Term | Entry | Related |
R | R | See Letters |
Rabbit | Rabbit | - |
Raccourcy | Raccourcy | - |
Racee | Inraced | - |
Radiant | Radiant | See Fesse-radiant |
Radiated | Radiated | - |
Radiated Crown | Radiated Crown | - |
Ragged | Ragged | - |
Raguled | Raguly | - |
Ragulee | Ragulee | - |
Raguly | Raguly | - |
Rainbow | Rainbow | - |
Raionee | Raionee | - |
Ram | Ram | - |
Rame | Rame | - |
Rampande | Rampande | - |
Rampant | Rampant | - |
Ramped | Rampee | - |
Ramped | Double Downset | - |
Rampee | Rampee | - |
Ramping | Ramping | - |
Rangant | Rangant | - |
Rangant | Ringant | - |
Range | Range | - |
Rapier | Rapier | - |
Rapin | Rapin | - |
Raping | Rapin | - |
Rased | Rased | - |
Rasee | Rasee | - |
Rasie | Rasie | - |
Rasyd | Rasyd | - |
Rat | Rat | - |
Ratch-Hound | Ratch-Hound | - |
Raven | Raven | - |
Ravissant | Ravissant | - |
Ravonée | Radiated | - |
Rayon | Rayon | See Rayonne |
Rayonated | Radiated | - |
Rayonee | Rayonne | - |
Rayonnant | Rayonnant | See Radiant and Radiated |
Rayonne | Rayonne | - |
Rayonne | Radiant | See Fesse-radiant |
Rays of the Sun | Beams | - |
Razed | Rased | - |
Razed | Razed | - |
Razor-Bill | Razor-Bill | - |
Reaping-Hook | Reaping-Hook | See Sickle |
Rearing | Rearing | - |
Rear-Mouse | Rear-Mouse | See Rere-Mouse |
Rebated | Rebated | - |
Rebated | Blemished | - |
Rebatement | Rebatement | - |
Rebending | Rebending | - |
Rebending | Bending | - |
Rebent | Rebent | - |
Reboundant | Reboundant | - |
Rebounding | Reboundant | - |
Rebus | Rebus | - |
Recercelee | Cercele | - |
Reclinant | Reclinant | - |
Reclivant | Versant | - |
Recopyd | Recopyd | - |
Recouped | Recopyd | - |
Recoupee | Recoupee | - |
Recourcie | Recourcie | - |
Recourcie | Raccourcy | - |
Recourse | Recourse | - |
Recroise | Recroise | - |
Rect | Rect | - |
Rectangled | Angle | - |
Recumbent | Recumbent | - |
Recureant Volant, in pale | Recureant Volant, in pale | - |
Recursant | Recursant | - |
Recursant Displayed | Recursant Displayed | - |
Recursant Overture | Recursant Overture | - |
Recursant Volant, in bend, wings overture | Recursant Volant, in bend, wings overture | - |
Recursant Volant, in fesse, wings overture | Recursant Volant, in fesse, wings overture | - |
Recurvant | Recurvant | - |
Red | Red | See Gules |
Red | Gules | - |
Red Cross | Red Cross | See Royal Red Cross |
Redout | Redout | - |
Reed | Reed | - |
Reed | Slay | - |
Reeds | Reeds | - |
Reflected | Reflected | - |
Reflexed | Reflected | - |
Regalia | Regalia | - |
Regardande | Regardande | - |
Regardant | Regardant | See Reguardant |
Reguardant | Reguardant | - |
Reguardant Reversed | Reguardant Reversed | - |
Regule | Regule | See Raguly |
Rein-deer | Rein-deer | - |
Rein-Guard | Rein-Guard | - |
Relief | Relief | See Adumbrated |
Remora | Remora | - |
Removed | Removed | - |
Rempli | Rempli | - |
Rencontre | Rencontre | - |
Rending | Rending | - |
Renverse | Renverse | - |
Repassant | Repassant | - |
Replenished | Replenished | - |
Reposing | Reposing | See Resting |
Reposing | Resting | - |
Reptiles | Reptiles | - |
Rere-Mouse | Rere-Mouse | - |
Rere-Mouse | Bat | - |
Resarcelee | Resarcelee | - |
Resignant | Resignant | - |
Respectant | Respectant | - |
Respecting | Respectant | - |
