Armorial Gold's Heraldry Dictionary |
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Heraldry Dictionary Section R R. Borne in several coats. See Letters. Rabbit. Also termed Coney. Raccourcy or Recourcie. The same as Coupee, or Couped. Radiant or Rayonne. Any ordinary edged with beams like those of the sun. See Fesse-radiant. Radiated, Rayonated or Ravonée. The same as Rayonce, Radiant, Rayonnant, and Rayoonne. Terms all used to express the same tiling, viz., Rays, or shining beams issuing from an ordinary or charge. Radiated Crown. The Eastern Crown. Ragged. Same as Raguly. Ragulee. Same as Raguly. Raguly or Raguled. Is when the bearing is uneven or ragged, like the trunk or limb of a tree lopt of its branches. Rainbow. A semicircle of various colours, arising from clouds. Raionee. Same as Radiant. Ram. A male sheep. Rame. A term for branched, or attired. Rampande. Same as Rampant. Rampant. A term to express the Lion, Tiger, etc., when in an upright position standing on the near hind leg. Rampee, Ramped or Rompu. Broken. Ramping. The same as Rampant. Rangant. An old term for the bull etc., enraged, or furiosant. Range. A term signifying many. Mullets, or other charges, placed in bend, fesse, cross, etc. Rapier. A narrow sword. Rapin or Raping. Applied to ravenous animals when feeding, or devouring their prey. Rased or Razed. The same as Erased. Rasee. Erased. Rasie. Having rays, or being rayed. Rasyd. Same as Erased. Rat. A fierce and voracious animal, borne by several families. Ratch-Hound or Beagle. A small species of hound. Raven. Also termed a Corbet, and Corbie. A bird. The emblem of Divine Providence. Ravissant. A term to express the posture of a wolf, etc., half raised, and just springing forward upon his prey. It is also applied to all ravenous animals when devouring their prey. Rayonnant. Sending forth rays. See Radiant and Radiated. Also termed Rayed and Rasie. Rayon. A ray. See Rayonne. Rayonne or Rayonee. Same as Radiant rays. Beams of light. Rays issuing from a cloud. Razed. Same as Erased. Razor-Bill or Eligugs. A web-footed bird. Reaping-Hook. See Sickle. Rear-Mouse. See Rere-Mouse. Rearing. Applied to a horse when standing upon the hind legs. Rebated. When a part is cut off. Rebatement. The same as Abatement. Rebending. The same as Bowed-Embowed. Rebent. Bowed-Embowed or Reflexed. Reboundant or Rebounding. Applied to the tail of a lion when turned up, with the end inwards. Rebus. In Heraldry, "Non verbis rebus loquimur", a device alluding to the name of the bearer, as the device of Arblaster. Erm. a cross bow (arblast) in pale gu. Fletcher. az. a chev. betw. three arrows or. Martell. gu. three (martels) hammers or. Sykes. ar. a chev. betw. three sykes ppr. Yate. ar. three yates sa. Reclinant. The tail of a serpent when upright, without any waving, is said to be reclinant. Recopyd or Recouped. Same as Couped. Recoupee. Reparted per-fesse. Recourcie, Clechée or Percée. Same as a chev. recoursie. Recourse. Same as Clechée. Recroise. Crossed, as a crosslet crossed. Rect or Right-Angle. Is the angle which one straight line makes with another straight line, upon which it falls perpendicularly. Recumbent. Same as Lodged. Recursant. Applied to the eagle, shewing the back part. Recursant Overture or Inverted Displayed. As an eagle displayed, with the back turned towards the beholder. Recureant Volant, in pale. As an eagle flying upwards, showing the back. Recursant Volant, in fesse, wings overture. i.e. flying across the field fesseways, showing its back. Recursant Volant, in bend, wings overture. Recursant Displayed. Wings crossed. Recurvant. Bowed embowed, or Curved and Recurved. Red Cross. See Royal Red Cross. Red. See Gules. Redout. The cross potent rebated. Reed, Slay or Slea. An instrument used by weavers. Reeds. Long hollow knotted grass. Reflected or Reflexed. Curved, or turned ro.md, as the chain or line from tie collar of a beast, thrown over the back. Regalia. Ensigns of Royal dignity, as Crowns, Sceptres, Mounds, etc. Regardande. Same as Reguardant. Regardant. Looking back. See Reguardant. Reguardant. Looking behind. Reguardant Reversed. Applied to serpents when nowed in tlie form of a figure of 8 laid fesseways, the head turned under from the sinister, and the tail bending upwards. Regule. See Raguly. Rein-deer. A stag with double attires. Rein-Guard. That part of armour which guards the lower part of the back. Relief. See Adumbrated. Remora or Fish Odimoliont. The Sucker-Fish. Removed. Shifted from its place as a chief removed, or lowered. If a, Fesse, Chevron, Bend, etc., is placed higher in the shield than its proper place it is termed Enhanced. Rempli. When a chief is filled with any other tincture, leaving only a border round it. Rencontre, or Au-Rencontre. The same as Cabossed. Rending. As