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Armorial Gold's Heraldry Dictionary

This heraldry dictionary is based on the works of Elvin (edited by Marvin Beatty) from his original manuscript of 1879. Corrections have been made, and additions from the Armorial Gold Library have been added. You are welcome to use this heraldry dictionary as a reference tool without fee. This is copyrighted material and as such may not be reproduced in "any way" without the expressed written permission of Armorial Gold. Thank You for your Cooperation.
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Heraldry Dictionary Section L

Label, Lambeaux or File. A Mark of cadency used to distinguish the arms of the eldest son. See Distinction of Houses. All the Members of the Royal Family use the Label extending across the shield, each being charged with different figures, except that of the Prince of Wales, which is plain.

Label. A name given to the ribbons that hang down from a mitre or coronet; the scroll on which the motto is placed is also termed a Label, Scroll, or Slip.

Labent. See Gliding.

Laced. Adorned, or fastened with a lace.

Lacs d'amour. True love knot.

Lady. A title properiy belonging to the daughters of all Peers above the rank of viscount; it is, however, by courtesy, now invariably extended to the wives of Baronets, and Knights of every degree.

Lady. As a Crest and Supporter, is frequently met with in Coat-Armour, and is blazoned either as a Lady, Female figure, or Woman.

La-fleur-du Maistre. See Marygold.

Lama. An animal.

Lamb. Frequently used as a bearing in Heraldry, without the banner.

Lamb-holy, or Paschal Lamb. Also termed the Lamb of God. Is a Lamb passant, holding a banner argent, charged with a cross gules (the cross of St. George), and circle of glory over the head.

Lambeaux. See Label.

Lambeaux per long. So termed when the points fall to the fesse point.

Lambeauxed. The same as Dovetailed.

Lambel. See Label. 

Lambent. See Gliding.

Lambrequin or Lamequin. The mantle or hood, intervening between the helmet and Crest, always represented flotant.

Lambrequin. A term anciently applied to the points which hang from the straight lines of the label.

Laminated or Scaled. Having scales.

Lampagoe or Lampargoe. See Limpago.

Lamprey$. A fish.

Lampargoe. See Limpago.

Lampasse. The same as Langued.

Lancaster Rose. A Red Rose.

Lance. A spear.

Lancet. A sharp pointed, two-edged surgical instrument.

Landscapes, or Landskips. Are sometimes granted in Modern Coats. They are False Heraldry, in as much as it is impossible so to blazon them in heraldic terms that a person can paint or engrave them without having seen the original grant.

Land-tortoise. See Tortoise.

Langued. A term to express the tongue of beasts when of a different tincture to that of the body. The tongue, when red, need not be expressed, as it is always understood to be of that colour.

Lantern. A ship's lamp, or lantern.

Lapped. The same as Wreathed.

Lapwing or Pewit. A bird.

La-quise. See A-la-Quise.

Lark. A bird.

Larmes or Larmettes. Guttée de. Liquid drops representing tears. See Guttée.

Lash. See Scourge.

Lattice, Tirlace or Treilée. Consist of bars crossing one another at right angles, which do not interlace, but are nailed together at tlie crossings sometimes termed Fret-cloué.

Launce. A tilting spear.

Laurel. The leaves, sprigs and branches of which are of common use in Coat Armour.

Lavender. A plant. A chaplet of Lavender is borne by the name of Lavender, and a Garb of Lavender by Ducket.

Layer or Laver-cutter. See Coulter.

Layer. At Layer, the same as lodged.

Lead-line. A plummet and line. Used by Mariners to sound the depth of the sea.

Leaf. See Leaves.

Leaping or Skipping. A term applied to beasts of the chase when in the position of courant; also to the Crocodile, Salamander, Cameleon, Newte, Asker, Spider, Ant, etc., when borne erect.

Leash. A band wherewith to bind anything; also a leather thong with a button at the end, by which Falconers (having run it through the varvels) hold the Hawk fast upon the hand. The term is also applied to the line which passes from the collar of one greyhound to another.

Leash. A term used for three birds, bucks, foxes, hares, etc.

