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Family Mottoes

Family Mottoes
by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services

This is a Free Motto resource center containing approx. 9,000 mottoes transcribed from Elvin’s Mottoes, with added mottoes from Armorial Gold’s own Library and from noted heraldic writers.

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Kadle Opiferque per orbem dicor I am called a bringer of help throughout the world
Kadwell Vigilans Watchful
Kane Felis demulcta mitis A stroked cat is gentle
Karr Sans peur Without fear
Kay Fidem parit integritas Integrity produces confidence
Kay In Deo solo spes mea My hope is in God alone
Kay Pro patria For my country
Kay Scuto divino With the divine shield
Kay Sub libertate quietem Rest under liberty
Kaye Fidem parit integritas Integrity produces confidence
Kaye Health and happiness Health and happiness
Kaye Kynd kynn knawne kepe Keep your own kin-kind
Kaye Mihi vita Christus Christ is my life
Keane Deus minhi providebit God will provide for me
Keane Felis demulcta mitis A stroked cat is gentle
Keane Ghuznee Ghuznee
Keane Virtute By virtue
Keats Superb Superb
Keay Sub libertate quietem Rest under liberty
Keddie Opiferque per orbem dicor I am called a bringer of help throughout the world
Kedslie Veritas omnia vincit Truth conquers all things
Keene A regibus amicis From friendly kings
Keightley Possunt quia posse videntur They are able because they seem to be
Keir Alterum non lœdere Not to injure another
Keir Deus meum solamen God is my comfort
Keir Gang forward Gang forward
Keir Virescit in arduis virtus Virtue flourishes in difficulties
Keirie Virtute viget He flourishes by virtue
Keith Animum rege Rule thy mind
Keith Ex candore decus Honour from sincerity
Keith Fortiter qui sedulo He acts bravely, who acts carefully
Keith Justa sequor I follow honourable things
Keith Memento Creatorem Remember thy Creator
Keith Quœ amissa salva What has been lost is safe
Keith Recta sequor I follow uprightly
Keith Remember thy end Remember thy end
Keith Venit ab astris She came from the stars
Keith Veritas vincit Truth conquers
Kelham Beneficiorum memor Mindful of benefits
Kellet Feret ad astra virtus Virtue will bear us to the skies
Kelly Decori decus addit avito He adds honour to that of his ancestors
Kelly In Deo confido, nil desperandum Trust in God, nothing is to be despaired of
Kelly In monte Cöeli castra Cöli On the hill of Cöel (heaven?) is the camp of Cöel
Kelly Turris fortis mihi Deus God is a strong tower to me
Kelly Turris mihi Deus God is my tower
Kelso Otium cum dignitate Repose with dignity
Keltie Industria By industry
Kemey Sustine et abstine Bear and forbear
Kemeys-Tynte Duw by Ras God thy grace
Kemp Lucem spero I hope for light
Kemp Qui seminant in lachrymis, in exultatione metent Who sow in tears, shall reap in joy
Kemp Tiens ta foy Keep thy faith
Kenah Fidelis Faithful
Kendall Aquila petit solem The eagle seeks the sun
Kendall Virtus depressa resurget Virtue, though depressed, shall rise again
Kennard At spes non fracta But hope is not broken
Kennard Patitur qui vincit He who suffers conquers
Kennaway Ascendam I shall rise
Kennedar Gang forrit Gang forrit
Kennedy Adhœreo virtuti I cling to virtue
Kennedy Avise la fin Consider the end
Kennedy Fuimus We have been
Kennedy God be guide God be guide
Kennedy Laugh lader an aughter Laugh harder and louder
Kennedy Look to the end, saith Kennedy Look to the end, saith Kennedy
Kennedy Malim esse probus quam haberi I had rather be honest than be thought so
Kennedy Non fallor I am not deceived
Kennedy The fruit is as the tree The fruit is as the tree
Kennedy The strongest hand uppermost The strongest hand uppermost
Kennedy Vires veritas Truth gives power
Kenny Teneat, luceat, floreat, vi, virtute, et valore May it hold, shine, and flourish, by valour, virtue, and worth
Kenrick Virtue is honour Virtue is honour
Kensington Garde la foi Keep the faith
Kenyon Magnanimiter crucem sustine Sustain the cross (i.e. support afflictions) with magnanimity
Keppel Ne cede malis Yield not to misfortunes
Ker Abest timor Fear is absent
Ker Deus solamen God is my comfort
Ker Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Ker J’avance I advance
Ker Pro Christo et patria For Christ and my country
Ker Tout droit All right
Ker Virescit vulnere virtus Her virtue flourishes by her wound
Ker Dulco pro patriâ periculum Danger is sweet for one’s country
Kerr A Deo lumen Light from God
Kerr Deus solamen God is my comfort
Kerr Praise God Praise God
Kerrick Nunquam non paratus Never unprepared
Kerrison Rien sans Dieu Nothing without God
Kerry Sic itur ad astra Such is the way to immortality
Kerslake Ad finem fidelis Faithful to the end
Kerwan Mon Dieu, mon roi, et ma patrie My God, my king, and my country
Kett Rara avis in terris A rarity on this earth
Kettle Bono vince malum Overcome evil with good
