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Family Mottoes
by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services

This is a Free Motto resource center containing approx. 9,000 mottoes transcribed from Elvin’s Mottoes, with added mottoes from Armorial Gold’s own Library and from noted heraldic writers.

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Name Motto Translation


Caddle Virtus sola nobilitat Virtue alone ennobles
Cadell Confido in probitate I trust in my probity
Cadell Vigilantia non cadet Vigilance will not miscarry
Cadogan Qui invidet minor est He that envies is inferior
Cahun Si je puis If I can
Cairncross Certamine parata Acquired by strife
Cairncross Recte faciendo, neminem timeo Acting justly, I fear nobody
Cairnie Ad alta To high things
Cairns Effloresco I bloom greatly
Cairns Sub spe Under hope
Cairns Virtus ad œthera tendit Virtue reaches to heaven
Caithness Commit thy work to God Commit thy work to God
Calandrine Sursum Upwards
Calcott Dieu avec nous God with us
Calcraft Dieu avec nous God with us
Caldecott In utrumque paratus Prepared for either
Calder Be mindful Be mindful
Calder Vigilans non cadit The vigilant man falls not
Calder Vise à la fin Look to the end
Calderwood Spero I hope
Calderwood Veritas premitur non opprimitur Truth may be kept down, but not crushed
Calderwood Virtus sibi prœmium Virtue is its own reward
Caldwell Ense libertatem petit He seeks liberty by his sword
Caldwell Fac et spera Do and hope
Caldwell Niti facere, experiri To strive to do is to experience
Caldwell Seringapatam Serigapatam
Caledon Per mare, per terras By sea and land
Call Gratâ manu With a grateful hand
Callaghan Fidus et audax Faithful and bold
Callender I mean well I mean well
Calley Callide et honeste Wisely and honourably
Callow Pro patr For my country ever
Calmady Simili frondescit virga metallo The twig has leaves of similar metal
Calrow Industria By industry
Calthorpe Gradu diverson via una The same way by different steps
Calthorpe Quid reddam Domino? What shall I render to the Lord?
Calthrop Victrix fortunœ sapientia Wisdom the conqueror of fortune
Calvert Fatti maschi, parole femmine Deeds are masculine, words feminine
Camden Judicium parium, aut leges terrœ The judgment of our peers or the law of the land
Cameron Acre Acre
Cameron Hinc orior Hence I rise
Cameron Maya Maya
Campbel Victoriam coronat Christus Christ crowns the victory
Campbell Agite pro viribus Act according to your strength
Campbell Arma parata fero I carry arms in readiness
Campbell Armis et fide By arms and fidelity
Campbell Audaces juvat She (i.e. fortune) favours the bold
Campbell Audaces juvo I assist the bold
Campbell Audacter et aperte Boldly and openly
Campbell Be ever mindful Be ever mindful
Campbell Be mindful Be mindful
Campbell Campi fero prœmia belli I bear the prizes of a fair field, or the rewards of the battle-field
Campbell Constans et prudens Constant and prudent
Campbell Constanter et prudentia Firmly and prudently
Campbell Deus dabit vela God will fill the sails
Campbell Ex campo victoriœ From the field of victory
Campbell Fac et spera Do and hope
Campbell Festina lente Be quick without impetuosity; or, as it may be punningly translated for the Onslow family, “On slow.”
Campbell Fides probata coronat Tried faith crowns
Campbell Fidus amicus A faithful friend
Campbell Fit via vi A way is made by labour
Campbell Follow me Follow me
Campbell Forget me not Forget me not
Campbell Forget not Forget not
Campbell Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Campbell Gaudium adfero I bring good tidings
Campbell I beare in minde I beare in minde
Campbell I byde my time I byde my time
Campbell I will follow I will follow
Campbell I will not forget I will not forget
Campbell If I can If I can
Campbell Lente sed opportune Slowly, but opportunely
Campbell Marbu mhiann leinn As we would desire
Campbell Memini I remember
Campbell Memor esto Be mindful
Campbell Misnach Courage
Campbell Ne obliviscaris Do not forget
Campbell Paratus sum I am prepared
Campbell Pro aris et focis For our altars and our homes
Campbell Quœ prosunt omnibus artes I pursue things honourable
Campbell Quid non pro patria? What would not one do for his country?
