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Armorial Gold's Heraldry Dictionary

This heraldry dictionary is based on the works of Elvin (edited by Marvin Beatty) from his original manuscript of 1879. Corrections have been made, and additions from the Armorial Gold Library have been added. You are welcome to use this heraldry dictionary as a reference tool without fee. This is copyrighted material and as such may not be reproduced in "any way" without the expressed written permission of Armorial Gold. Thank You for your Cooperation.
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Heraldry Dictionary Section F

Face. A Fesse.

Fasce. Same as Barry.

Faced or Faced-lined. That part of the lining of anything which turns outward.

Fagot. A bundle of wood.

Faillis. The fracture in an ordinary as if a splinter had been taken from it.

Faith. A hand in hand clasped, is so termed.

Falchion or Faulchion. A broad sword.

Falcon or Hawk. In Heraldry is always represented close, if not mentioned to the contrary, and usually borne with bells on its legs, when it is termed a Falcon belled. If represented with hood, virols, or rings, and leashes, then it is said to be hooded, jessed, and leashed, and the colours must be named.

Falcon's Lure. See Hawk's Lure.

False. Voided. An Orie is blazoned as a "false escutcheon" by the early Heralds. An Annulet, as a False Roundle. A Cross voided, as a False Cross.

False Heraldry. That which is contrary to the rules of the science.

Fan. A well-known hand ornament used by ladies to cool themselves by agitating the air.

Fan, Winnowing Basket, Shruttle or Fruttle. A Fan by which the chaff is blown away.

Farsoned. The projecting, or coping stone of a battlement.

Fasce or Fasicle. The same as Faggot.

Fascis. The Roman-Fasces, or Lictors rods. A bundle of polished rods, in the middle of which was an axe, to express the power of life and death. It was carried before the Eoman Consuls, by the lictors as an ensign of the superior magistrates. The Fasces are now frequently given to those who have held magisterial offices.

Fascia. A Fesse.

Fascines. Fagots of small wood bound by withes, used in military operations.

Fascicle Gemellee and Fasciolas Duplices. Is the same as Bar-gemel.

Faux-Roundlets. Rourdlets voided of the field, i.e. an annulet.

Fawcon. See Falcon.

Fawn. A young deer.

Feathers of Birds, but more particularly of the Ostrich, are borne in Coat Armour. See Plume of Ostrich-Feathers.

Feathered, Flighted, or Plumed. As an arrow-flighted.

Feeding. The same as Preying.

Feeding. See Browsing.

Feers. Horse-shoes.

Femau. See Fermaile.

Femme. See Baron and Femme.

Fendue-en-pal. The same as voided per-pale.

Fenyx. See Phoenix.

Fer de fourchette. All Crosses so termed when the extremities end with a forked iron.

Fer de Moline, Mouline, Millrind or Mill-ink. An iron affixed to the centre of the mill stone.

Fermaile, Fermaulx, Fermeau or Fermeux. The buckle of a military belt. See also Buckle.

Fern. A plant.

Ferr. A horse-shoe.

Ferrated. Adorned with horse-shoes.

Ferret. An animal.

Ferrule, Ferral or Verule. A metal ring on the handle of a tool, or end of a baton. See Veruled. These terms are sometimes applied to the annulet.

Fess or Fesse. One of the honourable ordinaries, formed by two horizontal lines drawn across the field. The Fesse occupies the third of the field, and like the other ordinaries, is subject to all the accidental lines as Engrailed, Wavy, etc. When the Fesse is placed higher than the centre, it is said to be transposed; and when below the centre, it is termed abaisse. The diminutives of the Fesse are the Bar, Closet, and Barrulet. These are also subject to the accidental lines; e.g. Three Bars Nowy, two Closets, or Cottises Fleury.

Fesse Zodiac. With three signs on it, viz. Libra, Leo and Scorpio.

Fesse. In Fesse - a term to express the position of charges when they occupy the position assigned to that ordinary.

Fesse per, Party per Fesse. Divides the field horizontally through the middle; it was anciently called Fessely. Observe that Per-Fesse is quite sufficient in blazon. This per-fesse line is subject to all the accidental forms of crooked lines, as Per-Fesse engrailed, wavy, etc.

Fesse-en-Devise. A term for a Bar.

Fesse Point. See Points of the Escutcheon.

