to the cross |
Gairden | Vires animat virtus | Virtue animates our powers |
Gairden | Vive le roy | Long live the king |
Galbraith | Vigilo et spero | I watch and hope |
Gale | Esperez en Dieu | Hope in God |
Galiez | Divino robore | By divine strength |
Gall | Patientia vincit | Patience conquers |
Gallightly | Hactenus invictus | Hitherto unconquered |
Gallo | Benefacere et lœtari | To do well and be glad |
Galloway | Higher | Higher |
Galloway | Virescit vulnere virtus | Her virtue flourishes by her wound |
Galmoye | Comme je trouve | As I find |
Galton | Gaudet luce | He rejoices in the light |
Galway | Cruci dum spiro fido | Whilst I have breath I confide in the cross |
Galway | Vinctus sed non victus | Chained but not conquered |
Galwey | Vincit veritas | Truth conquers |
Gambier | Fide non armis | By faith not arms |
Gammell | Moriens, sed invictus | Dying, but unconquered |
Gamon | Virtus in arduis | Courage in difficulties |
Garbett | Gare la béte | Beware of the beast |
Garden | Sustine et abstine | Bear and forbear |
Garden | Vires animat virtus | Virtue animates our powers |
Gardiner | Fide et amore | By fidelity and love |
Gardiner | Nil desperandum | Never despair |
Gardiner | Persevere | Persevere |
Gardiner | Virtuti et fortunœ | To virtue and fortune |
Gardiners | Deo non fortunœ | To God not fortune |
Gardner | Artibus haud armis | By arts, not arms |
Gardner | In ferrum libertate ruebant | Through liberty they rushed to the sword |
Gardner | In virtute et fortuna | In valour and fortune |
Gardner | Labore et virtute | By industry and virtue |
Gardner | Valet anchora virtus | Virtue our anchor is strong |
Gardyne | Cruciata cruce junguntur | Crosses are joined to the cross |
Garmston | Opera Dei mirifica | The works of God are wonderful |
Garnett | Diligentia et honore | With diligence and honour |
Garnock | Speed | Speed |
Garnons | Nid cyfoeth ond boddlonrwydd | No wealth without contentment |
Garratt | Ubi amor ibi fides | Where there is love there is faith |
Garret | Semper fidelis | Always faithful |
Garrett | Ubi libertas ibi patria | Where liberty prevails there is my country |
Garriock | Concussus surgo | Though shaken, I rise |
Garritte | Certa cruce salus | Sure salvation through the cross |
Garrow | Concussus surgo | Though shaken, I rise |
Garshore | I renew my age | I renew my age |
Garstin | Gladio et virtute | By the sword and by valour |
Garvagh | Ne cede malis; sed contra | Yield not to misfortunes; on the contrary; meet them with fortitude |
Garvey | Sis justus nec timeas | Be just, fear not |
Gascoigne | Tam Marti quam Mercurio | As much devoted to Mars as Mercury |
Gascoyne | Raison pour guide | Reason for guide |
Gaskell | Scio cui credidi | I know whom I have believed |
Gaskell | Spera | Hope |
Gaskell | Spes mea in Deo | My hope is in God |
Gason | Fama semper vivit | Fame lives for ever |
Gavin | By industry we prosper | By industry we prosper |
Gavin | Remember | Remember |
Gay | Stat fortuna domûs | The fortune of the house remains |
Gay | Toujours gai | Ever gay |
Geary | Chase | Chase |
Ged | Durat, ditat, placet | It endures, it enriches, and it pleases |
Geddeis | Capta majora | Seek greater things |
Geddes | Capta majora | Seek greater things |
Geikie | Vigilo | I watch |
Gell | Ung Dieu, ung roi | One God, one king |
Gellatly | Hactenus invictus | Hitherto unconquered |
Gellie | Divino robore | By divine strength |
Gen. Sir R. Gardiner | Confide | Be confident |
Gennys | Deo gloria | Glory to God |
Gent | Inest clentia forti | Mercy is inherent in the brave |
Gentle | Industria | By industry |
Georgia | Wisdom, justice, and moderation | Wisdom, justice, and moderation |
Geraldine | Crom abù | Crom (now Croom Castle) defying |
Gerard | En Dieu est mon esperance | In God is my hope |
Gerard | Haud inferiora secutus | Not having mean pursuits |
Gernon | Parva contemnimus | We despise small things |