Campbell Refero I bring back
Campbell Sequitur victoria forteis Victory follows the brave
Campbell Sequor I follow
Campbell Set on Set on
Campbell Tandem licet sero At length though late
Campbell Terra marique fide With faith by land and sea
Campbell Thus far Thus far
Campbell True to the end True to the end
Campbell Vigilia et aude (Be) vigilant and dare
Campbell Vigilando By watching
Campbell Vigilans et audax Vigilant and bold
Campbell Vincit labor Exertion will conquer
Campbell Vires animat virtus Virtue animates our powers
Campbell Vis et fides Strength and faith
Campbell Vix ea nostra voco I scarce call these things our own
Campbell Wisdom’s beginning is God’s fear Wisdom’s beginning is God’s fear
Campbell Without fear Without fear
Camperdown Disce pati Learn to endure
Camperdown Secundis dubiisque rectus Upright both in prosperity and in perils
Campi Gaudebunt campi, et omnia quœ in iis sunt Let the fields rejoice and all that therein is
Candler Ad mortem fidelis Faithful till death
Canning Ne cede malis; sed contra Yield not to misfortunes; on the contrary; meet them with fortitude
Canterbury Pour y parvenir To accomplish it
Cantillon De Ballyluge Fortis in bello Brave in war
Capel Fide et fortitudine With faith and fortitude
Capel Sic vita humana So is human life
Capron Sub cruce salus Salvation under the cross
Capron Vigilate et orate Watch and pray
Carbery Libertas Liberty
Carbery Pro patria For my country
Carbonell Penser avant parler Think before you speak
Cardale Studendo et contemplando indefessus Unwearied in studying and meditation
Carden Fide et amore By fidelity and love
Cardigan Engrace affie On grace depend
Cardine Wiseman Omnia pro Christo All things for Christ
Carew Nil admirari Not to admire
Carew Nil conscire sibi To have a conscience free from guilt. To be conscious of nothing of one’self, i.e. against one’s self
Carey Comme je trouve As I find
Carey In utroque fidelis Faithful in either case
Carfrae Fortis et fide Brave and faithfully
Carfrea Vigilantia Vigilance
Cargill In Domino confido I trust in the Lord
Carleton Non ad perniciem Not to destruction
Carleton Quœrere verum To seek the truth
Carleton Quondam his vicimus armis We formerly conquered with these arms
Carling Tout droit All right
Carlisle Volo non valeo I am willing but unable
Carlyon Turris tutissima virtus Virtue is the safest fortress
Carlysle Humilitate With humility
Carmichael Fortune helps the forward Fortune helps the forward
Carmichael Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Carnac Sic itur ad astra Such is the way to immortality
Carnagie Armis et animis By arms and courage
Carnagie Tache sans tâche Strive (to be) without reproach
Carnagie Video alta sequorque I see lofty objects and pursue them
Carnarvon Ung je servirai One will I serve
Carne En tout loyale In all loyal
Carne Fy ngobaith sydd yn nuw My hope is in God
Carnegie Alis aspicit astra On wing he looks towards the stars
Carnegie Armis et animis By arms and courage
Carnegie Dread God Dread God
Carnock Be steadfast Be steadfast
Carnwarth I dare I dare
Carpenter Audaces fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Carpenter Per acuta belli Through the asperities of war
Carpenter Spernit pericula virtus Virtue despises danger
Carr Est nulla fallacia There is no deceit
Carr Pour deservir To deserve
Carr Pro Christo et patria dulce periculum For Christ and my country danger is sweet
Carr Tout droit All right
Carre Tout droit All right
Carrel Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Carrick Soyez ferme Be firm
Carrington Spero meliora I hope for better things
Carrington Tenax et fidelis Persevering and faithful
Carroll In fide et in bello fortis Strong both in faith and war
Carrot Fide et in bello fortis Strong in faith and in war
Carruthers Paratus et fidelis Ready and faithful
Carsair Ne m’oubliez Forget me not
Carstairs Te splendente Whilst thou art shining
Carter A posse ad esse From possibility to being
Carter Deus nobis quis contra? God for us, who shall be against us?
Carter Passez avant Pass forward
Carter Sub libertate quietem Rest under liberty
Carteret Loyal devoir Loyal duty
Carthew Bedhoh fyr ha heb drok Let us be wise without guile; or, as it is expressed in scriptural phrase, “Be ye wise as serpents, and harmless as doves”
Cartwright Defend the fold Defend the fold
Carvick Be steadfast Be steadfast
Carvile Sola virtus triumphat Virtue alone triumphs
Carville Sola ubique triumphans Alone triumphant everywhere
Cary Sine macula Without spot
Cary Virtute excerptœ Plucked by valour
Carysfort Manus hœc inimica tyrannis This hand is hostile to tyrants
Casborne Pure de fonte From a clear spring
Case Distantia jungit It joins things that were apart
Cashen Rosam ne rode Gnaw not the rose
Casley Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Cass Ubique patriam reminisci Everywhere to remember one’s country
Cassan Juvant arva parentum The lands of my forefathers delight me
Cassels Galea spes salutis Hope is the helmet of salvation
Castle Semper vigilans Always watchful
Castlemaine Vigilate et orate Watch and pray
Castleman Without God castles are nothing Without God castles are nothing
Castle-Steuart Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Caswall Non multa sed multum Not many, but much
Cathcart By faith we are saved By faith we are saved
Cathcart I hope to speed I hope to speed
Caton Catus semper viret The cautious man always flourishes
Caton Cautus metuit foveam lupus The cautious wolf fears the snare
Caton Vincam vel moriar I will conquer or die
Catsznellage Ne supra Not beyond
Cattley Petimus altiora We seek loftier things
Catton Cautus metuit foveam lupus The cautious wolf fears the snare
Catty Ascendo I rise
Caulfield Deo duce, ferro comitante God my guide, and my sword my companion
Caunter Quam non terret hyems Which winter does not nip with cold
Cavan In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Cave Cave! Beware! Cave! Beware!