Fesse-Target. An old term for Escutcheon of Pretence.

Fessewise, Fesseways, or In Fesse. Implies any charge placed or borne in Fesse; i.e. in a horizontal line across the shield.

Fessely. Party per fesse.

Feswe. A Fusil.

Fetlock or Fetterlock. A horse fetlock.

Feudal Arms. See Arms Feudal.

Feuille-de-Scie. A Fesse, or Pale indented on one side with small teeth like the edge of a saw.

Fiche. See Fitchee.

Field of a Coat of Arms. The surface of the escutcheon, or shield.

Fiend or Fury's Head. Also termed Satan's Head. The head of a man couped at the neck in profile, and having ears like the wings of a Dragon.

Fiery Furnace. A furnace with a melting pot thereon.

Fife. A small pipe used as a wind instrument, and borne by the name of Pipe.

Figetive. See Fitche.

Figure. A character denoting a number.

Figured. Charges on which human faces are depicted, are blazoned figured.

Filberts. See Nut.

Filde. See Field.

File. An instrument used by Smiths.

File or Label. A mark of Cadency. See Label.

File of three points fixed, or extending to the base; also termed chief removed and three pales conjoined.

Filiere or Filet de b�tardise. Fillet of Bastardy.

Fillet. A diminutive of the chief, being one fourth of that ordinary.

Fillet of Bastardy. A baton in bend sinister.

Fimbriated. An ordinary, or charge, having an edge or Bordure all round it, is called "Fimbriated."

Finch. A bird.

Finned. Applied to fishes when their fins are of a different tincture to their bodies.

Finyx. See Phoenix.

Fir-pine. Fir Tree.

Fire. See also Bonfire.

Fire-ball. A grenade.

Fire Beacon. See Beacon.

Fire-brand. Generally represented Raguly.

Fire-chest or Fire-Pan. A large iron box.

Fire, flames of. See Inflamed or Enflamed.

Fired. Same as Inflamed.

Firey Furnace. See Fiery Furnace.

Firme or Forme. A term used for a cross pattee, when it extends to each side of the shield; the same as a cross pattee throughout, or entire.

Fish. In great variety, are met with in Coat Armour, e.g. The Whale, Salmon, Pike, etc. When a Fish is borne in fesse, i.e. as if swimming, it is termed Naiant; if with the head erect, it is termed Haurient; if with the head downwards, Urinant. In blazoning Fish, when the fins are of a different colour to the body, they are said to be finned of such a tincture. If with their mouths open they are termed Pawns, or Pame. In the early church a fish was generally used by Christians as a symbol of their faith.

Fish-Weir. See Weir.

Fissure. The fourth part of the Bend Sinister.

Fitche, Fitch�e, Fiche, Fitched or Fitchy. From the Latin figo to fix or fasten; a term applied to a cross, the lower extremity of which is sharpened to a point, to enable those Primitive Christians who originally carried them on their pilgrimages to easily fix them in the ground.

Five Leaved Grass. See Cinquefoil.

Fixed. Crosses, when attached to the side of the escutcheon, are said to be fixed, throughout, or entire.

Flag. An Ensign or Colour. The depth from chief to base is termed the "hoist," and the length is called the "Fly." See term Banner, Standard, and Ensign.

Flag of England. The Union Jack.

Flag of St. George. A white Flag with a red cross.

Flag. An aquatic plant.

Flagelet. A wind instrument.

Flagged. i.e. decorated with a flag, as a castle flagged.

Flagon. Generally depicted as a covered cup.

Flail. Two long staves connected by a leather thong, by which grain is beaten out of the ear.

Flambeau. See Fire-brand.

Flamant, Flammant, Flambant, Flaming or Burning. As a Fire-brand.

Flanch, Flanque, Flasque or Flaunche. Is an ordinary made by an arched line that swells towards the centre, and is always borne in couples. The diminutive of the flanch is the Voider; it resembles a Flanch, but is not so circular toward the centre of the field, and it should be depicted much less in breadth.

Flanched. Glover gives as the arms of a natural son of one of the Fitz-Alans, Ralph de Arundel, a shield of Fitz-Alan, flanched ar.; that is, a shield ar., having flanches of Fitz-Alan and Warrenne quarterly.

Flanked or Flanque. See Flanch.