Gerrard | Bono vince malum | Overcome evil with good |
Gerrard | Loyal in adversity | Loyal in adversity |
Gervais | Sic sustentata crescit | Thus supported it increases |
Gethin | Try | Try |
Gib | Spero | I hope |
Gibb | Fides prœstantior auro | Faith is more estimable than gold |
Gibb | Tenax propositi | Firm of purpose |
Gibbs | Dios mi amparo y esperanza | God is my support and hope |
Gibbs | Nunquam non paratus | Never unprepared |
Gibbs | Persevere | Persevere |
Gibbs | Tenax propositi | Firm of purpose |
Gibbs | Tenax propositi | Firm of purpose |
Gibon | Toujours pret, or prest | Always ready |
Gibson | Cœlestes pandite portœ | Open, ye celestial gates |
Gibson | Cœlestes pandite portœ | Open, ye heavenly gates |
Gibson | Consilio et animis | By wisdom and courage |
Gibson | Pandite | Open |
Gibson | Pandite, cœlestes portœ | Open, ye heavenly gates! |
Giffard | Preigne haleine, tirez fort | Take breath, pull strong |
Giffard | Spare not | Spare not |
Gifford | Non sine numine | Not without the Deity |
Gifford | Potius mori quam fœdari | Better die than be disgraced |
Gilbert | Mallem mori quam fœdari | I would rather die than be disgraced |
Gilbert | Pro Christo et patria | For Christ and my country |
Gilbert | Tenax propositi | Firm of purpose |
Gilchrist | Fide et fiducia | By fidelity and confidence |
Gilchrist | Mea gloria fides | Faith is my glory |
Gildea | Re et merito | By reality and merit |
Gildea | Vincit qui patitur | He conquers who endures |
Gilfillan | Armis et animis | By arms and courage |
Gillanders | Durum sed certissimum | Hard but most sure |
Gillbanks | Honore et virtute | With hour and virtue |
Gillespie | Fidelis et in bello fortis | Faithful and brave in war |
Gillespie | In certa salutis anchora | On a sure anchor of safety |
Gillespie | Touch not the cat bot a glove | Touch not the cat bot
a glove |
Gillies | Touch not the cat bot the glove | Touch not the cat bot the glove |
Gillman | Non cantu sed actus | Not by singing but by acting |
Gillon | Tutum refugium | A safe refuge |
Gilly | Ab acquila | From the eagle |
Gilmer | Nil penna, sed usus | Not the quill, but its use |
Gilmour | Perseveranti dabitur | It will be given to the persevering |
Gilpin | Dictis factisque simplex | Simple in words and deeds |
Gilpin | Foy | Faith |
Gilpin | Une foy mesme | One same faith |
Gilroy | Ad finem fidelis | Faithful to the end |
Gingle | Malo mori quam fœdari | I would rather die than be disgraced |
Ginkell | Malo mori quam fœdari | I would rather die than be disgraced |
Gladstone | Fide et virtute | By fidelity and valour |
Glanville | Confide rectè agens | Doing rightly be confident |
Glasbern | In hoc signo vinces | Under this sign thou shalt conquer |
Glasford | Prisca fides | Ancient faith |
Glasgow | Dominus providebit | The Lord will provide |
Glasgow | Parere subjectus | To obey when subject |
Glasham | In hoc signo vinces | Under this sign thou shalt conquer |
Glass | Emergo | I emerge |
Glass | Luctor, non mergor | I struggle, but am not overwhelmed |
Glasscott | Virtute decoratus | Adorned with virtue |
Glassford | Mente et manu | With heart and hand |
Glazebrook | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
Glegg | Qui potest capere, capiat | Let him take who can take |
Glen | Alta pete | Aim at high things |
Glendening | In cruce fides | Faith in the cross |
Glendoning | Have faith in Christ | Have faith in Christ |
Glendonwyn | Have faith in Christ | Have faith in Christ |
Gleneagles | Suffer | Suffer |
Glenelg | Revirescimus | We flourish again |
Glenelg | Stand suir | Stand sure |
Glengall | God be my guide | God be my guide |
Glenlyon | Furth fortune, and fill the fetters | Furth fortune, and fill the fetters |
Glennon | Generosus animosus | Generous and courageous |
Gloag | Qui vult caperte capiat | Who wishes to take let him take |
Gloster | Levius fit patientia | It is rendered lighter by patience |