Cave Cave! Deus videt Beware! God sees
Cave Gardez Beware
Caven Ut quocumque paratus That I may be prepared on every side
Cavendish Cavendo tutus Safe by being cautious
Cawarden Virtute nulla possessio major No possession is greater than virtue
Cawardine On in the right On in the right
Cawdor Be mindful Be mindful
Cawood Suaviter Gently
Cay Sit sine spina Let it be without thorn
Cay Sub libertate quietem Rest under liberty
Cayton Ad cœlos volans Flying to the heavens
Cecil Cor unun,via una One heart, one way
Cessnock Constanter et prudentia Firmly and prudently
Chaceler Que je surmonte May I excel
Chadwick Deo fidens proficio Trusting to God I go forward
Chadwick En bon foy In good faith
Chadwick Fide et amore By fidelity and love
Chadwick In candore decus There is honour in sincerity
Chadwick Juxta Salopiam Near to Shropshire
Chadwick Stans cum rege Standing with the king
Challen Gloria Deo! Glory to God
Challoner Sicut quercus As the oak
Chalmers Avancez Advance
Chalmers Quid non Deo juvante What (can we) not (do) with God’s aid
Chalmers Spero I hope
Chamberlain Spes et fides Hope and faith
Chamberlaine Audaces fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Chamberlayne Mors potior macula Death rather than infamy
Chamberlayne Virtuti nihil invium Nothing is impervious to valour
Chambers Avancez Advance
Chambers Lux mihi laurus The laurel is my light
Chambers Non prœda, sed victoria Not plunder, but victory
Chambers Spero dum spiro I hope while I have life
Chambre En Dieu est tout In God is everything
Chambre Tutamen pulchris For the fair
Chamier Aperto vivere voto To live without a wish concealed
Champneys Pro patria non timidus perire Not afraid to die for my country
Chaplin Labor omnia vincit Perseverance overcomes all difficulties
Chapman A cuspide corona By a spear a crown
Chapman Crescit sub pondere virtus Virtue thrives beneath oppression
Chapman Post est occasio calva Occasion is bald behind
Chapple In Deo fides My trust is in God
Chard Nil desperandum Never despair
Charlemont Deo duce, ferro comitante God my guide, and my sword my companion
Charles Duke of Orleans, father of Louis XII of France Ma volonté My will
Charles I Justitia et veritas Justice and truth
Charlesworth Justitia et virtus Justice and virtue
Charleville Virtus sub cruce crescit, ad œthera tendens Virtue grows under the cross, and looks to heaven
Charlton Sans varier Without changing
Charlton Stabit It shall stand
Charnock Soies content Be content
Charrington Cassis tutissima virtus Virtue is the safest helmet
Charter Non sine jure Not without right
Charters Non gladio, sed gratia Not by the sword but by kindness
Chartres Non gladio, sed gratia Not by the sword but by kindness
Chartres This is our charter This is our charter
Chatham Benigno Numine By benign providence
Chatteris Libertas Liberty
Chatterton Loyal à mort Loyal to death
Chawner Nil desperandum Never despair
Chaytor Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Cheap Ditat virtus Virtue enriches
Chedworth Justus et propositi tenax Just and firm of purpose
Cheere Prœmium virtutis honor Honour is the reward of virtue
Cheese Omnia fert œtas Time brings all things
Cheevers En Dieu est ma foy In God is my faith
Chein Patientia vincit Patience conquers
Chelmsford Spes et fortuna Hope and fortune
Cheney Fato prudentia major Prudence is greater than fate
Chermside Pernicibus alis With swift wings
Cherry Chéris l’espoir Cherish hope
Chester Pour Dieu, pour terre For God, for earth
Chester Vincit qui patitur He conquers who endures
Chesterfield A Deo et rege From God and the king
Chesterman Semper fidelis Always faithful
Cheston Ex merito Through merit