two hands rending a horse shoe. Renverse. Reversed or reverse. Turned contrary to its natural position. Repassant. The same as Counterpassant. Replenished. Stocked with. As a quiver filled, or replenished with arrows. This term is also used for Semee, or Powdered. Reposing. See Resting. Reptiles. The most common in Coat Armour is the snake. The following are also found: The Asp, Lizard, Adder, Viper, Crocodile, etc. Rere-Mouse. A bat. Resarcelee. A cross is so termed when voided and open at each end. Resignant. Applied to the tail of a lion when it is hid. Respectant or Respecting. Applied to tame animals, birds, or fish, when placed face to face. Resplendent. Applied to the sun when surrounded with rays of glory. Rest, Clarion or Claricord. A difference of opinion exists as to what the charge represents. Some blazon it a horseman's rest, and assert that it was the rest in which the tilting spear was fixed. Others contend that it was a wind instrument, and blazon it Clarion, or Claricorde. Some consider them to be Sufflues, instruments which transmit the wind from the billows to the organ, while others term them brackets or organ rests. See Clarion. Rest. See Perch, or rest for a Falcon. Resting or Reposing. Said of a hind or other animal resting a foot upon any object, as a lion resting his dexter foot upon a book. Restriall. An ancient term for barrypaly, and pily. Retaille. Cutaway, and an Escutcheon is termed Retaille when cut into three traits by two lines in bend-sinister. Retierce. The field divided into three parts fesssways, each of which is again divided into three parts paleways, making nine equal squares, and properly expressed as paly and fesse nine. Retorted. Applied to serpents when fretted, in the form of a knot. Retracted. Cut off. A pale retracted. Retranche. A term, signifying that the escutcheon is twice cut athwart bendways, or doubly cut in bend dexter, when it is said to be tranché and retranche. Reverberant. Same as Reboundant. Reversed or Inverted. Contrary to each other, or contrary to the usual position, as a Leopard's face jessant-de-lis reversed. Reversed-Endorsed. Turned back to back. Reversie. Reversed or transposed. Revertant or Reverted. Flexed and reflexed, or bending in the form of an S. Reverted also used to express anything turned upside down, as an arrow, etc., with point upwards. Revestu. The same as Vestu. Reveyns. An old term for Ravens. Reynard. A fox. Rhinoceros. A large animal having a horn in his front, and a skin full of wrinkles, which is so hard that it can scarcely be pierced by a sword. Riband or Ribbon. A subordinary containing the eighth part of the bend. The Ribbon applied as a difference of the younger sons is of very high antiquity. Ribbon. Part of the insignia of an order of Knighthood. Ring. Called a Gem-Ring. Ringant or Rangant. An old term lor the Bull, etc. Ringdove. A species of pigeon. Rings-Interlaced. See Annulets. Rising. A term applied to birds when preparing to fly. Rizom. The corn or fruit of tlie Oat is not generally termed the ear, but the rizom. Roach. A fish. Robe. Sometimes called the Mantle, distinguishes the rank of the bearer by the number of guards or rows of Fur on the dexter side. That of a Duke should have four guards of ermine, that of a Marquis three and half. An Earl three, a Viscount two and half, a Baron two. The two last should be plain Fur. The arms within this mantle are those of the Marquess of Queensbury, quarterly 1st and 4th, ar. a human heart gu. Imperially crowned ppr. for Douglas; 2nd and 3rd, az. a bend betw. six cross crosslets fitchee or. for Marr, all within a border of the last, charged with the double treasure of Scotland. Robin or Robin Redbreast. A pretty little bird with a red breast. Rock. A stony mass. Emblem of Security. Roe or Roebuck. A species of deer. Roele. See Rowel. Roll or Row. A wreath. Roll of Arms. Heraldic records of armorial insignia. Roman &. Borne by the name of And. Roman pilum, or pile. A javelin. Rompe or Rompu. Broken. Rondeus. See Ronndles. Roofed. When a building has a roof of a different tincture to the other part. Rook. Or Crow. Rooks. Pieces used in the game of Chess. Root. A golden-root. Root of a Tree, couped and erased. The same as a stump or stock couped and eradicated. Rope tassel and ring. A Lure is sometimes thus blazoned. Rose. Is borne depicted naturally and heraldicly. The Heraldic Rose is always shewn full blown, with the petala, or flower-leaves expanded, seeded in the middle, and backed by five green barbs, or involuera; this Rose, when gules, is ever to be called proper, whereas the rose borne naturally, is always when gules termed proper, and is always stalked and leaved, and termed a Rose slipped. The Heraldic Eose may be of any tincture, and is said to be barbed and seeded