Flanque point of the escutcheon. The same as Base Point.

Flasque. See Flanch.

Fleam. A surgical instrument.

Fleam. An instrument used by farriers. Some writers call them Crampoona; but properly Cramp.

Flechas. Arrows.

Flect, Flectant and Flected. Bowed, or bent in contrary directions. See Reflected.

Fleece. The skin of a Ram with the wool on, commonly called the Golden Fleece.

Flegme. See Fleam.

Flesh-hook. An instrument used for taking meat out of a seething-pot, or caldron.

Fletched. Feathered as an arrow.

Fleur-de-lis, contracted de-lis. Also termed Flower-de-luce; is variously depicted. As to its origin antiquaries are at variance, some supposing it to be the flower of the iris, others that of the common lily, whose name "lys" has a certain resemblance to that of Leys, or Louis, a common name of the Kings of France, while a third party, with perhaps more probability, suppose it to be the head of a partizan, or halberr. When the field, or any charge, is promiscuously scattered over with de-li', it is termed strewed, powdered, or replemished with fleur-de-lis; or it is said to be Sem�e-de-lis.

Fleuronee and Fleur-de-lisse. Is the same as Botonn�e, Buttony and Budded Florett�e, or Flurty.

Fleury, Fleurty, Floretty, Flurt or Flury. Said of anything ending with a fleur-de-lis, sometimes termed Fleurette. Differenced from the cross-flory, by having a line between the ends of the cross and the flowers.

Fleury contre fleury. See Flory counter-flory.

Flexed. Bent, or bowed.

Flies. Are borne by the family of Muschamp, no doubt in allusion to the name; Musca is the Latin for Fly.

Flighted. Applied to an arrow denotes that it is feathered.

Flint-stone. As in the Arms of Flint.

Flintstone. A gunstone, or Pellet.

Flint-stone chained. Called also a murdering chain-shot. See Chain Shot.

Float. An instrument used by Bowyers, and borne as part of their armorial ensign.

Flook or Flounder. A small fish.

Florette-de-lis. Same as Sem�e-de-lis. See Sem�e.

Floretty. See Fleury.

Flory or Floree. An ordinary is said to be flory when the edge is ornamented with fleur-de-lis.

Flory, counter-flory counter-flowered, fleury, flurty or floretty. Terms to ex-press an ordinary, when the edges are charged with fleur-de-lis, the tops of the fleur-de-lis being shewn on one edge, and the bottom of the fleur-de-lis directly on the opposite edge, and so reversed alternately.

Flory-de-lis. Same as Semee-de-lis.

Flotant. Any thing flying in the air, as a banner displayed, or Flotant. It is also applicable to any thing swimming.

Flouke. See Fluke.

Flounder. A fish.

Flourette and Flourished. Adorned with Fleur-de-lis, Trefoils, etc.

Flowers. Are of common use in Heraldry. Rose, Lily, Pansy, Daisy, Primrose, etc.

Flower-de-lices, Flower-de-luces. Flower-de-lyses. Same as Fleur-de-lis.

Flower of the Flag. The Fleur-de-lis is sometimes called the Flower of the Flag.

Flower of the French. The Fleur-de-lis.

Flowered, and Counter Flowered. Same as Flory, counter-flory.

Fluke. A flounder.

Fluke, or Flouke of an Anchor. The semicircular barbed part, by which it takes hold of the ground.

Flures. The fleur-de-lis.

Flury or Flurry. Same as Flory.

Flurt. Same as Fleury.

Flute. A wind instrument.

Fluting. The furrows in a column.

Fly of a Flag. The length, outside, or extremity.

Fly. See Butterfly, Gad Fly, and Harvest Fly.

Flying-column. More properly, a column with wings, or winged.

Foils. See Cinquefoils, Trefoils, etc.

Foliage. The leaves of a tree, or branch.

Foliated. Leaved.

Fondant. Stooping for prey.

Forcene. Said of a horse rearing.

Forche or Fourch�e. Divided into two parts towards the extremity.

Foreright. Same as Affront�e.

Fore-shortened. Animals, or birds, so borne that thier whole length is not seen, by either turning towards or from you.

Fore-staff or Cross-staff. Marked with the degrees of latitude.

Forest-bill. Also termed a Wood-Bill. An instrument used for lopping trees, etc.