Chetwode Corona mea Christus Christ is my crown
Chevallier Fidei coticula crux The cross is the test of truth
Cheyne Fear God Fear God
Cheyne Patientia vincit Patience conquers
Chichester Firm en foi Firm in faith
Chichester Invitum sequitut honor Honour follows one who desires it not
Chichester Vincit amor patriœ The love of my country exceeds everything
Chiesly Fragrat post funera virtus Virtue smells sweet after death
Child Imitari quam invidere To imitate rather than envy
Child Spes alit Hope nourishes
Chilton Pectore non venis With breasts, not with veins
Chinan Subito Promptly
Chingan Subito Promptly
Chinn Aquila non captat muscas The eagle catcheth not flies
Chinnery Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Chipman Jesus Jesus
Chippendall Firmor ad fidem I am true to the faith
Chippenham Jesus Jesus
Chisalme Vis et virtus Strength and bravery
Chisholm Vi aut virtute By force or virtue
Chisholm Vi et virtute By strength and valour
Cholmondeley Cassis tutissima virtus Virtue is the safest helmet
Chresly Credo et videbo I believe, and I shall see
Chrisop Mens conscia recti A mind conscious of rectitude
Christall Per angusta ad augusta Through difficulties to honours
Christian Salus per Christum Salvation through Christ
Christian Charity Pour avoir fidèlement servi For having faithfully served
Christie Sic viresco Thus I flourish
Christopher Arte conservatus Preserved by skill
Christy Sic viresco Thus I flourish
Chudley Aut vincam aut peribo I will either conquer or perish
Church Virtus triumphat Virtue triumphs
Church Virtute By virtue
Churchill Dieu defend le droit God defends the right
Churchill Feal pero desdecado Faithful though fallen
Churton Avancez Advance
Chute Fortune de guerre The fortune of war
Clancarty Consilio et prudentia By wisdom and prudence
Clancarty Dieu pour la Tranchée, qui contre? (If) God (be) for the Trenches, who shall be against them?
Clancarty Virtutis fortuna comes Fortune is the companion of valour
Clanmorris Spes mea Christus Christ is my hope
Clanricarde Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy One king, one faith, one law
Clanwilliam Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Clapperton Fides prœstantior auro Faith is more estimable than gold
Clarbrick Be steadfast Be steadfast
Clare Clareo foveoque I am bright (i.e. Clare), and I cherish
Clare In Domino et non in arcu meo sperabo I will rest my hope on the Lord, and not in my bow
Clare Nil admirari Not to admire
Clare Vigilante Watching
Clarendon Fidei coticula crux The cross is the test of truth
Clarina Pro libertate patriœ For the liberty of my country
Clark Amat victoria curam Victory and care are close friends
Clark Fortitudo Fortitude
Clark Free for a blast Free for a blast
Clarke Absit ut glorier nisi in cruce May I glory in nothing but the cross
Clarke Carpe diem Seize the present opportunity
Clarke Constantia et fidelitate By constancy and fidelity
Clarke Erectus, non elatus Exalted but not elated
Clarke Lex et justitia Law and justice
Clarke Mœnibus crede ligneis Trust to wooden walls
Clarke Noli altum sapere Desire not to be overwise
Clarke Reviresco I flourish again
Clarke Sans changer Without changing
Clarke Spurs, 1513 Spurs, 1513
Clarke The time will come The time will come
Clarke Victor mortalis est The conqueror is mortal
Clarkson Per ardua Through difficulties
Clavering Ad cœlos volans Flying to the heavens
Claverly Ex caligine veritas Truth out of darkness
Claxson Sapere aude, incipe Dare to be wise, begin at once
Claxton Industria et spe By industry and hope
Claxton Sapere aude, incipe Dare to be wise, begin at once
Clay Per orbem Through the world
Clayton Quid leone fortius? What is braver than a lion?
