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An extensive listing of Heraldry learning links carefully researched to truly assist the heraldry enthusiast and professional alike. We have deliberately omitted sites with those annoying pop up ads; and sites that basically provide duplicate information.


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A pictorial glossary, of about 520 illustrations, representing the more common heraldic terms. You can browse through these images; then, by clicking on the picture of a heraldic figure, you will find out its name, in 6 languages (French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch). This is a terrific resource and a good place to start for those interested in Heraldry. The link site is operated by Francois Velde, who works as an economist, but has been a lover of heraldry since his childhood days, in France. A site to Bookmark!


Thanks to Jim Trigg for keeping this site going. The information is based on the original book by James Parker, of 1894. The site is extremely detailed as it describes heraldry terms and how they are applied in various arms. It's a great links site to study, and let’s hope, it stays around for a very long time.


A terrific site to look up your Irish family motto. Many of the mottoes you will not find on other sites. Operated by Mervyn J Rossiter with our thanks. Slainte


Brought to you by the folks at Euraldic, these are primarily the mottoes you will find in Rietstap’s Armorial. Mottoes are in French, Latin, Spanish, German and more. If you find a motto that interests you, select and copy it, and try a Google search…you may find a translation. Good work Marc!


Rietstap's Armorial was a marathon heraldry coat of arms project, of some 150,000 coats of arms from around the world. Mr. Marc Letellier, who owns this site, provides you with all the Blazons (descriptions) transcribed from the original manuscript. Although it is in French, with a few short lessons and maybe a good online dictionary, you can master it. It's one of the most popular heraldry resources.


(Unfortunately this site was, offline last we checked but we are leaving this here for the moment, in case it returns) Thanks to Willem van den Berg who brings us this terrific learning site. A convenient searchable database of this famous collection makes it easy to find the name you are looking for. The author has spent hundreds of hours to complete. There's a small subscription fee to view some 130,000 blazons (heraldic descriptions of coats of arms) from around the world that is sure to help the heraldry enthusiast and the professional alike. Very Impressive Willem


If you’re into French surnames, especially French Canadian or French American names (from Louisiana and the like), this site tries to solve the mystery of “Dit Names”. The information is provided by the American-French Genealogical Society, with compilation and research by Rita Elise Plourde; when you get to site scroll down, and read about “Dit Names”, before you start searching for yours.



This is a complete reproduction of the famous "a Complete Guide to Heraldry", first published in 1904-09. An amazing learning tool which we hope the site owners will maintain. This web version is by Saitou


An excellent link site for Cornish blazons, brought to you by UK Genealogy Archives. The site also provides genealogy for hundreds of Cornish names. The Blazon is usually at the top of the record. A learning link worth visiting.


Here you type in a heraldic term in French, German, English, Dutch, Spanish or Italian to get the translation chosen. This is handy when you're researching using a book that is not in your native tongue. It's the only one available that we know of.


This site is brought to you by the good folks at “New Advent”. Ecclesiastical heraldry naturally divides itself into various branches, principally: the arms of religious corporations, and other bodies; the insignia of ecclesiastical dignity, rank, or office; the charges, terms, and forms of general heraldry having a religious or ecclesiastical origin, usage, or character; the emblems or devices attributed to or typifying particular saints or other beings venerated by the Church. A very informative resource site!


This link features wonderful representative art of ecclesiastical renderings of the Popes and Cardinals from their earliest days. Select "Pontifici" to get started. Although the site is in Italian, with a few clicks you can easily navigate the images. Certainly worth a look. 


A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe. Thanks to Darryl Lundy and his immense contribution for providing this site. When you get to the site, simply click on a letter to see if your name is referenced.


From the good folks at Scotclans.com out of Edinburgh, this site although commercial in nature has some terrific resources for those researching Scottish clans, septs, crests and clan histories. When you get to the site, click on Clan A-Z (at the top) for a list of clans, and then click on the clan you want. It provides a little history and other information on the clan. To see the badge/crest click on “Crest” on the left. To look up a sept, click on “what’s my clan”, from main page. Good work folks.


