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KESTREL: Also known as the Sparrow Hawk, the Kestrel takes its name from the Latin "crepitare" meaning to crackle (like the sound the Kestrel makes). Winhover is an ancient term for the Kestrel, aptly named from its habit of hovering in the air with its head to the wind. The Kestrel is often used as a symbol that the bearer recognizes life's opportunities and acts upon them at the most precise and correct moment (like the Kestrel does in hunting its prey). KEYS: Borne as emblems of guardianship and dominion. Denotes liberation, knowledge, mystery, and initiation. Silver (Argent) keys usually refer to temporal power, while Gold (Or) ones refers to spiritual power. In Christianity, it is the emblem of St. Peter as the guardian of the gate of Heaven, and the key may either confine or release. KINGFISHER: Also known as the Halycon, the Kingfisher is a long-time symbol of peace and prosperity. It has many legends and superstitions surrounding it with many originating in ancient Greece; the body of the Kingfisher, if dried, could ward off thunderbolts and storms. It is said the Kingfisher is the promise of abundance, of new warmth, prosperity and love that is about to unfold within your life. In Greek mythology Alcyone, daughter of Aeolus (king of the winds), found her husband drowned and cast herself into the sea. The gods rewarded her devotion by turning her into a kingfisher, and Aeolus forbade the winds to blow during the "Halcyon Days" (the seven days before and the seven after the winter solstice, when legend has it that the kingfisher lays its eggs). Kingfishers are associated with Pallas (one of the Titans, a race of godlike giants who were considered to be the personifications of the forces of nature), Hera (the queen of the Olympian deities, the eldest daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and wife and sister of Zeus), and Thetis, one of the Nereids, the fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris who dwell in the Mediterranean Sea. These beautiful women were always friendly and helpful towards sailors fighting perilous storms. The Kingfishers are beloved by sea-nymphs (in Greek mythology, nymphs are spirits of nature, and they are minor female deities and the protectors of springs, mountains, and rivers). KITE: As we read in the book of Etymologies of Isidore: The kite (with its distinctive forked tail), milvus, derives its name from mollis volatu, weak in flight (it glides through the air). The kite signifies those who are tempted by effete pleasures; also acuity of vision; the Egyptians held the kite in high honour and the symbol may signify that the first bearer was one who accomplished a great deal with little effort. KNIGHT: Those who served the feudal kings bore arms, and persons admitted to this privilege were the king's Knights; as this distinction was limited to men of family, the word became a title of honour next to the nobility. It symbolized prowess in the field of battle; dependability beyond doubt or question; never fleeing from the face of his foes; generous to all, and always and everywhere a champion of the right and the good. The Knight or chevalier was the professional soldier of the middle ages. No Knight was thought to be properly equipped without at least three horses: the battle horse, or dexterarius, which was led by hand, and used only for the onset, the palfrey or courser, for the route, and the pack-horse for the luggage and belongings. The Knight also required several attendants: one to conduct the horses, another to bear the heaviest weapons, particularly the shield or escutcheon, one to aid his master to mount his battle horse or to raise him if dismounted, and a fourth to guard prisoners who were sought for high ransom. |
![]() Copyright ©2001-2025 - Armorial Gold Heraldry Services - Heraldry Symbolism Library by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services is provided as a free resource tool for Heraldry enthusiasts. The Heraldry Symbolism Library and the information contained therein, has been researched through original manuscripts and Armorial Golds own sources. The Heraldry Symbolism Library is provided as a free resource tool for Heraldry enthusiasts. Reproduction in any form is prohibited. |