Clayton Virtus in actione consistit Virtue consists in action
Cleghorn Sublime petimus We seek what is on high
Cleghorn Sublimia petimus We seek things on high
Cleland Je pense à qui pense plus I think of him who is the most thoughtful
Cleland Ne cadam insidiis Lest I fall into snares
Cleland Non sibi Not for himself
Cleland Si je pouvois If I could
Clellend Fragrat, delectat, et sanat It smells sweet, is pleasing, and healthful
Clements Patriis virtutibus By hereditary virtues
Clench Tiens le droit Hold or clench the right
Clepham Ut sim paratior That I may be the better prepared
Clerk Amat victoria curam Victory and care are close friends
Clerk Free for a blast Free for a blast
Clermont Forte scutum salus ducum A strong shield is the safety of generals
Cleveland Audaces juvat She (i.e. fortune) favours the bold
Cleveland Fortuna audaces juvat Fortune favours the bold
Cleveland Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Cleveland Secundis dubiisque rectus Upright both in prosperity and in perils
Clibborn Virtus vincit invidiam Virtue overcometh envy
Cliffe In cruce glorior I glory in the cross
Clifford Désormais Hereafter
Clifford Dulcis amor patriœ The love of one’s country is sweet
Clifford Semper paratus Always prepared
Clifford Virtus mille scuta Virtue equals a thousand shields
Clifton Mortem aut triumphum Death or victory
Clifton Temez le droit Keep the right
Clinton Tout vient de Dieu All comes from God
Clive Audacter et sincere Boldly and sincerely
Clonbrock Auxilium ab alto Aid from above
Cloncurry Virtute et numine By virtue and providence
Clonmel Fear to transgress Fear to transgress
Close Fortis et fidelis Brave and faithful
Close Sine cruce sine luce Without the cross without lights
Clough Sine macula macla A mascle without stain
Clovyle All is in God All is in God
Clufden Non hœc sine numine These things are not without the Deity
Clugstone Turris fortis mihi Deus God is a strong tower to me
Clyde Be mindful Be mindful
Coates Be firm Be firm
Coats Watchful and bold Watchful and bold
Cobbe In sanguine vita Life in the blood
Cobbe Moriens cano Dying I sing
Cobbold Rebus angustis fortis Brave in adversity
Cobham Animus est nobbilitas The soul is the nobility
Cochran Armis et industria By arms and industry
Cochran Concordia vincit Unanimity conquers
Cochran Vigilante salus Safety while he watches
Cochran Virtute et labore By valour and exertion
Cockain Virtus in arduis Courage in difficulties
Cockane Virtus in arduis Courage in difficulties
Cockayne En bon et poyer In right and might
Cockburn Accendit cantu He animates by crowing
Cockburn Aut viam inveniam aut faciam I will either find a road or make one
Cockburn In Domino confido I trust in the Lord
Cockburn In dubis constans Firm amid dangers
Cockburn Ita Thus
Cockburn Peradventure Peradventure
Cockburn Press through Press through
Cockburn Vigilans et audax Vigilant and bold
Coddington Nec metuas, nec optes Neither fear nor desire
Codrington immersabilis est vera virtus True virtue cannot be overwhelmed
Codrington Navarin Navarin
Codrington Trafalgar Trafalgar
Codrington Vultus in hostem The countenance against the enemy
Coffin Extant rectè factis prœmia The rewards of good deeds endure
Coffin In tempestate floresco I flourish in the tempest
Cogan Constans et fidei Steady to my faith
Coggan Constans et fidei Steady to my faith
Coghill Non dormit qui custodit The sentinel sleeps not
Cohan Fuimus et sub Deo ermus We have been, and we shall be under God
Coke Non aliunder pendere Not to rely on others
Coker Fiat justitia Let justice be done
Colborne Constans et fidei Steady to my faith
Colborne Sperat infestis He hopes in adversity
Colclough His calcabo gentes By these I will trample on the nations
Coldham In cœlo quies There is rest in heaven
Coldridge Nihil virtuti invium Nothing is inaccessible to virtue
Coldstream Live in hope Live in hope
Cole Deum cole, regem serva Worship God, revere the king
Cole Esto quod esse videris Be what you seem to be
Colebrooke Sola bona quœ honesta Those things only are good which are honest
Coleman Be just, and fear not Be just, and fear not
Coleman Confidence in God Confidence in God
Coleman Mors non timenda est Death is not to be feared
Coleman Resolve well, persevere Resolve well, persevere
Coleridge Deum cole, regem serva Worship God, revere the king
Coleridge Nihil virtuti invium Nothing is inaccessible to virtue
Coles Nemo sibi nascitur No one is born for himself alone
Colicott Sum quod sum I am what I am
Collens Volabo ut requiescam I will fly (away) to be at rest
Collett Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Colley Unica virtus necessaria Only virtue is necessary
Collier St. Sebastian St. Sebastian
Collingwood Ferar unus et idem I will pass along one and the same
Collingwood Nil conscire sibi To have a conscience free from guilt. To be conscious of nothing of one’self, i.e. against one’s self
Collingwood Post nubila Phœbus After clouds sunshine
Collins Colens Deum et regem Honouring God and the King
Collins Favente Deo et sedulitate God and assiduity favouring
Collins Fidelis in omnibus Faithful in all things
Collins Frangas non flectes Thou may’st break, but shalt not bend me
Collins Per callem collem By the path the hill
Collins Sermoni consona facta Deeds agreeing with words
Collins Virtute et fide By valour and faith
Collins Volabo ut requiescam I will fly (away) to be at rest
Collis Finem respice Consider the end
Collis Mens conscia recti A mind conscious of rectitude
Collis Sola et unica virtus Virtue alone and without a peer
Collis Sola virtus invicta Virtue alone invincible
Collison Hoc securior Safer by this
Collmore Semper eadem Always the same
Collyer Auxilium meum a Domino My help is from the Lord
Collyr Avance Advance
Colmore Fortuna audaces juvat Fortune favours the bold
Cologan Virtus probata florescit Tried virtue flourishes
Colpoys Dieu donne God gives
Colquhon Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Colquhon Festina lente Be quick without impetuosity; or, as it may be punningly translated for the Onslow family, “On slow.”