Gloucester | Fides invicta triumphat | Invincible loyalty triumphs |
Glover | Nec timeo, nec sperno | I neither fear nor despise |
Glyn | Firm to my trust | Firm to my trust |
Goadie | Honestas | Honesty |
Goddard | Cervus non servus | A stag not enslaved |
Godden | Jovis omnia plena | All things are full of |
Godding | Nitor in adversum | I contend against adversity |
Godfrey | Christus pelicanus et agnus | Christ my pelican and my lamb |
Godfrey | Corde fixam | Fixed in my heart |
Godfrey | Deus et libertas | God and liberty |
Godfrey | God fried | The peace of God |
Godfrey | Post spinas palma | After difficulties a reward: lit. after thorns the palm |
Godley | Sans Dieu rien | Without God nothing |
Godman | Cœlum quod quœrimus ultra | Heaven, which we seek beyond |
Godolphin | Pax in bello | Peace in war |
Goff | Fier sans tache | Proud, without blemish |
Goff | Honestas optima politia | Honesty is the best policy |
Goffdon | Corde et manu | With heart and hand |
Goildowrie | Crede et vince | Believe and conquer |
Going | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
Goldie | Nil solidum | There is nothing unchangeable |
Golding | Pro Deo et rege | For God and the king |
Goldsmid | Concordia et sedulitate | By union and diligence |
Goldsmid | Mi camokah baalim Yehowah | Who is like unto thee of the gods, O Jehovah? |
Gollop | Be bolde, be wyse | Be bolde, be wyse |
Goodall | Constantia | By constancy |
Goodalle | Good God increase | Good god increase |
Goodchild | Vincit omnia veritas | Truth conquers all things |
Goodere | Possunt quia posse videntur | They are able because they seem to be |
Goodge | Audaces juvat | She (i.e. fortune) favours the bold |
Goodlake | Omnia bona desuper | All good things are from above |
Goodricke | Fortior leone justus | The just man is stronger than a lion |
Goodsir | Virtute et fidelitate | By valour and fidelity |
Goodwin | Fide et virtute | By fidelity and valour |
Goodwright | A bonis ad meliora | From good things to better |
Googe | Audaces juvat | She (i.e. fortune) favours the bold |
Goold | Deus minhi providebit | God will provide for me |
Gordon | Altiora pete | Seek higher things |
Gordon | Animo, non astutia | By courage, not by craft |
Gordon | Aut mors aut vita decora | Either death or honourable life |
Gordon | Aut mors aut vita Deus | God is either death or life |
Gordon | Bydand | Remaining |
Gordon | Bydand to the last | Bydand to the last |
Gordon | Byde | Byde |
Gordon | Byde be | Byde be |
Gordon | Byde together | Byde together |
Gordon | Corde manuque | With heart and hand |
Gordon | Divisa conjungo | I heal divisions |
Gordon | Dread God | Dread God |
Gordon | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
Gordon | Dum vigilo tutus | While I am vigilant I am safe |
Gordon | Ever faithful | Ever faithful |
Gordon | Fear God | Fear God |
Gordon | Fertur discrimine fructus | Profit is gained by danger |
Gordon | Fortuna sequatur | Let fortune be attendant |
Gordon | Forward without fear | Forward without fear |
Gordon | God with us | God with us |
Gordon | Gradatim plena | Full by degrees |
Gordon | I hope | I hope |
Gordon | In hoc spes mea | In this is my hope |
Gordon | Legibus et armis | By laws and arms |
Gordon | Majores sequor | I follow my ancestors |
Gordon | Maneo, non fugio | I stand firm and do not fly |
Gordon | Ne nimium | Not too much |
Gordon | Nil arduum | Nothing is difficult |
Gordon | Mon fraude sed laude | Not by deceit but with honour |
Gordon | Salus per Christum | Salvation through Christ |
Gordon | Sic tutus | Thus safe |
Gordon | Spero | I hope |
Gordon | Truth prevails | Truth prevails |
Gordon | Tum pace quam prœlio | As well in peace as in war |
Gordon | Vel pax, vel bellum | Either peace or war |
Gordon | Veritas ingenio | Truth with wit |
Gordon | Victrix patientia | Patience conquers |
Gordon | Watch | Watch |
Gordon | Dum sisto vigilo | Whilst I stand still I watch |