We thought we would include this famous site, started in 1986 by Cyndi Howells, the Queen of Genealogy. The link is to the heraldry section, which provides some research links that we may not have covered. I am always amazed when I drop by this site, and the success it has enjoyed. Congratulations Cyndi



is a an educational site brought to you by Jean-Christophe Loubet. The site is in French but provides some wonderful historical images, and a vast list of resource links for the heraldry enthusiasts and professionals alike. It’s a great addition to the Heraldry resource library. Excellent work Jean-Christophe.


Heraldry Art by Armorial Gold


This links section includes coats of arms from various countries, as well as personal arms; when the website is not in English we provide you with instructions on how to access the images. Those of you in the design business will find these heraldry links an excellent resource.


If you are researching German heraldry this site has a good selection of German coats of arms for the famous Siebmacher's Wappenbuch. There about 15,000 coats of arms from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and more. By selecting the Place Name Index you can see all the countries and states covered. You can enlarge individual drawings by clicking on them.


A Dutch site operated by Walter Andreas Groen who has done a nice job rendering several hundred Dutch coats of arms. When you get to the site click on “Familiewapens” and this will take you to an alpha listing. For contact information click on “Voor reacties” which you will find on the far left, near the bottom


Operated by Ralf Hartemink this site is probably the largest heraldry site on the Net. It features Civic arms from just about every country/canton/state in the world. It really is a nice resource and has taken years to develop. Thanks Ralph for sharing your legacy with us.


This link states that it provides 2500 Civic coats of arms and some 25,000 personal arms and blazons. Arriving at the site, click on "familia" for blasons, "escudos" for personal arms. The word "enlaces" means "links". It appears to be a work in progress, but well worth the visit.


Thanks to Arnaud BUNEL for bringing this very unique site to us. The European Royals, Knights and the Peerage of old. Click on a letter and then click on a name to see the coat of arms representation. You need to wear a crown to visit this site…it will certainly put you in the mood.


A nice research site featuring historical Coats of Arms of the noble families of Sicily. Just click on “Famiglie Nobili” (which means noble family). They are all listed in the center of the page. Each family has a coat of arms displayed. An impressive resource.


Hundreds and hundreds of coats of arms of Italy’s Piedmont province. Scroll down and click on a letter to see the coat of arms. Let’s hope this site stays up as it’s a fabulous reference tool.


Sites on Ukrainian heraldry are a rare breed on the Web, and we’re pleased that this collaborative effort could change this trend. The page we have given you has about 140 individual arms, and if you click on “St Michael Order” on the top bar you will see representations of the Ukrainian members of this famous Knighthood Order.


A well crafted site featuring an extensive database of Spanish Coats of Arms. Type in the name, and click on BUSCAR. The site is in Spanish but a picture is worth a thousand words. A superior learning link offering the user a vast historical perspective on Spanish Heraldry. A Commercial site, but a MUST visit. 



This heraldry links section can very helpful when researching a coat of arms that you can’t find through regular sources. You should keep in mind that sending an email looking for free information is not likely to bring you a response. You should, rather, offer to pay a nominal fee or donation for any information you are looking for; this will help to show your sincerity. We have also included Heraldry Societies that can register your coat of arms. You should also note that many countries no longer have official bodies and seem to rely on other associations to provide the assistance. Government web pages can also be of help in directing you to a heraldic authority that may not have a web presence, but may be able to assist you.


Burke's Peerage & Gentry International Register of Arms

Register your armorial bearings in Burke’s Peerage & Gentry International Register of Arms. Arms are recorded both in an online armorial and published in a hardback book in volumes. More information on registration and publications can be found by visiting the link above.


Scotland is part of the United Kingdom, but we are listing this link separately, for your convenience. The Court of the Lord Lyon is the heraldic authority for Scotland. It deals with all matters relating to Scottish Heraldry and Coats of Arms and maintains the Scottish Public Registers of Arms and Genealogies.