Resplendent | Resplendent | - |
Rest | Rest | See Clarion |
Rest | Rest | See Perch, or rest for a Falcon |
Rest | Clarion | - |
Resting | Resting | - |
Restriall | Restriall | - |
Retaille | Retaille | - |
Retierce | Retierce | - |
Retorted | Retorted | - |
Retracted | Retracted | - |
Retranche | Retranche | - |
Reverberant | Reverberant | - |
Reverse | Verse | - |
Reversed | Debased | - |
Reversed | Invertant | - |
Reversed-Endorsed | Reversed-Endorsed | - |
Reversie | Reversie | - |
Revertant | Revertant | - |
Reverted | Revertant | - |
Revestu | Revestu | - |
Reveyns | Reveyns | - |
Reynard | Reynard | - |
Rhinoceros | Rhinoceros | - |
Riband | Riband | - |
Ribbon | Riband | - |
Ribbon | Ribbon | - |
Right-Angle | Rect | - |
Ring | Ring | - |
Ringant | Ringant | - |
Ringdove | Ringdove | - |
Ringed | Ringed | - |
Rings-Interlaced | Rings-Interlaced | See Annulets |
Rising | Rising | - |
Rising | Disclosed | - |
Rizom | Rizom | - |
Roach | Roach | - |
Robe | Robe | - |
Robin | Robin | - |
Robin Redbreast | Robin | - |
Rock | Rock | - |
Rod of Asclepius | Esculapius-rod | - |
Rod of Esculapius | Esculapius-rod | - |
Roe | Roe | - |
Roebuck | Roe | - |
Roele | Roele | See Rowel |
Roele | Rowel | - |
Roll | Roll | - |
Roll of Arms | Roll of Arms | - |
Roman & | Roman & | - |
Roman pilum | Roman pilum | - |
Rompe | Rompe | - |
Rompu | Rompe | - |
Rompu | Rampee | - |
Rondeus | Rondeus | See Ronndles |
Roofed | Roofed | - |
Rook | Rook | - |
Rooks | Rooks | - |
Root | Root | - |
Root of a Tree, couped and erased | Root of a Tree, couped and erased | - |
Rope tassel and ring | Rope tassel and ring | - |
Rosary | Rosary | - |
Rose | Rose | See Distinction of Houses |
Rose and Thistle | Rose and Thistle | - |
Rose Heraldic | Rose Heraldic | - |
Rose, stalked and leaved | Rose, stalked and leaved | - |
Rose-en-Soleil | Rose-en-Soleil | - |
Roselettes | Roselettes | - |
Rosemary | Rosemary | - |
Rostral Crown | Rostral Crown | See Crown Naval |
Rouge Cross | Rouge-Croix | - |
Rouge-Croix | Rouge-Croix | - |
Rouge-Dragon | Rouge-Dragon | - |
Round Tops of Masts | Round Tops of Masts | - |
Rounded | Blunted | - |
Roundelly | Roundelly | - |
Roundles | Roundles | - |
Rousant | Rousant | - |
Row | Roll | - |
Rowan-Tree | Rowan-Tree | - |
Rowel | Rowel | - |
Row-Gally | Row-Gally | - |
Rowsand | Rowsand | - |
Rowsand | Rousant | - |
Rowsant | Disclosed | - |
Rowsing | Rowsing | - |
Rowt | Rowt | - |
Royal Antler | Royal Antler | - |
Royal Cadency | Royal Cadency | See Label |
Royal Crown | Royal Crown | - |
Royal Eagle | Royal Eagle | - |
Royal Red Cross | Royal Red Cross | - |
Royal standard of Great Britain and Ireland | Royal standard of Great Britain and Ireland | - |
Royalty, Ensigns of | Royalty, Ensigns of | - |
Royne | Royne | See Grose |
Roys | Roys | - |
Ruby | Ruby | - |
Rudder of a Ship | Rudder of a Ship | - |
Ruddock | Ruddock | - |
Rue | Rue | - |
Rue Crown | Rue Crown | - |
Ruffles | Ruffles | - |
Rule | Rule | See Yard-Measure |
Rules of Blazon | Rules of Blazon | See Blazon |
Rundles | Rundles | See Roundles |
Rushes | Rushes | - |
Russet | Russet | - |
Ruster | Rustre | - |
Rustre | Rustre | - |
Ruther | Ruther | See Helm |
Rye, Ear of | Rye, Ear of | - |
ryestalk | Rye, Ear of | - |