Gordon-Cumming | Sans crainte | Without fear |
Gore | In hoc signo vinces | Under this sign thou shalt conquer |
Gore | Sola salus servire Deo | The only safe course is to serve God |
Gormanston | Sans tache | Without satin |
Gort | Coloony | Coloony |
Gort | Vincit veritas | Truth conquers |
Gosford | Vigilantibus | While they watch |
Gosker | Spes mea in Deo | My hope is in God |
Gothard | Aquila non captat muscas | The eagle catcheth not flies |
Gotobed | Ante et post cole Deum | Before and after worship God, i.e. before and after (you go to bed) sunset |
Goudie | Honestas | Honesty |
Gough | Barrosa | Barrosa |
Gough | China | China |
Gough | Domat omnia virtus | Virtue conquers all things |
Gough | Faugh a bollagh | Clear the way |
Gough | Goojerat | Goojerat |
Gould | A Nilo victoria | Victory from the Nile |
Gouldie | Quid utile | What is useful |
Govan | Depechez | Make haste |
Gower | Frangas non flectes | Thou may’st break, but shalt not bend me |
Grabham | L’esperance du salut | The hope of salvation |
Grace | Concordant nomine facta | Our deeds agree with our name |
Grace | Engrace affie | On grace depend |
Grace | Grassagh abú | Graces defying |
Graden | Ad escam et usum | For food and use |
Græme | A Deo victoria | Victory from God |
Graeme | Ardenter prosequor alis | Eagerly do I pursue in my winged course |
Græme | Cubo et excubo | I sleep and watch |
Græme | Noli me tangere | Touch me not |
Grafton | Et decus et pretium recti | Both the honour and the reward of rectitude |
Graham | A Deo victoria | Victory from God |
Graham | Auxiliante resurgo | When he helps I rise again |
Graham | Bon fin | A good end |
Graham | Candide et secure | Candidly and safely |
Graham | Defendendo vinco | By defending I conquer |
Graham | Fideliter et diligenter | Faithfully and diligently |
Graham | For right and reason | For right and reason |
Graham | Liber et erectus | Free and erect |
Graham | Memor esto | Be mindful |
Graham | N’oublie | Do not forget |
Graham | Ne oubliez | Do not forget |
Graham | Nec sperno, nec timeo | I neither despise nor fear |
Graham | Noli me tangere | Touch me not |
Graham | Non immemor beneficii | Grateful for kindness |
Graham | Numen et omnia | Providence and all things |
Graham | Nunquam deorsum | Never downward |
Graham | Omne meum, nihil meum | Every thing mine, nothing mine |
Graham | Omnia providentia Dei | All things by the providence of God |
Graham | Peace and grace | Peace and grace |
Graham | Pignus amoris | A pledge of love |
Graham | Prœdœ memor | Mindful of gain |
Graham | Ratio mihi sufficit | The reason is sufficient for me |
Graham | Reason contents me | Reason contents me |
Graham | Recta sursum | Right upwards |
Graham | Right and reason | Right and reason |
Graham | Semper susum | Always upwards |
Graham | Souvenez | Remember |
Graham | Tutus in undis | Safe on the waves |
Granard | Fax mentis incendium gloriœ | The torch of glory inflames the mind |
Grand Duchy | Semper | Always |
Granger | Honestas optima politia | Honesty is the best policy |
Grant | Audacia | Boldness |
Grant | Craig elachie | The rock of alarm |
Grant | Ense et animo | With sword and courage |
Grant | For my Duchas | For my Duchas |
Grant | I’ll stand sure | I’ll stand sure |
Grant | In God is all my trust | In God is all my trust |
Grant | Jehovah-Jirej | The Lord will provide |
Grant | Leges juraque serva | Observe the laws and ordinances |
Grant | Non inferiora secutus | Not having followed mean pursuits |
Grant | Radicem firmant frondes | Branches strengthen the root |
Grant | Stabit | It shall stand |
Grant | Stand fast | Stand fast |
Grant | Stand firm | Stand firm |
Grant | Stand sure | Stand sure |
Grant | Suo se robore firmat | He establishes himself by his own strength |
Grant | Suum cuique | To every man his own |
Grant | Tanquam despicatus sum vinco | Although I am despised I conquer |
Grant | Te favente virebo | Under thy favour I shall flourish |