Scotland is part of the United Kingdom, but we are listing this link separately, for your convenience. The Heraldry Society of Scotland was founded in 1977 with the objective of promoting the study of heraldry and encouraging its correct use in Scotland and Overseas. A very informative site.


Heraldic authority for England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man and most of the Commonwealth of Nations.


The Heraldry Society exists to increase and extend interest in and knowledge of heraldry, armory, chivalry, genealogy and allied subjects. The Society is non-profit making, and is registered as an educational charity. Membership is open to all. Check out the members arms….pretty.


The American College of Heraldry is a Chartered, non-profit body established in 1972, with the aim of aiding in the study and perpetuation of heraldry in the United States and abroad. Registrations are restricted by policy to American citizens or residents, as well as to others with significant personal or business connections in America.


The Institute of Heraldry’s purpose is to provide information on United States Army heraldic entitlements; how they are displayed, and how and why they are worn. A useful resource.


The Canadian Heraldic Authority is responsible for the creation of new coats of arms, flags and badges for Canadian citizens and corporate bodies. Find out about heraldry and its role in Canada today. Learn how armorial bearings are designed and granted, and see examples of the work of the Canadian Heraldic Authority.


Burke’s Peerage & Gentry provides for an international registry of coats of arms. When you get to the site click on “the international register of arms” to see some of the armorial bearings they have registered. They also have an extensive link section.


Surnames can be found in many other categories, but if you get stuck, these links can prove very helpful.



From the famous book by Rev. Patrick Woulfe 1923---here you can search the book. This is a good place to start your Irish Research.


A truly amazing surname site. The main aim of the site is to bring together the wide variety of genealogical sources available on and off-line and catalogue them; so as to make them easily accessible by researchers looking for records relating to ancestors in a particular town, region or country. Brought to you by David Hopkins-Excellent Job!

Brought to you by the good folks at Ancestry.com. It offers a free search of surnames in the USA and in the UK based on census records, and a little history on the name in most cases. When you get to the site, enter your last name, and then click on “update”. If the name is there, you can click on (left buttons) either “name distribution (US)” or “name distribution (UK)”…a map of the distribution will then display. A very helpful resource.


A list of the major Polish clans and septs. Many names have multiple spellings and you will find some families were part of more than one clan. This list should help you navigate the complex Polish system.

Brought to you by the fine folks at Linternaute.com. It features the top 1000 surnames in France based on census records. You can view the names in order of frequency or you can search for a name; it then displays the number of instances of that name and their ranking, as well as a map of France showing where they are located.

From the good folks at the Irish Times, this link site offers invaluable information for the Researcher of Irish surnames and more. You can key-in a name and it gives you a description in the historical Irish/Gaelic language, as well as in English; on the right side of your search results, you'll find the surname variants. A site to bookmark.

From the good folks at Name Origin Research, this link site offers origins on about 50,000 surnames, mainly from the UK. You can key-in a name and it gives you a very nice history of the name; be sure to try spelling variants. A wonderful resource for the genealogy and heraldry communities.


This heraldry links section covers heraldic artists, flags, heraldic bookplates, heraldry newsletters, and some miscellaneous sites that you may enjoy.

The Flags of the World was created by Giuseppe Bottasini, of Milan, Italy, assisted by Željko Heimer; soon Rob Raeside took over as assistant, and in June 1998, Rob took over as Director. It’s likely the largest heraldic flag resource available, and is the only site we are mentioning at this time. When you get to the site, select “pages ordered by Country”. Thank you Rob for keeping this going!

The Society of Heraldic Art has a very thorough listing of heraldic artists of all types. Most links have beautiful art work with separate links to emails and websites of the various artists. A Must see!


Brought to you by John Lehman this comprehensive site features heraldry gifts from clothing to watches, from electronics to neck ties; There's a handy search field at the top and if you click on any BUY button you'll find a huge selection of imprinted options. Nice work John.