Leashed. Having a leash, or thong.

Leaves. Of all kinds are born in Heraldry. e.g. The Aspen, Bay, Elm, Elder, Hazel, Holly, Laurel, Mulberry, Oak, Vine, etc. Leaves are always erect if not otherwise named.

Leaved. Said of any plant when its leaves are of a different tincture to the stem.

Le Bourlet. The Wreath, or Torse.

Legs. Of Men, Animals, and Birds, are of common use in Heraldry. Animals legs are termed Gambs which see. Birds legs, when erased, are termed A-la-Quise to which refer. Men's legs are borne in various ways in Coat-Armour, and each form should lie particularly expressed in blazon; but it is always to be understood that when a man's leg is blazoned couped, or erased at the thigh, it is to be bent at the knee, whether cIad in armour or not

Legged or Membered. See Bird.

Leish. See Leash.

Lentally. The same as Indented.

Leonced. See Decorated.

Leopard. The positions of the Leopard are blazoned by the same terms as those of Lions. A Leopard's head, i.e. when depicted with the neck is always blazoned a Leopard's Head. When no part of the neck appears it is blazoned a Leopard's-face, and is always guardant. A Leopard's-face jessant-de-lis, is depicted with a fleur-de-lis in its mouth, the top shewing above the head.

Leopardy or Leopardé. A French term for a Lion passant guardant.

Le tout de tout. When an in-escutcheon is surmounted of another it is said to be Le tout de tout.

Letters. Of the Greek, Hebrew, Roman, Text, and other Alphabets are borne in Coat Armour, either singly, or in words, e.g. The Greek Alpha A and O Omega form part of the arms of the Regius Professor of Greek at Cambridge.

Leure. See Lure.

Levant. Rising, a term applied to birds.

Level. An instrument used by Masons.

Lever. A name sometimes given to the Cormorant.

Leveret. A young hare. Borne by the name of Leverington.

Levyd. Leaved.

Lewre. See Lure.

Lezard. See Lizard.

Libarde or Libbarde. A Leopard.

Lictor's-rod. See Fasces.

Lie. French-Heralds use this term to express strings.

Lighter. A heavy boat.

Lily of the Flag. A Fleur-de-lis.

Lily of the Garden. Or White Lily. The emblem of purity.

Limb of a Tree. A bend of the limb of a tree raguled and trunked.

Limbeck, Alembic or Still. Is the vessel through which distilled liquors pass into the recipient.

Linime of a Tree. See Limb of a Tree.

Limpago. A Lion's body with human face and flowing hair. It is generally represented as a Lion's body, the face of a man with the scalp and horns of a Bull.

Linden. Lime-Tree.

Lined or Doubled. A term applied to the inner covering, or lining of a mantle, robe, cap, etc.

Lined. When a line is affixed to a collar, which enriches the neck of any animal, it is termed collared and lined.

Lines of Partition. Also Dancette, Dovetailed, Engrailed, Embattled, Indented, Invecked, Nebule, Potent, Raguly, Wavy, etc.

Ling. A fish.

Lingued. See Langued.

Link. Shackle.

Linked. Conjoined.

Linnet. A bird.

Lion. The noblest of all wild beasts, which is made to be the emblem of strength and valour, and is on that account the most frequently borne in Coat-Armour, as a Charge, Crest and Supporter. The Heraldic Lion is always armed and langued gules unless such be the tincture of the field, when, if not named to the contrary, it is azure. See Languid.

Lion of England. A term used when speaking of an augmentation of arms, such as a Canton Gules charged with a Lion passant-guardant or. which may be blazoned on a Canton a Lion of England.

Lion's-Gambe; the whole fore leg. The Paw is the foot couped or erased near the middle joint.

Lionced. Adorned with lion's heads. When the limbs of a cross terminate in the heads of lions, it is termed a Cross Lionced, or Leonced.

Lioncel, Lionelor or Lionceau. A name given to Lion's when more than three are borne in a shield.

Lionne. A term applied to the leopard when rampant.

Lis. A contraction of Fleur-de-lis.

Liston. The scroll or ribbon upon which the motto or device is inscribed.