Grant | Touch not the cat bot a glove | Touch not the cat bot
a glove |
Grant | Wise and harmless | Wise and harmless |
Grant-Dalton | Stabit | It shall stand |
Grantham | Honore et amore | With honour and love |
Grantley | Avi numerantur avorum | A long train of ancestry is enumerated |
Granville | Frangas non flectes | Thou may’st break, but shalt not bend me |
Granville | Pro patriœ amicis | For the friends of my country |
Granville | Repetens exempla suorum | Following the example of his ancestors |
Grattan | Pro patria vivere et mori | To live and die for our country |
Gratten | Esse quam videri | To be rather than seem to be |
Graver-Browne | Sur esperance | Upon hope |
Graves | Aquila non captat muscas | The eagle catcheth not flies |
Graves | Graves disce mores | Learn serious manners, or Graves learn manners |
Graves | Per sinum Codanum | Through the Baltic |
Gravine | Always helping | Always helping |
Gray | Anchor, fast anchor | Anchor, fast anchor |
Gray | Clarior e flammis | Brighter from the flame |
Gray | Clarior e tenebris | The brighter from previous obscurity |
Gray | Constant | Constant |
Gray | Fast | Fast |
Gray | Tenebo | I will hold |
Gray | Vixi liber et moriar | I have lived a freeman and will die one |
Grazebrook | Nec sinit esse feros | It (education) does not suffer them to be brutal |
Greame | C’est la seule vertu qui donne la noblesse | Virtue alone confers nobility |
Greathead | Esperance en Dieu | Hope in God |
Greaves | Aquila non captat muscas | The eagle catcheth not flies |
Greaves | In veritate triumpho | I triumph in the truth |
Greaves | Spes mea in Deo | My hope is in God |
Green | Æquam servare mentem | To preserve an equal mind |
Green | Nec timeo, nec sperno | I neither fear nor despise |
Green | Semper viidis | Always flourishing |
Green | Virescit vulnere virtus | Her virtue flourishes by her wound |
Green | Virtus semper viridis | Virtue is ever green |
Greendhill | In te, Domine, speravi | In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust |
Greenhill | Homos alit artes | Honour nourishes arts |
Greenless | Viresco | I flourish |
Greenly | Fal y gallo | As I can |
Greenly | Loyouf as thow fynds | Loyouf as thow fynds |
Greensugh | Fide, sed cui vide | Trust, but in whom take care |
Greenwood | Ut prosim aliis | That I may be of use to others |
Greg | Scrogal ma dhream | Loyal is my tribe |
Gregorson | E’in do and spare not | E’in do and spare not |
Gregory | Libertas | Liberty |
Gregory | Nec deficit | Nor is another wanting |
Gregory | Vigilanter | Watchfully |
Gregson | Vigilo | I watch |
Greig | Persevere | Persevere |
Greig | Strike sure | Strike sure |
Grenehalgh | Omnia debeo Deo | I owe all things to God |
Grenfell | Loyal devoir | Loyal duty |
Grenville | Benigno Numine | By benign providence |
Grenville | Vix ea nostra voco | I scarce call these things our own |
Grenwood | In do bait spair nocht | In do bait spair nocht |
Gresley | Meliore fide quam fortunâ | With better fidelity than fortune |
Grey | A ma puissance | According to my power |
Grey | De bon vouloir servir le roy | To serve the king with right good will |
Grey | Mentis honestœ gloria | The glory of an honest mind |
Greystock | Volo non valeo | I am willing but unable |
Grier | Hoc securior | Safer by this |
Grierson | Spem renovat | He renews his hope |
Grieson | Hoc securior | Safer by this |
Grieve | Candide et caute | Candidly and cautiously |
Grieve | Candide, sincere | With candour and sincerity |
Grieve | Hoc securior | Safer by this |
Grieve | J’ai la clef | I have the key |
Griffen | Vincam | I shall conquer |
Griffen | Vincit qui devincit | He conquers who endears |
Griffin | Non quo, sed quo modo | Not for whom, but in what manner |
Griffith | A fine | From the end |
Griffith | Aut vi aut suavitate | Either by force or mildness |
Griffith | Firmitas et sanitas | Strength and health |