Colquhon If I can If I can
Colquhon Si je puis If I can
Colquhon Viget sub cruce He flourishes under the cross
Colquhoun Cnock Elachan Cnock Elachan
Colquhoun Si je puis If I can
Colston Go, and do thou likewise Go, and do thou likewise
Colt Transfigam I will transfix
Colt Vincit qui patitur He conquers who endures
Colthurst Justum et tenacem Just and firm of purpose
Columball Pacem amo I love peace
Colvell All is in God All is in God
Colvil Non obliviscar I will not forget
Colvil Oublier ne puis I cannot forget
Colvile Persevere Persevere
Colville Ad finem fidelis Faithful to the end
Colville All is in God All is in God
Colville Oublier ne puis I cannot forget
Comber Sapiens dominabitur astris A wise man will govern the stars
Comberford So no no dea ne So no no dea ne
Combermere In utraque fortuna paratus Prepared for either good or bad fortune
Combermere Salamanca Salamanca
Combrey Ad metam To the mark
Combs Deeds not words Deeds not words
Compton Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Compton Je ne cherche qu’ung I seek but one
Compton Nisi Dominus Except the Lord
Comrey Ad metam To the mark
Comrie Ad metam To the mark
Comry Ad metam To the mark
Comyn Cœlum non animum You may change your climate, but not your disposition
Comyn Copia ex industria Plenty from industry
Conant Conanti dabitur It will be given to him who strives
Concanon Con can an Wisdom without reproach
Congilton Magnum in parvo Much in little
Congreave Non moritur cujus fama ivit He dies not whose fame survives
Congreve Persevere Persevere
Coningsby Vestigia nulla retrorsum No steps backwards
Connecticut Qui trans Who is beyond
Connell Non sibi Not for himself
Connellan Sape et tace Be wise and be silent
Connely Non sibi Not for himself
Conolly En Dieu est tout In God is everything
Conqueror Victoria Victory
Constable Impegerit fidus The faithful man may have stumbled
Constable Semper paratus Always prepared
Constable Surgit post nubila Phœbus The sun rises after clouds
Conway Fide et amore By fidelity and love
Conyngham At spes infracta Yet my hope is unbroken
Conyngham Over fork over Over fork over
Cook Omnia vincit labor Labour conquers all things
Cook Tutum monstrat iter He shows the safe way
Cooke Nihil habere sine labore To have nothing without labour
Cooke Pro patria For my country
Cooke Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito Yield not to misfortunes, but go the more boldly against them
Cooke Vici I have conquered
Cooke Virtus ardua petit Valour seeks for difficulties
Cookes Deo, regi, vicino To God, my king, my neighbour
Cookson Nil desperandum Never despair
Cooper Couper fait grandir Cutting causes growth
Cooper Deo, patriœ, regi For God, my country and my king
Cooper Frango dura patientia I break hard things by perseverance
Cooper Love, serve Love, serve
Cooper Nil magnum nisi bonum Nothing is great unless good
Cooper Non parvum est seipsum noscere It is not a little thing to know oneself
Cooper Pour ma patrie For my country
Cooper Resurgo I rise again
Cooper Sapere aude Dare to be wise
Cooper Tuum est It is thine
Cooper Vincit amor patriœ The love of my country exceeds everything
Cooper Virtute By virtue
Coopers Firmitas in caelo Stability in heaven
Coore Chi semini vertu racoglia fama Who sows virtue gathers fame
Coote Vincit veritas Truth conquers
Cope Æquo adeste animo Be present with mind unchangeable
Cope Perseverando By persevering
Copeland Benigno Numine By benign providence
Copen Vivitur ingenio He lives by skill
Copley In cruce vinco Through the cross I conquer
Coppard In constantia decus (There is) honour in constancy
Coppinger Virtute non vi By virtue not by force
Corbet Deus pascit corvos God feeds the ravens
Corbet Save me, Lord! Save me, Lord!