Susi Galloway is a Heraldic Artist originally from Switzerland, now residing in Florida USA. She accepts commissions for designs or paintings of personal coat of arms, logos heraldic illustrations, and pedigrees etc.. Click on the Coat of Arms Gallery to see some of her work. She is a talented gal!

Marco Foppoli is an Italian artist that specializing in heraldic art. Unique qualities about the service that Marco provides are his custom bookplates, and his ecclesiastical heraldry work. The site is offered in three languages. There is an email contact for prices. Beautiful work Marco!

Burke’s Peerage and Gentry offers a newsletter they call “The Armorial Register” You will see a link at the top of the page to subscribe to the email version.

The Baronage Press, operated by Frederick Hogarth has been around for years, and features online genealogical and heraldic data in their archives section, and general information on the history of the British Isles. Their on-line newsletter is called the Feudal Herald, and at this writing, subscriptions are free. Always a good read!

Genealogylinks.net consists of 4,200 pages of more than 45,000 Free Genealogy Links; for US, UK, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. A Monstrous site, and what a place to start your family research!

Start your family tree for free.

Connect with your family story and discover the what, where, and who of how it all leads to you. One name is all it takes to start your family tree. The more you add, the better we can help you—every name is another piece of the story. Look for the leaf…very soon, leaves will begin to appear on your family tree—these are Ancestry Hints. And each one is a potential discovery. Follow the leaves and watch your family tree grow.

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international member based organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Operating for some 40 years, the Society boasts some 30,000 members worldwide, and is currently chaired by Jason Williams. A Must visit!

AbeBooks, the world’s largest online marketplace for books, lists over 100 million new, used, rare, and out-of-print books from more than 13,500 booksellers. This great selection delivers value for all: readers find bestsellers, collectors find rare books, students find textbooks, and treasure hunters find books they’ve been seeking forever.

Alibris (pronounced "uh-LEE-briss") connects people who love books, music, and movies to thousands of independent sellers around the world. Our proprietary technology and advanced logistics allow us to offer over 60 million used, new, and out-of-print books to consumers, libraries, and retailers.

BookFinder.com is an one-stop ecommerce search engine that searches over 100 million books for sale—new, used, rare, out-of-print, and textbooks. They save you time and money by searching every major catalogue online, and letting you know which booksellers are offering the best prices and selection. When you find a book you like, you can buy it directly from the original seller; they never charge a mark-up.


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Copyright © 2001-2025 - Armorial Gold Heraldry Services.
Our Heraldry Art is hand drawn in vector format by our graphic artists. Heraldic art samples are provided as a courtesy to potential buyers and the heraldry samples remain the property of Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. Reproduction in any form other than in the manner stipulated in the Armorial Gold Heraldry Services license agreement or FAQ section or by special arrangement is strictly prohibited.
All Heraldry Art and Heraldry Clipart, vector and bitmap, including: Gods and Goddesses Clip-art, Saints Clipart, Italian Coat of Arms Images, Birds of Prey Clipart, Heraldic Alphabets clipart, Spanish Coat of Arms images, English and British Coat of Arms images, Irish coat of arms images, Das Wapen German Coat of Arms images, Dutch Coats of Arms images, French Coat of Arms Images, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian Coat of Arms images, Polish Coat of Arms Clipart, Portuguese Coat of Arms, Austrian Coat of Arms, Swiss Coat of Arms, Welsh Coat of Arms clipart, American Coat of Arms Coats images, Heraldry Badge images, Heraldic Crest images, Irish Coat of Arms Clipart, Knighthood Orders images, and all other heraldic, coat of arms, or companion images contained in this site including downloads are copyright Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. Heraldic Symbolism information in our Heraldry symbolism library and Heraldic definitions in out Heraldry Dictionary are copyright Armorial Gold Heraldry Services.
All heraldic and companion images purchased through this site are governed by a license agreement executed between the buyer and Armorial Gold Heraldry Services.