You can always email us at or our backup email address, this form offers an alternative.
You can use this form to send us feedback or ask us a question. All Fields other than the message are optional.
If you provide an email we can respond by email, if you don't, we will respond (if a response is needed) in the site log.
We will only use your name and email information to respond, we will not share this information of use it for marketing.
Your Question, Comment of Feedback:
I am not a robot
I am a robot
I am not using this page to offer my services, or market a product or service.
Using this form to to send us commercial solicitations is forbidden, this is for legitimate queries about Heraldry or problems with the site.
We are not interested in hearing how you think you can improve our site with your product or service. Don't call us we'll call you if we think we need help. Using
this form to try to sell us your product or service will get you and your business added to our permanent banned entity list. If you are concerned about the spelling on this website, see our Spelling page.
To our human visitors: We are glad you found us, we are always happy to hear what works and what doesn't when using the site, your feedback and questions
help us improve the site. We are always and are interested in trying to help you with your projects, though some things like identifying unknown
arms are difficult. If asking us about unidentified arms, include a high quality image of the arms and information about where it was found,
country, county etc.. Outside of the UK and Ireland, most searches would require manual searches of printed lists of Arms and most of our books
index by name rather than the content of the arms.
Attention web-developer and SEO spammers:
This website has been developed by a very small internal team of artists and developers over a period of over 20 years. The site has over
1000 hand crafted HTLM pages and over 200,000 data driven pages. Our design philosophy is to present data in a concise and accurate way
for human visitors, to make the site a fast as possible by excluding superfluous content and scripts, and to not collect any data that is not
absolutely necessary to make the site work. We care little for search engines despite them being critical for people finding us.
Please annoying us with generic, offers and promises to get us a top listing on searches.