A decoration instituted 23rd April, 1883, for rewarding services rendered by certain persons in nursing the Sick and Wounded of the Army and Navy. The Decoration may be conferred upon any Ladies, whether subjects or foreign persons, who may be recommended to Her Majesty's notice by the Secretary of State for War for special exertions in providing for the nursing, or for attending to, sick and wounded soldiers and sailors. This Decoration maybe conferred upon any Nursing Sister, whether subjects or foreign persons, who may be recommended to Her Majesty's notice by the Secretary of Slate for War, or, as the case may be, by the First Lord of the Admiralty through the Secretary of State, for special devotion and compe- tency which they may have displayed in the nursing duties with the Army in the Field, or in the Naval and Military Hospitals. Badge of the Decoration, a Cross enamelled crimson, edged with gold, having on the Arms thereof the words. Faith, Hope, Charity, with the date of the institution of the Decoration; the centre having thereon the Queen's Effigy. On the reverse side Her Majesty's Royal and Imperial Cypher and Crown shown in relief on the centre. The Riband is dark blue edged red, one inch in width, tied in a bow, and worn on the left shoulder. |