Lists. Enclosed spaces for holding Tournaments.

Litre. A French term for a funeral girdle, depicted on the wall of a church, with the arms of the Lord of the Manor.

Litvit's Skin. A pure white fur.

Livery-colours. Frequently correspond with the first two tinctures named in blazoning the coat of arms.

Lizard or Lezard. An animal of the Lynx, or wild cat kind, of a dark brown colour, spotted black, with short ears and tail.

Lizard or Eft. A small animal of the crocodile species.

Lizare or Lisere. Bordered, edged, or fimbriated.

Loach. A fish.

Lobster. A crustaceous animal, sometimes used in Coat Armour, and is borne by the name Banester, Dikes, etc.

Loch. A lake.

Lodged. A term applied to beasts of chase when lying at rest. Beasts of prey are couchant.

Log-line. A line used for ascertaining the speed of a vessel.

Lolling. Expresses the position of an eagle in the act of feeding upon its prey when the wings hang down.

Long-bow. See Bow.

Long-per. When the fitched part of a cross is longer tlian the other limbs it is said to be per-long.

Looking back. When a lion is rampant towards the sinister, with the head turned, looking backwards.

Loop-holes. Long and square are often borne in battlements, castles, towers, etc.

Looring-tonges. See Closing-tongs.

Lopped or Snagged. Couped, shewing the thickness.

Lord. A title of three-fold application. Firstly: To Peers of the Realm, or Lords of Parliament, below the rank of Duke. Secondly: It is bestowed on several high offices, and belongs to the office, as the Lord Chancellor, Lord Chamberlain, etc. The Mayor's of London, York, and Dublin, have also this title during the Mayoralty. Thirdly: To those persons who, without being Peers, enjoy the title of Lord by courtesy, such as the sons of Dukes, Marquesses, and the eldest sons of Earls.

Lou, Loup or Loupe. A wolf.

Loup-cervier. A large kind of wolf.

Lowered. The same as Abaisse.

Lozenge. The Lozenge is a rhomboidal figure that has equal sides, and unequal angles. The arms of all Maidens and Widows are borne in a Lozenge.

Lozenge-Grand. When the lozenge reaches every way to the centre of the escutcheon it is called a Grand Lozenge, or a Lozenge throughout.

Lozengee or Lozengy. Terms to express the field when covered with lozenges of alternate tinctures.

Lozengie. A shield, or charge, divided or parted Lozenge-ways.

Lozengy-Barry, Barry-lozengy or Barry-indented. Is formed by bend lines, dexter and sinister, crossed by lines barways. See Barry Indented.

Lozengy-Masculy. Formed like lozenges but every alternate one is perforated, and forms a mascle, through which the field is seen. Masculy-conjoined.

Lozengeways. Any thing placed in the form of a lozenge.

Luce or Lucy. A fish, the Pike.

Lumieres. The eyes.

Lumphad. See Lymphad.

Luna. The moon. In blazon is used to express argent.

Lunel. Four crescents in cross, with their horns all turned in towards each other.

L'un en l'autre. Same as counterchanged.

L'un sur l'autre. Signifies in pale.

Lupar. A wolf.

Lure or Leure. The Lure was a figure stuffed like the bird which the hawk was designed to pursue. It's use was to tempt him back after he had flown.

Lure In. Wings conjoined, with their tips turned downwards are said to be in Lure.

Lute. A musical instrument.

Lutra. See Otter.

Lybbard. See Leopard.

Lylye. Same as Lily.

Lymphad. An old fashioned ship, with one mast, and rowed with oars.

Lynx. An animal of a tawny brown colour.

Lyon, Lyoncel or Lioncel. A Lion.

Lyon, King of Arms. The chief of the Heralds Office for Scotland.

Lyre, Lyra or Lire. A musical instrument.

Lys or Lis. A fleur-de-lis.



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The Heraldry Dictionary by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services is provided as a free resource tool for Heraldry enthusiasts. The Heraldry Dictionary and the information contained therein, has been researched through original manuscripts and Armorial Gold’s own sources.  Reproduction in any form is prohibited. All rights reserved.