Key In Deo solo spes mea My hope is in God alone
Keydon Avis la fin Consider the end
Kidd Donec impleat orbem Until it fill its orb
Kidd Nil sine magno labore Nothing without great labour
Kidder Boyne Boyne
Kidder Standard Standard
Kilgour Gradatim By degrees
Kilkenny Comme je trouve As I find
Kilkenny Depressus extollor I am exalted after being depressed
Killett Auxilium ab alto Aid from above
Killock Gloria in excelsis Deo Glory to God on high
Kilmaine Suivez raison Follow reason
Kilmorey Nunc aut nunquam Now or never
Kimber Frangas non flectes Thou may’st break, but shalt not bend me
Kinaird Qui patitur vincit He conquers who endures
Kincaid Incidendo sano I cure by cutting
Kinchant Virtus pyramis Virtue is a pyramid
Kindeace Virtutis gloria merces Glory is the reward of valour
King Audaces fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
King Auxilium ab alto Aid from above
King Cadenti porrigo dextram I extend my right hand to the falling
King Floreo in ungue leonis I bloom in the lion’s claw
King For right and reason For right and reason
King Spes tutissima cœlis The surest hope is in heaven
King Henry II Utrumque Both
King Henry III Ke ne dune ke ne tiens ne pret ke desire He who does not give what he has, does not gain what he desires
King Henry III Qui non dat quod habet non occupat ille quod optat He who does not give what he has, does not gain what he desires
King Stephen No force alters their fashion No force alters their fashion
Kingdon Regisdonum gratum bonum A king’s gift is pleasant and good
Kinglake Non degener Not degenerated
Kingsale Vincit omnia veritas Truth conquers all things
Kingsdon Ut tibi sic alteri As to yourself so to another
Kingsford Faire sans dire To do without speaking, i.e. Deeds not words
Kingsland Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Kingsmill Do well, doubt not Do well, doubt not
Kingston Deum posui adjutorem I have taken God for my helper
Kingston Spes tutissima cœlis The surest hope is in heaven
Kinlock Altius tendo I aim higher
Kinlock Non degener Not degenerated
Kinlock Ut olim As formerly
Kinlock Yet higher Yet higher
Kinnaird Certa cruce salus Sure salvation through the cross
Kinnaird Cressa cruce salus Salvation born from the cross
Kinnaird Errantia lumina fallunt Wandering lights deceive
Kinnaird Phœbo lux Light from the sun
Kinnard Qui patitur vincit He conquers who endures
Kinnear I live in hope I live in hope
Kinnear Spem fortuna alit Good fortune nourishes hope
Kinnimond Stabo I shall stand
Kinnoul Renovate animos Renew your courage
Kintore Quœ amissa salva What has been lost is safe
Kirby Constantia et labore By resolution and exertion
Kirby Patientia et magannimitas Patience and courage
Kirk Optimum quod primum That is best that is first
Kirk Votis et conamine By vows and exertion
Kirkaldie Vigilando ascendimus We rise by being vigilant
Kirkaldy Fortissima veritas Truth is most powerful
Kirkalie Fortissima veritas Truth is most powerful
Kirkland Pro aris et focis For our altars and our homes
Kirkman I Deo confido I trust in God
Kirkpatrick I make sicker I make sicker
Kirkpatrick I make sure I make sure
Kirkpatrick I will secure him I will secure him
Kirkwood Spes mea in Deo My hope is in God
Kirsop Mens conscia recti A mind conscious of rectitude
Kirsopp Credo I believe
Kirvin J’aime mon Dieu, mon roi, et ma patrie I love my God, my king, and my country
Knatchbull In crucifixa gloria mea My glory is in the cross
Knight Gloria calcar habet Glory has a spur
Knight Nunquam non paratus Never unprepared
Knight Suivant St. Pierre According or following St. Peter
Knight Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Knightley Invita fortuna Though fortune be unwilling
Knowles Semper paratus Always prepared
Knowlys Lento sed certo et recto gradu With a slow but sure and straight step
Knox In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Knox Moveo et propitior I move and am appeased
Knoye Juvat lacerat It helps (while) it tears
Knyvitt Ni plus, ni moins Neither more nor less
Koehler Juvat lacerat It helps (while) it tears
Kroye Juvat dum lacerat It helps while it tears
Kuyfton In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Kyan Inclytus virtute Renowned for virtue
Kyd Donec impleat orbem Until it fill its orb
Kynaston Honor potestate honorantis Honour is in the power of him who honours
Kynnersley Nec opprimiere, nec opprimi Neither to oppress nor be oppressed
Kynymound Non eget arcu He does not need a bow
Kyrle Nil moror ictus I heed not blows

Armorial Gold Heraldry Clipart was brought about from a need for high quality, professional vector art for those in the heraldry business and those wanting to design their own coats of arms. The Heraldry Mottoes are provided as a free reference to permit users to look up a motto of a surname, or find a motto they would like to adopt, or find a translation to a motto.


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