Griffith | Le bon temps viendra | The prosperous time will come |
Griffiths | Non crux, sed lux | Not the cross, but its light |
Grigg | Ut prosim | That I may be of use |
Grimaldi | Deo juvante | By God’s assistance |
Grimshaw | Tenax propositi vinco | Being firm of purpose I conquer |
Grimston | Faitz proverount | Deeds will prove |
Grimston | Mediocria firma | Mediocrity is safe |
Grindley | Devant si je puis | Foremost if I can |
Grindley | Non degener | Not degenerated |
Grive | J’ai la clef | I have the key |
Grneville | Deo, patriœ, amicis | To God, my country, and my friends |
Groat | Anchor fast | Anchor fast |
Grogan | Honor et virtus | Honour and virtue |
Gronow | Growi hil Gwernimon | Gronow’s of the race of princes |
Groseth | Pro patria | For my country |
Grossett | Pro patria auxilio Dei | For my country with God’s help |
Grosvenor | Virtus, non stemma | Virtue, not pedigree |
Grout | Ingenio et merito | By ability and desert |
Grove | Ni dessus, ni dessous | Neither above nor below |
Grove | Sans changer | Without changing |
Grover | Le roy, la roy, la foy | King, law, faith |
Growse | Grossos qui rodit roditur | Grossos qui rodit roditur |
Groze | Deo juvante | By God’s assistance |
Grrissell | Prenez garde | Take care |
Grubb | Strength is from heaven | Strength is from heaven |
Grundy | In Deo sola salus | The only salvation is in God alone |
Grundy | Recte faciendo audax | Bold in doing justly |
Grylis | Vires agminis unus habet | One has the strength of an army |
Guest | Ferro non gladio | By iron, not by the sword |
Guest | Nec sperno, nec timeo | I neither despise nor fear |
Guevera | La mayor victorio de ellas es el bien merecellas | The greatest victory is in having deserved it |
Guildford | Animo et fide | By courage and faith |
Guildford | La vertu est la seule noblesse | Virtue is the only nobility |
Guillamore | Vulneratus non victus | Wounded not conquered |
Guilly | Nil nisi cruce | Nothing unless by the cross |
Guiness | Spes mea in Deo | My hope is in God |
Gulland | Innocence surmounts | Innocence surmounts |
Gulliver | Non dormit qui custodit | The sentinel sleeps not |
Gullon | Tutum refugium | A safe refuge |
Gumbleton | Memento mori | Remember that thou must die |
Gun | Vincit amor patriœ | The love of my country exceeds everything |
Gunman | Par la volonté de Dieu | By the will of God |
Gunn | Aut pax aut bellum | Either peace or war |
Gunn | Vel pax, vel bellum | Either peace or war |
Gunning | Imperio regit unus œquo | One only rules with unbiassed sway |
Gunning | Vérité sans peur | Truth without fear |
Gurdlestone | Veilliez et ne craignez pas | Watch and fear not |
Gurdon | In arduis viget virtus | Virtue flourishes in adversity |
Gurdon | Virtus viget in arduis | Virtue flourishes in difficulties |
Gurdon-Rebow | In arduis viget virtus | Virtue flourishes in adversity |
Gurney | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
Gurwood | Follow me | Follow me |
Gurwood | Pour jamais | For ever |
Gusthart | Avitos novit honores | He knows his ancestral honours |
Gutch | Cito fideliterque | Quickly and faithfully |
Guthrie | Ditat et alit | It enriches and nourishes |
Guthrie | Ex unitate incrementum | Increase from unity |
Guthrie | Sto pro veritate | I stand for the truth |
Guthry | Ex unitate incrementum | Increase from unity |
Guthry | Pietas et frugalitas | Piety and frugality |
Guthry | Sto pro veritate | I stand for the truth |
Guy | Dare quam accipere | Rather to give than to receive |
Gwilt | Chacun sa part | Each his share |
Gwinnett | Virtus nobilitat | Virtue ennobles |
Gwyn | Expectes et sustineas | Thou mayest hope and endure |
Gwyn | Gogoniant y cleddyf | Glory to the sword |
Gwyn-Holford | Vim vi repellere licet | It is lawful to repel force by force |
Gwynne | Conabimur | We will try |
Gwynne | Gogoniant y cleddyf | Glory to the sword |
Gyll | Virtutis gloria merces | Glory is the reward of valour |