of such a colour, which must be expressed, unless the seeds are yellow and the barbs vert, when it is blazoned a Rose of such a colour, seeded and barbed proper. The Rose is used as a distinction fcr the seventh son. See Distinction of Houses. Rose Heraldic. The White Rose the badge of the House of York, and the Red Rose the badge of the House of Lancaster. The White and Red-Rose united and imperially crowned is the Badge of England. Also termed a Double Rose. Rose, stalked and leaved. Also termed a Damask-rose, stalked and leaved. Rose and Thistle. Conjoined and imperially crowned the Badge of James. Rose-en-Soleil. A white rose, surrounded by rays. Roselettes. Single roses, having five leaves each. Rosemary. A plant. Rosary. A chaplet of beads, with cross attached. Rostral Crown. Lipsicus, in his treatise on the Roman milita, fancies the Corona Navalis and the Rostrata to have been two distinct crowns, though generally believed to be one, and the same crown. See Crown Naval. Rouge-Croix or Rouge Cross. The title of one of the Pursuivants of Arms. Rouge-Dragon. The title of one of the Pursuivants of Arms. Round Tops of Masts. Represented so as to show the particular part of the mast to which it belongs, and are sometimes blazoned pieces of masts, with their round tops. Roundelly. Strewed with Roundles. Roundles. Round figures which may be charged with any figure. In blazon change their names according to the different tinctures of which they are composed, except when they are counter-changed. When or. they are called Bezants. When argent = Plates. Gules = Torteau. Azure = Hurts. Vert = Pomeis. Sable = Pellets, or Ogresses. Purpure = Golpes. Tenné = Oranges. Sanguine = Guzes. Barry wavy, ar. and az. Fountains. These figures are all globular, except the bezant, plate, and fountain. Rousant or Rowsand. Rising. When applied to the Swan the wings are to be endorsed. Rowel or Roele. The point of a spur turning on an axis. Row-Gally. A Lymphad. Rowan-Tree. A mountain ash. Rowsand. Rising. Rowsing. Putting up, and driving a hart from its resting place. Rowt. A term to express a number of wolves together. Royal Antler. The third branch of the attire of a buck, that shoots out from the rear, or main horn above the bezantlier. Royal Cadency. See Label. Royal Crown. The Imperial Crown. Royal Eagle. Same as Imperial Eagle. Royal Red Cross. A decoration instituted 23rd April, 1883, for rewarding services rendered by certain persons in nursing the Sick and Wounded of the Army and Navy. The Decoration may be conferred upon any Ladies, whether subjects or foreign persons, who may be recommended to Her Majesty's notice by the Secretary of State for War for special exertions in providing for the nursing, or for attending to, sick and wounded soldiers and sailors. This Decoration maybe conferred upon any Nursing Sister, whether subjects or foreign persons, who may be recommended to Her Majesty's notice by the Secretary of Slate for War, or, as the case may be, by the First Lord of the Admiralty through the Secretary of State, for special devotion and compe- tency which they may have displayed in the nursing duties with the Army in the Field, or in the Naval and Military Hospitals. Badge of the Decoration, a Cross enamelled crimson, edged with gold, having on the Arms thereof the words. Faith, Hope, Charity, with the date of the institution of the Decoration; the centre having thereon the Queen's Effigy. On the reverse side Her Majesty's Royal and Imperial Cypher and Crown shown in relief on the centre. The Riband is dark blue edged red, one inch in width, tied in a bow, and worn on the left shoulder. Royal standard of Great Britain and Ireland. A banner containing the arms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, quartered. Royalty, Ensigns of. As the Crown, sceptre, swords, mound, or orb, etc. Roys. Old English for rows or lines. Royne. See Grose. Ruby. A precious stone, used to express gules. Rue. A small shrubby plant. The collar of The Most ancient Order of the Thistle is composed of thistles and sprigs of rue. Rue Crown. The Arms of Saxony on an inescutcheon Barry of ten or. and sa., a Rue Crown in bead vert; also termed a bend trefle. Ruffles. Frills-worn over the wrists. Rudder of a Ship. Should be represented hooked. It is sometimes borne with a handle. Ruddock. A robin or redbreast. Rule. See Yard-Measure. Rules of Blazon. See Blazon. Rundles. See Roundles. Rushes. Plants with long slender stems, which grow in watery lands. Russet. A grey colour. Rustre or Ruster. A lozenge pierced round in the centre. They are called by some incorrectly Mascles, pierced round. Ruther. See Helm. Rye, Ear of. Generally called ryestalk, or stalk of rye, with the ear bent downwards.
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