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October Gauntlet Newsletter

A Publication of Armorial Gold Heraldry Services




   This month, a collection of new daggers, a set of diamond bordures for those who use the lozenge type shield, some new garters, a nice mantling to add to your ever-growing collection, a very special Maltese Knight supporter, and for those who use an oven shield, a collection of oval bordures.

   Next month we will feature 4 new mantlings, 7 new shields and shield templates, including a wonderful new angel template; a collection of arms embowed holding various elements, and a nice collection (exclusive to AG) of circular bordures.





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Internet Explorer 7

  1. Open your IE7 from your desktop (or any way possible to get the page open, quick launch? keyboard short cut?)

  2.  Go to Tools; Choose Internet Options

  3. Click Privacy; Move the slider to the bottom; Should read Accept All Cookies, then click Apply



  1. Open your Firefox

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If you like, you can always change the setting back once your purchase is made.




The ancient Romans looked at the clove as a magical herb that created great strength and stamina. Of course you will also find it in canting arms for the surname “garlick”.




Be careful with these...


Some of you have pointed out that you have seen a fess checkie with 4 tiers....this is poor heraldry, and only if the blazon specifically indicates a change to the general rules of heraldry, should you design it this way (the fess checkie has 3 tiers)


Here are some basic reference drawings that will assist you.

  1. Bordure Checkie

  2. Bordure Compony-Counter Compony

  3. Bordure Compony

  4. Fess Checkie

  5. Bend Checkie

  6. Chief Checkie

  7. Fess Compony Ctr Compony

  8. Bend Compony Ctr Compony

  9. Chief Compony Ctr Compony

  10. Fess Compony

  11. Bend Compony

  12. Chief Compony



New this month is a peacock brush or as some call it a peacock feather fan. A symbol of eternal life. In ancient times, Juno the queen of the gods, and goddess of marriage used the peacock as one of her symbols. Germanic arms use this charge, often as a symbol of nobility and in some cases a religious symbol of the eternal life of the soul.



To Rui Valerio for providing the translation for the new full Portuguese full achievement of arms, now featured in that resource section.


We have added more textures to the Member resources page, and have added more blazons which bring the database to about 62,000...



This is mantling number 512 with a nice natural embossed look. We have also set it up with a crown instead of a wreath, if you need it.




Corel Draw Logo

We are leaving this help tip up, as more and more of you are upgrading

your Corel Draw software to X3 or X4

Corel Draw has changed some default settings in X3 and X4 that can render your vector images black, do the same for your F9 preview and in the case of X4 display your image excessively dark.



  • Top Command Bar/View Select “enhanced” and not “enhanced with overprints”;

  • Top Command Bar/Tools/Color Management Color Mode for Effects-should be set at RGB (not CMYK); 

  • Top Command Bar/Tools Select “Save Settings as default” ;

  • When importing AG graphics into X4, make sure you first group your image before using the F9 full screen preview (X3 imports the graphic already grouped).

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Site Design & Graphics by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. All Heraldry Art, Heraldry Clipart, Celtic art, Gods and Goddesses Clipart, Saints Collection, Scottish Clan Badges, Birds of Prey Clipart. Heraldic Alphabets, Irish Badges and all other heraldry or companion images contained in this site including downloads are copyright of Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. The Heraldry Clipart is hand drawn by Armorial Gold Heraldry. Heraldry art samples are provided as a courtesy to potential buyers and the heraldry samples remain the property of Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. Reproduction in any form other than in the manner stipulated in the Armorial Gold Heraldry Services license agreement or FAQ section is strictly prohibited. All heraldic and companion images purchased through this site are governed by a license agreement executed between the buyer and Armorial Gold Heraldry Services.