Corbet Virtutis laus actio The praise of virtue is action
Corbin Deus pascit corvos God feeds the ravens
Corbyn Deus pascit corvos God feeds the ravens
Cork By the sword By the sword
Cork Honor virtutis prœmium Honour is the reward of virtue, or valour
Corker Sacrigicium Dei cor contitum The sacrifice of God is a contrite heart
Cormack Sine timore Without fear
Cornewall La vie durante During life
Cornish Deus pascit corvos God feeds the ravens
Cornock Animo et fide By courage and faith
Cornwall La vie durante During life
Cornwall We beg you see warily We beg you see warily
Cornwall Whyll luff lastyth Whyll luff lastyth
Cornwallis Virtus vincit invidiam Virtue overcometh envy
Corrie Vigilans et audax Vigilant and bold
Corry Virtus semper viridis Virtue is ever green
Corse Certum pete finem Aim at a sure end
Corser Recto cursu In a right course
Cosby Audaces fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Costello Audaces fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Costerton Pro patria uro I burn for my country
Cotgreave Antiquum obtinens Possessing our ancient honour
Cottee Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Cottenham Mens cujusque is est quisque As the mind of each, so is the man
Cotter Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Cotterel Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Cotterell Non rapui, sed recepi I have not taken by violence, but received
Cotton Fidelitas vincit Fidelity prevails
Cotton In utraque fortuna paratus Prepared for either good or bad fortune
Coulquhoun Omnia firmat It secures all things
Coulson Je mourrai pour ceux que j’aime I will die for those I love
Coult Transfigam I will transfix
Coulthart Virtute non verbis By valour not by boasting
Count St. Aldergoude Non inferiora secutus Not having followed mean pursuits
Count-Jarnac Concussus surgo Though shaken, I rise
Couran In Deo spes mea In God is my hope
Courcy Vincit omnia veritas Truth conquers all things
Courtenay Ubi lapsus? Quid feci? Whither have I fallen? What have I done?
Courthope Court hope Court hope
Courtland Tiens à la vérité Adhere to truth
Courtown Patriœ infelici fidelis Faithful to my unhappy country
Couts Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Coventry Candider et constanter Candidly and constantly
Cowan Aimez loyaulté Love loyalty
Cowan Aymez loyaulté Love loyalty
Cowan Sic itur in altum This is the way to heaven
Cowell Amour de la bonté Love of goodness
Cowie A falcon towering in his pride of place A falcon towering in his pride of place
Cowie In his pride of place In his pride of place
Cowie Per cœli favorem By the favour of heaven
Cowley Porro unum est necessarium Moreover one thing is needful
Cowper Tuum est It is thine
Cox Chescun son devoir Every one his duty
Cox Fide et fortitudine With faith and fortitude
Cox Fortiter et fideliter Boldly and faithfully
Cox Nil amplius oro I pray for nothing more
Cox Onwards, upwards Onwards, upwards
Cox Prœmium, virtus, honor Reward, virtue, honour
Coyne Deo adjuvcante non timendum With God assisting we must not fear
Coyney Fide, sed cui vide Trust, but in whom take care
Cozens-Hardy Fear one Fear one
Cracknell In victos Against the conquered
Cracknell Invictus Unconquered
Craig J’ai bonne esperance I have good hope
Craig Vive Deo ut vivas Live to God that you may live
Craig Vivit post funera virtus Virtue lives after death
Craigdaillie Securum prœsidium A secure fortress
Craigge Timor omnis abesto Away with all fear
Craigie Securum prœsidium A secure fortress
Craigie Timor omnis abest All fear is away
Craigy Timor omnis abesto Away with all fear
Craik Animum fortuna sequitur Fortune follows courage
Craik Tendimus We go forward
Cramer Non crux, sed lux Not the cross, but its light
Crampton Fortem posce animum Wish for a strong mind
Crane Ad virtus astra Virtue to the stars
Cranston I desire not to want I desire not to want
Cranstoun Thous shalt want ere I want Thous shalt want ere I want
Cranworth In arduis viget virtus Virtue flourishes in adversity
Cranworth Post nubila Phœbus After clouds sunshine
Crasdale Alert Alert
Craufurd God shaw the right God shaw the right
Craufurd Stant innixa Deo They stand supported by God
Craven Virtus in actione consistit Virtue consists in action
Craw Cui debeo fidus Faithful to whom I owe faith
Craw God is my safety God is my safety
Craw Nec careo, nec curo I have neither want nor care
Crawford Endure fort Endure boldly
Crawford Sine labe lucebit He shall shine unblemished
Crawfurd God feeds the crows God feeds the crows
Crawfurd God shield the right God shield the right
Crawfurd Hactenus invictus Hitherto unconquered
Crawfurd I byde my time I byde my time
Crawfurd Sine labe nota Known to be without stain
Crawfurd Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Crawfurd Tutum te robore reddam I will make thee safe by my strength