Fork. An instrument with handle and metal blade divided into two or more points, as a Pitch-fork.

Forked. Branching into two parts.

Form or Seat. The resting place of a hare.

Fortified. Applied to a wall fortified with towers.

Fountain, Syke or Well. Terms which are always applied to a roundle barry wavy of six ar. and az. These should now be blazoned "Heraldic Fountains", in order to distinguish them from Modern Fountains, which have been introduced into Coat Armour, and which are generally borne playing. In the latter, the number of basins should be named; in a modern grant a fountain is depicted.

Fourchee or Fourchi. The same as Forked.

Fox. A wild animal.

France, emblem of. See Tricolore.

France, Label of. A label az., charged with fleur-de-lis.

Frasier, Frases or Fraze. The same as Cinquefoil; sometimes termed a primrose.

Fresne. Said of a horse rearing, or standing on his hind legs.

Fret. Consists of two long pieces in saltire, extending to the extremities of the field, and interlaced within a mascle. It is sometimes termed a true-lovers knot, and sometimes a Harrington Knot.

Fret-per or Parted per fret. Also termed barry per-fret.

Fretted or Frett�e. Interlaced one with the other.

Fretty. An even number of pieces crossing bendways, dexter and sinister, and interlacing each other.

Friar or Grayfriar. A member of a religious order is met with in Heraldry.

Frighted. Same as Fresne, applied to a horse rearing.

Frill. An edging.

Fringed. Edged with fringe.

Fritillaria Meleagris. A flower.

Front or Frontal. The front of anything, as a cap ; also applied to ornaments which adorn the head of men and women.

Frontal. A piece of armour put upon the forehead of a horse.

Frontlet. A fore-head band.

Fruits. Much used in armoury, and when stalked or leaved must be mentioned. Grapes, Pine-Apple, Apples, Pears, Cherries, etc.

Fructed. Bearing Fruit. The tincture of the fruit must be named, as an Oak Tree ppr.

Fruttle. A winnowing-fan.

Fulgent. Having rays.

Full-course. Same as Courant.

Fument, Fumant or Fumid. Emitting smoke.

Funeral Achievements or Hatchment. Is the Coat of Arms painted and framed. The frame is lozenge shaped, and covered with black cloth. It is placed on the front of the house on the morning of interment, where it generally remains for twelve months, and thence is removed and frequently put up in the Church. The anus on a Hatchment are always painted as borne by the party when living, so that the Hatchment of a Peer is known by his Coronet, Mantle, etc. A Baronet by his Badge; a Knight by his Helmet, or Badge and Motto of his Order; a Bishop by the Mitre, etc.; a Bachelor's by his Shield; and a Maid, or Widow's by her Lozenge; the only difference is, that when a married woman dies before her husband the Crest is omitted. To distinguish what party is dead, the ground on which the arms are painted, is represented either Black or White, or one side White, the other Black. Thus the Arms of a Bachelor, Maid, Widow and Widower, are painted upon a Black ground. When a married woman dies, her husband still surviving, the sinister half of the ground is painted Black, the dexter White. If a married man dies, and his wife survives, the ground is painted the reverse. In many instances, instead of the family motto, the words "In cœlo quies" or "Resurgam" are placed on the Hatchment.

Furisons. The steel used for striking fire from a flint.

Furnace. See Fiery-Furnace.

Furnished. A Horse is said to be furnished when completely caparisoned. It also applies to a stag furnished with (giving the number) antlers.

Furs. Used for the linings of robes of state, and the linings of mantles. They are also borne on the shield and charges, and are as follows: Ermine, Ermines, Erminites, Erminois, Pean, Vair, Counter Vair, Potent, CounterPotent, or Cuppa, Vair in point, Vairo, and Vaire-Ancient. See each under its respective term; also under the term Tincture. Metals and colours may be placed on them.

Fusee. The same as Fusil.

Fusil. A kind of spindle used in spinning.

Fusil on a Spindle. Termed also a Fusil, or quill of yarn.

Fusily or Fusilly. Covered with fusils.

Fusillee. Same as Fusily.



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The Heraldry Dictionary by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services is provided as a free resource tool for Heraldry enthusiasts. The Heraldry Dictionary and the information contained therein, has been researched through original manuscripts and Armorial Gold’s own sources.  Reproduction in any form is prohibited. All rights reserved.