Crawley-Boevey Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Creagh Thournib’ creve’th I give you the bush (i.e. the laurel)
Creagh Virtute et numine By virtue and providence
Cree Delectat et ornat It is both pleasing and ornamental
Cregoe Fortuna audaces juvat Fortune favours the bold
Creighton-Stuart Nobilis ira Noble in anger
Cremorne Toujours propice Always propitious
Crespyny Mens sibi conscia recti A mind conscious to itself of rectitude
Creswell Aut nunquam tentes aut perfice Either never attempt or accomplish
Crew J’espeère bien I hope well
Crewe Sequor nec inferior I follow, but am not inferior
Crichton Fidelis Faithful
Crichton God me guide God me guide
Crichton God send grace God send grace
Crichton Sine fine Without end
Crickett Accipe daque fidem Receive and give faith
Crierie Industria By industry
Cripps Fronti nulla fides There is no trusting a countenance, or appearances
Crisp Mens conscia recti A mind conscious of rectitude
Crockatt Tak tent Take heed
Crocker Vive sperandum Life hope
Crockett Crow not, croke not Crow not, croke not
Croft Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Croft Valor e lealdad Valour and loyalty
Crofton Dat Deus incrementum God gives increase
Crofts Virtute et fidelitate By valour and fidelity
Croker Deus alit eos God feeds them
Croker J’ay ma foi tenu à ma puissance I have kept my faith as far as I am able
Croker Je tiendray ma puissance par ma foi I will maintain my power by my faith
Crombie Fear God Fear God
Crommelin Fac et spera Do and hope
Crompton Love and loyalty Love and loyalty
Cromwell Pax quœritur bello Peace is obtained by war
Crookshank Per ardua Through difficulties
Croome Ira leonis nobilis The anger of the lion is noble
Crosane Prœmium, virtus, gloria Reward, virtue, glory
Crosbie Indignante invidia florebit justus The just man will flourish in spite of envy
Crosbie Nil desperandum Never despair
Crosby Boyne Boyne
Crosby Resurgam I shall rise again
Crosby Te duce libertas Where thou art leader there is liberty
Crosley Per crucem confido By the cross I have confidence
Cross In hoc vinces In this shalt thou conquer
Crossdell Fortitudine et ense By valour and the sword
Crosse Certum pete finem Aim at a sure end
Crosse Se inserit astris He places himself among the stars
Crosse Sub cruce veritas Truth under the cross
Crossley Credo et amo I believe and love
Crosthwaite Conquer or die Conquer or die
Crosthwaite Finis coronat opus The end crowns the work
Crouch Aut nunquam tentes aut perfice Either never attempt or accomplish
Crowfoot Cavendo By taking care
Croxwell Vigilia et ora Watch and pray
Cruch Volenti nil difficile To the willing nothing is difficult
Cruickshank Cavendo tutus Safe by being cautious
Cruickshank Vis fortibus arma Strength is arms to the brave
Cruikshanks Audito et gradito Listen, and walk on
Cuffe Animus tamen idem Yet our mind is unchanged
Cullen Non sibi Not for himself
Cullen Virtus in arduis Courage in difficulties
Culley Amicos semper amat He always loves his friends
Cullingford Stet fortuna Let fortune be stable
Cullum Sustineatur Let it be sustained
Cuming Courage! Courage!
Cummin Courage! Courage!
Cummin Hinc garbœ nostrœ Hence our sheaves
Cumming Courage! Courage!
Cunliffe Fideliter Faithfully
Cunningham Cura et candore With prudence and sincerity
Cunningham Mihi robore robor My strength is in the oak
Cunninghame Enough in my hand Enough in my hand
Cunninghame Over fork over Over fork over
Cunninghame Sedulo numen adest The deity is present with the careful man
Cunninghame So fork forward So fork forward
Cunninghame Tandem At length
Cunninghame Virtuti comes invidia Envy is companion to virtue
Cunyngham Ad amussim By the plumb-line
Cure Fais qui doit, arrive qui pourra Do your duty, happen what may
Curle Un Dieu, un roy, un foy One God, one king, one faith
Currer Merere To deserve
Currier Merite Merit
Curry Aspiro I aspire
Curry Fortis et lenis Brave and gentle
Curson Let Curzon hold what Curzon held Let Curzon hold what Curzon held
Curteis Velle bene facere To wish to do well
Curtis Gradatim vincimus We conquer by degrees
Curtis Per ardua Through difficulties
Curtis Velle bene facere To wish to do well
Curwen Si je n’estoy If I were not
Curzon Recte et suaviter Justly and mildly
Cusack Ave Maria plena gratia Hail, Mary, full of grace
Cushney Spes meum solatium Hope is my solace
Cust Opera illius mea sunt His works are mine
Custance Appetitus rationi pareat Let your desires obey your reason
Cutcliffe Fingit premendo He shapes by (re)pressing
Cuthbert Nec minus fortiter Not less bravely
Cutherbertson Nec minus fortiter Not less bravely
Cutler Labor omnia vincit Perseverance overcomes all difficulties
Cvlipsham Fortiter Bravely

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